Portland State Magazine Spring 2008

ALUMNI NOTES COMPILED BY DONNA HARRIS '07 1956-1959 The Class of 1958 is planning a 50th reunion co include classmates from 1956, 1957, and 1959! Gary Coats is chairing che event, schedu led for 0cc. 18, during PSU Weekend. Dick Matcovich and Nancy Hogerton Ebsen are working on a possible wine cour for che reunion. Also hard at work are Pete Grundfossen, Jim McGee, Jim O'Dea, and Kay Mills Piacentini. If you'd like co gee involved, e-mai l Coats at x4x3x2@msn.com and watch your mail for more details. Elia Harmon '58 retired in 1983 from Waluga Junior High School in Lake Oswego, where she continues co volunteer twice a week at che front desk or researching and compil- ing budget information. 1960-1969 Richard "Dick" Pugh '64, MST '71 is a field scientist in Porcland Stace's Geology Department. As an expert in meteorites, Pugh became particularly interested in the local Willamette meteorite fo und in 1902, and one of its discoverers, Bill Dale, who disappeared after che d iscov– ery. Pugh tracked down Dale's unmarked grave in Baker City and is now crying co purchase a headstone co give Dale his due. James Gilmer '65 is an engi– neer and senior associate in the Porcland office of David Evans and Associates, Inc. This year Gi lmer is serving as president of the American Public Works Association Scholastic Fou nda– cion. He is a life member of chat association and a member of the American Society of C ivi l Engineers and the Water Environment Federation. John Wendeborn '66 produced his 10th jazz event in November co ra ise funds for Jazz Studies in the Depa rtmenc of Music. His 2007 Vocal Madness Show, held in Portland, raised more than $1,000 for Jazz Studies. Adele Heinrich '68 was ap– pointed executive director of the Greater Poulsbo Chamber of Commerce in Washingron state. Heinrich has served as lodge administrator for the Poulsbo Sons of Norway. She previously worked in advertising for 19 years. W. Dan Manassau '68 has been elected co che board of directors of Scar One Credit Union. Ma– nassau lives in Milpitas, Cali– fornia, with his wife, Michelle. Andre Craan '69, MS '71 is the senior assessment officer and manager of the disinfectants unit of Health Canada's Bureau of Gascroenterology. Craan lives in Saint Lambert, Quebec. Curtis Heath '69, MST '76 retired as principal of Centen– nial High School in Gresham. Heath is now working part time as a supervisor for student teach– ers at Porcland Scace and Con– cordia University. He lives in Gresham with his wife, Sandra. Joseph LeBaron '69 was nominated in February by Presi– dent George Bush co be U.S. ambassador co Qatar. LeBaron, a career diplomat, served for three years as ambassador co che Republic of Mauritania before being named foreig n policy adviser at che U.S. Special Operations Command in 2006. 22 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE SPRING 2008 1970-1979 Dick Adamek '70 has been in charge of planning the 50th anniversary party for the PSU chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon. TKE is che oldest national Greek letter organization on campus. The fraternity has 610 alumni members. The 50th party is scheduled for May 17 at McMenamin's Ken- nedy School in Portland. Norman Fosback '70 has devoted his career co develop– ing investing techniques and strategies. Fosback's firm, Fosback Forecasts, Inc., pub– lishes Tnsider Trading Guide and Fosback's Fund Forecaster. He lives in Boca Raton, Florida, with his wife, Myrna. Theodore "Ted" Lawson MST '70 has retired from the state of California Employment Devel– opment Department. Lawson was a certifying officer for the federal tax credit program and the Work Opportunity Tax Credit program. He is now working as a consultant. His wife, Shirley, is also retired. Thomas Trebelhorn '70 is field manager for the Salem– Keizer Volcanoes baseball club. Trebelhorn is a former Major League Baseball manager, hav– ing coached such teams as the Milwaukee Brewers, Chicago Cubs, and Baltimore Orioles. Trebelhorn received the out– standing alumni award in 1991. David Fears '71 has a new book out tided Mark Twain, Day by Day: 1835-1885. Fears has written the first fully an– notated, day-by-day chronol– ogy of Twain's life. The book is published by Horizon Micro Publishing. Fears lives in Banks. Julie Edmister '72 has been appointed dean of the Bower Suhrheinrich College of Educa– tion and Human Services at the University of Southern Indiana. Edmister was ac Bowling Green Scace University, where she was an administrator and professor in the department of educationa l administra- tion and leadership studies. Basko Kante '73, MPA '95 retired as an aud itor with the Oregon Department of Trans– portation. He now volunteers for the Refugee Reception & Placement Program, which is helping African immigrants in Porcland and Southwest Washingron. He has lived in the Portland area since 1983 with his wife, Muna. Joe Menashe '73 is the managing principal broker for the Broadway branch of the Hasson Company Realtors. Menashe previously was the realror branch manager for Hasson. He lives in Port- land with his wife, Elissa. Molly Larson Cook '74 has established che Skylark Writing Studio in Langley, Washingron, on Whidbey Island. She leads writing workshops and retreats and consults on and produces literary performance events. John Gardin MS '75 was appoi need clinical assiscane professor at Oregon Healch & Science University. Gardin is also director ofbehaviorial health and research ac Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention & Treatment and administra– tor at SouthRiver Medical C linic, both in Roseburg. Jim Lommasson '75 was selected as one of 10 artists co receive a stipend in the New