Portland State Magazine Spring 2007
l I ALUMNI NOTES WEST COAST BANK PORTLAND'S BUSINESS BANK Choose West Coast Bank as the Best Banking Partner Bank with the #1 Community Bank. The Portland Business Journal and the FDIC listed West Coast Bank "The #1 community bank in Portland and Vancouver."t Highest customer satisfaction of any Portland area bank rated by business customers Branch Service * Relationship Management* Operational Quality * Executive Management Access * Proud sponsor of PSU Athletics We have 60 branches in Oregon and Washington to serve you. To locate a branch nearest you visit web.com . Watch for our new branch opening on the corner of MLK & Main in July 2007! Dave Hansen Reg ional President Portland-Vancouver 503-603-8040 Check out our ATM on campus t Peter Stott Cae tthe n er! WEST COAST BANK tMeasured by Deposits Member FDIC *As cited in a recent financial survey conducted by an internationally recognized financial consulting and research institution. 24 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE SPRING 200 7 has been practicing law in Portland fo r the past 14 year . Don Hillgaertner '72 completed a short cou r in Afghan istan and is now retired from the O regon Air acional G uard after 30 yea rs of service. Brad Mersereau '73, a musician and composer, has two songs in the movie "I 1l1ink I Love My Wife." Mersereau is also a Po rcland– area philanth ropist fund ing local nonprofits chat work w ith alcoholics and drug add icts. He gives in memory of his sister Laura, who died at age 46 from alcoholism. Linda Moro '74 and Pac Burt, who has taught digital photography at PSU, have put cheir creative heads cogeeher. Their new business, Mo roBurt Creative, specializes in helping nonprofits and public agen– cies gee rheir messages ouc. Martha Bianco '75, PhD '94, once on faculty at PSU, is a basic skills educator fo r Mul t– nomah Coun ty's Department of Community Justice. She says, "My experience at PSU teaching communi ty stud- ies and working w ith strug– gling students inspi red me co pu rsue this career change." Roger Dorband '75 has cap– tured his childhood memories of living by the Rogue R iver in The Rogue: Portrait ofa River, a coffee table book of more than 150 of his photographs and 50 pages of essays. Sonja Grove MS '75, MPA '88, EdD '95 is an educational consu lta nt with che HO PE Foundation of Bloomington, Ind ia na. "My greatest desire is co provide teachers with a voice in their own school improve– ment and co make a difference in every student's life," she says. Gerald M. Hubbard '75 was elected chai rman of che Sc. James Community Foundation, which ra ises fu nds for Sisters of Sc. Fra ncis Healch Systems, Inc., and c. James H ospita l located in C hicago H eights and O lympia Fields, lllinois. Linda Gerber '76, MS '88, EdD '94 has been selected by Porcland Commun icy College co be the next president of the Sylvania campus, the largest of che college's campuses. Gerber served as interim president of che campus chis past year. Carolyn Cohen '77 has a chap– ter tided "Evaluation Lea rning C ireles: A Sole Proprietor's Evaluation-Capacity Build- ing Strategy" in New Direc– tions in Evaluation. Cohen is owner of ohen Re ea rch and Evaluation based in Searcle. Daniel D. Saucy '77 received che C lin icia n of che Yea r Award from che America n Academy of Gold Foil Operators. aucy has had a dental practice in Eugene since 1992. Rebecca Harrison '78, MS '86 has spent the past several yea rs resea rching, writing, and pu blishing a book on con– scruccion and salvage d ivers in the Northwest. H arrison says the book, Deep Dark and Dangerous, "rakes che reader under water with these brazen men who dare the ocea n." Robert WolJheim '79, a judge on che Oregon Court ofAppeals, received a Life– time Achievement Awa rd fo r community contributions and dedicated service at che 22 nd annu al "Keep Alive che Dream" tribute co Martin Luther King, Jr. , in January. 1980-1989 Geoffrey L. Haskett MPA '80 was named assista nt director of che ational Wi ld life Refuge System, whose mission is co conserve, protect, and enhance fish, wi ld life, and planes and their habirats. He began hisser– vice ca reer in 1979 in Porcland .
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