Portland State Magazine Spring 2008
l ----------- ---------- In moving his own life forward, Richard Pimentel improved the lives of disabled people everywhere. PIMENTEL RETURNED co Portland in 1970andenrolled in a vocational rehabilitation program for returning soldiers. His goal still was co become a professional speaker, bur Veterans Administration officials declined his application on the grounds that no deaf veteran had ever succeeded in such a career. Embittered, Pimentel decided co vent his frustrations co Padcow. The young vet marched into the professor's office and shouted that he would never be able to achieve his dream; he'd gone our into the world and come back disabled. Padrow laughed. It rums our cl1ar pan of rhe Speech Department's mission was speech therapy for deaf people. "Padrow cold me, 'You bet you can learn co be a public speaker."' With Padrow's backing, Pimentel secured the rehab grant from the VA co pay his full tuition, room, and board. He starred dreaming big again, and then someone-Arc Honey– man. '65, MA '74-came into his life and set his dream in a whole new direction. Music Within is almost as much about Honeyman, who has cerebral palsy, as Pimentel. Critics have hailed British actor Michael Sheen's portrayal of Honeyman. His flailing and funny one-liners are a huge departure from his roll as Prime Minister Tony Blair in 1he Queen. Pimentel and Honeyman first met in the PSU cafeteria. Honeyman was alone, struggling co drink a Coca-Cola. "I went up co him and said, 'You appear co have a Coke problem.' I opened his Coke. Then I said, 'Don't try co talk with me; I'm deaf. I can't understand you. I read lips, and ifl read chose lips, I'll get seasick.' "Then I turned co walk away, and the most marvelous thing happened. He grabbed me and started talking co me. No one can understand Arr, because he makes all these strange noises. But guess what? They were within my hearing range." And Honeyman threw a zinger right back at Pimentel. He said, in reference co his cerebral palsy, "You better wash your hands. Ir's contagious." A friendship was born.
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