Portland State Magazine Spring 2007

ALUMNI NOTES Capital Relations ERi N HULME ' 06 says she always visualized herself moving to O.C. "Whether it was co do with international relations, policies, or inrernarional business, D.C. has it all," she says. Hulme (pronounced "Hume") has found her niche, for now, working for the United Nations Foundation. She helps develop partnerships for the foundation with corporations and nongovernmental organizations to create solutions for problem areas. "It's getting people with resources to assist those who have none," she says. One such organization is Nothing But Nets, which raises money to prevent malaria by sending bed nets to children in Africa. A native of Cottonwood, Arizona, Hulme "looked all over the country" for a college. "I wanted an urban campus where I could get real-world experience," she explains. Also, one with solid history and language departments, and a school that would allow her to study abroad (which he did, in Italy). "I picked Portland State." A 3.9 GPA graduate, she was a student ambassador for three years, serving as coordinator in her senior year, and received the President's Outstanding University Service Award in 2006. '06 William Sansone MA '99 is a Cafe, located in downtown federa l attorney and works for Vancouver, Wash ington. Judge Cha rles R. Wi lson of the United Scates Court ofAppeals Karen Hays MSW '00, a Eleventh Circuit. Sansone's licensed social worker, recently office is in Tampa, Florida. opened an office for her child therapy practice in The Dalles. 2000-2006 Erin Peterschick '00 recently married Craig Hamblin in San Francisco. Peterschick Donna Beegle EdD '00 teach- lives in O lympia, Washing- e commu nications classes at ton, with Hamblin and works Portland State and is the CEO as the project coord inacor of PovercyBridge, a nonprofit for the state's Mental Health organization located in Tigard. Transformation Project. Fadel Farran '00, Aiman Michael E. Smith PhD '00 Farran '01, a nd Sliman was promoted to associate Farran, who attended PSU, professor of management celebrated the lQ•h anniversary and international business of their family-run Medicer- at Western Carolina Univer- ranean eatery, che Jerusalem sity in orch Carolina. He 28 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE SPRING 200 7 A history major, with emphasis on 20rh-cen– cury American diplomacy, Hulme's knowledge of German and Italian gave her "a really good base of knowledge I can use any– where," Hulme says. Hulme loves living in the capital. She rooms with a friend she describes as her ''best friend since we were babies," also from Cotton– wood. On Saturday nights Erin Hulme loves living and working in Washington, D.C. she rends bar at an Irish pub, just for fun. Washington is a city of neighborhoods, she says, and in hers, storekeepers and gas srarion attendants know her by name. On the other hand, "People are very intense here. I'm really a West Coast girl. I always rhoughr I was high-strung, but found I am laid back" by comparison. Hulme eventually plans to go to grad school, but where "depends on whether I want to sray on rhe East Coast." ■ BY CLIFF CO LLINS directs the university's MBA outsourcing agency in program and maintains an Washington, D.C. Ly says, active research program with " it is so surreal that I see Lee Buddress in PSU 's School the White House twice a of Business Administration. day, on my way into the office and as I leave." Travis Cochell '01 opened Cochell Family Dentistry Tiffany Amber Jordan '02 in Salem with his wife and is working as a legal assistant fellow dentist, Christel. Both and social worker for the received their dental degrees law office of Ron nee Kliewer from Oregon Health & Sci- in downtown Portland. ence University in 2005. Laura Terrill Patten MPA '02 Jessica Guernsey Camargo is a legislative aide to rate Rep. MPH '01 is a health educa- Suzanne Bonamici in Salem. tor with the Multnomah Health Department. Jeremy Wilson '02 is the new head coach of the Dayton High Danny Ly '01, MPA '03 is School wrestling team. Wilson a federa l government rela- is also a social studies reacher at tions specialise at Accenture, Yamhill-Carlton High School. a consulting, technology, and