Portland State Magazine Spring 2008
ALUMNI NOTES Laura di Trapani '83 is owner and an imator of Film di Trapani in Portland. D i Trapani has been producing award-winning advertising, independent films, and educa– tional work since 1990. She is also an adjunct facu lty member at Portland State reaching 2D animation and time arts . Linda Johnson Eki '85 has been hired as assistant state aud– itor for the Washington State Auditor's Office in Walla Walla. Mark Funasaki '86 has been named executive vice president and chief administrative officer of Whitehall Jewelers, Inc. Funasaki works in corporate headquarters in Chicago. H e was vice president of strate- gic planning and business development at Fred Meyer Jewelers, Inc., in Portland. Donald Odermott '86 is a transportation plan- ning engineer for the city of Hillsboro. He lives in Banks with his wife, Regina. Richard Roper MBA '86 has been appointed operations manager for Standard Build– ers upply in Salt Lake City. He lives in South Jordan, Utah, with his wife, Colleen. Eileen Webb '86 has joined Vista Engineering Technologies, LLC, in Kennewick, Wash– ington, as a sen ior geologist. Webb recently completed her second term as a board member for the Oregon State Board of Geologist Examiners; she also served as board chair for one year. In addition, she is the editor and co-author of the Geology Report Guidelines. Renee Cleland '87 sang at the Oregon Symphony's 90th birth– day concert in October for Norman Leyden hcL '06, for– mer director of the symphony's Pops Series. C leland was a mem– ber of the Leyden singers after graduating from PSU. She lives in West Linn with her husband, Thane, and their two children. Carol Feuss '87 has been appointed director of develop– ment at Lansing Christian School in Lansing, Michigan. Feuss has worked with both the Michigan Nurses Association and Michigan State Un iversity College of Nursing. She is cur– rently pursuing a master's de– gree in counsel ing from Gra nd Rapids Theological Seminary. Dennis Hahn '87 is the owner of ID Branding, an advertising agency in Portland. Hahn is also an adj unct professor at Portland State. He lives in Sherwood. Bennett Hall '88 has been named special projects editor for the Corvallis Gazette-Times and the Albany Democrat-Herald. Hall was the business editor for both papers prior to his new appointment. He lives in Cor– vallis with his wife, Carla Jean. Kathi Wiley Gladson '89 celebrared a 10-year milestone with the Weight-lifting Book Club, which she established and reaches at the C lark County YMCA in Vancou– ver, Washington. Gladson believes that her strength training program is "doable for any group of women in any space." She and her husband, Don, have been married fo r 18 years and live in Va ncouver. Jin Lan '89 is president and a board member of the Oregon– Fujian (China) Sister State Asso– ciation in Portland. Lan is presi– dent of Occaxias Corporation, a government relations firm that has employees in Beijing. He lives in Vancouver, Washing– ton with his wife, Hong Liu. Nancy Ellen Rawley '89 is community outreach coordina– tor for the Jefferson High School cluster. The cluster includes Jefferson's Young Men's and Young Women's academies and eight neighborhood elementary school . Rawley lives in North Portland with her husba nd, Steven, and their two ch ild ren. 24 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE SPRING 2008 Marc Thornsbury '89 is the new executive direc– tor for the Port of Klickitat in Bingen, Washington. 1990-1999 Ronald Farnsworth '92 has been promoted to executive vice president and chief financial officer ofUmpqua Holdings Corporation and Umpqua Bank in Portland. Farnsworth was previously Umpqua's senior vice president of financial integrity. He lives in Scap– poose with his wife, Toni. Jon Yamashita '92 is vice president ofsurveying for the engineering consulting firm MacKay & Sposito, Inc. Yamashita has worked for the firm since 1992, when he was a Portland State student. He lives in Vancouver, Washing– ton, with his wife, Sonya. RourkeWendeborn'94 works for A-dee, a dentistry equipment manufacturer in Newberg. Wendeborn's father is John Wendeborn '66. Deirdre Lorenz '95 has produced her first independent feature film, Felix andAlex– andra, through her produc– tion company, Thira fi lms. She lives in New York City. Desmond Mollendor '95 will serve as general manager once Hotel Modera opens on South– west Fifth and C lay streets. Mollendor and his partners at Posh Ventures, bought the old Portland Inn City Center and are transforming it into an upscale boutique hotel. Reber Stein '95 is a member of the Sitka, Alaska, Long Range Planning and Economic Development Commission. Stein is particularly proud of his involvement with issues related to affordable hous- ing. He has lived in the Sitka area for nearly 30 years. Elise Wagner '95 exhib- ited her encauscic paintings at Butters Ga llery in Port- land in March. The show was tided "Particle Maps." Wagner lives in Portland. David Allen '96 is a certified public accountant with Cooper Norman in Boise, Idaho. Allen audits retirement homes and hospitals, and specia lizes in tax planning and finan- cia l statement preparation. Bill Masei '96 is new head footba ll coach ar Dallas High School in Dallas, Oregon. Masei was head footba ll coach at North Bend High School on the Oregon coast. He and his wife, Tobi, have three children. Chris Haberman '97 shows his art, which is painted on fo und obj ects, ar restaurants, business– es, and art galleries in the Port– land area. His work wi ll be in a show ar Rake Gallery, 325 NW Sixth in Portland, in June. Hab– erman is also a musician and an accomplished writer and poet. Melvin Riddick '97 has been selecred as a program specialist for rhe city of Portland's Office of Cable Communications and Franchise Management. Riddick lives in Portland. Brian Snodgrass MUP '97 is president and CEO of Sequoia C ustom Homes. Snodgrass is also a profes- sional warerskier and performs in rhe Portland Warer Spec– tacular Show. H e and his wife, Darcy, have three children. Robert "Bob" Ekblad MBA '98 is rhe new chief financial officer of Columbia Commer– cial Bancorp and its subsidiary, Columbia Community Bank, based in Hillsboro. Ekblad was executive vice president and chief financial officer of Town Center Bank. In 2007, he was named Portland Business journal chief financia l officer of rhe year among sma ll private companies.
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