Portland State Magazine Spring 2008
American Arc Union Couture '08 project. The New American is a contemporary arr gallery in southeast Portland. Lommas– son, a phowgrapher, has won wide acclaim for his photos on the culture of boxing gyms, many ofwhich appeared in his 2005 book, Shadow Boxers. Nancy Goldman '76, who has finished her last term as president of the Hardy Plant Society of Oregon, is leading a garden tour to Germany, Hol– land, and Belgium: "Beyond the Tulip and the Garden Gnome," Sepe. 7-15. Goldman has led numerous garden tours. For information, call 503-224-5718. Rosanna Bowles '77 estab– lished a Seattle-based tableware company, Rosanna Inc., over 25 years ago. Today the company's produces are sold worldwide and generate annual sales in rhe sev– en figures. Bowles remains pres– ident of the company and travels the world looking for new designs to introduce each year. Mike Richardson '77 signed a three-year production and distribution agreement between his company, Dark Horse Entertainment, and Uni- versal Pictures. Richardson, who founded Milwaukie-based Dark Horse Comics in 1986, created the enterrai nment company in 1992. Ir has pro– duced such hits as 7he Mask, Heflboy, and Sin City. Heflboy II will be in theaters in July. Bill Bowling '79 is the world– wide locations executive for Warner Brothers Pictures in Burbank, California. Bowl- ing has worked as a location manager in over 80 countries. During the 1970s, he taught in P U's Center for the Moving Image. He says, "The decisive time in my life was the student radicalism of the 1970s." Brian Henry '79 is chief financial officer and executive vice president of Cray Inc., a supercomputer manufactur- ing company in Seartle. 1980-1989 Michael Horowitz MUS '80, PhD '81 has been promoted to university director at theAtenisi Institute in the K ingdom of Tonga in the South Pacific. Jim Bernard '82 is mayor of Milwaukie. Bernard worked in his family's business, Bernard's Garage, for years. He also volunteers for many organiza– tions, including rhe Milwaukie Sunday Farmers Markee. Marianne Fitzgerald '82 is an air quality manager with Oregon's Department of Environmental Quality. Fitzgerald has worked for DEQ for nearly 30 years and plans to retire once she completes her current project, writing rules for a greenhouse gas reporting system. She lives in Portland with her husband, Thomas. Jim Westhusing '82 is youth coordinator for the city ofAuburn, Washington. ALUMNI NOTES Westhusing leads rhe city's summer youth programs and spring break events for children ages 11 w 16. David Leibbrandt '83 has been named president of the Portland-based engineering firm Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. Leibbrandt joined the firm in 1985 and has overseen many water, wastewater, stormwater and transportation planning de– sign projects for the region's mu– nicipalities and public agencies. David Leibbrandt '83 Update your information today so you don't miss out! Great events delivered to your inbox Susan Chan in Concert ■ Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration ■ PSU Weekend ■ Simon Benson Awards Dinner ■ Scott Burns' Wine Tour PSU Salutes ■ Business Briefings ■ Young Alumni Networking Events Viking Tailgates ■ All Steinway Concert ■ Pinot and Piano Wine Tasting Pendleton Roundup ■ Alumni gatherings in New York, San Diego, Seattle, Bend, Palm Springs, Boise ■ Central Oregon Geology Tour PSU Day in Salem ■ and so much more! Staying informed is one cl ick away '9 www.alumni.pdx.edu PSU Alumni Association PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY SPRING 2008 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE 23
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