Portland State Magazine Spring 2007

Ar age five, LESLIE GOODLOW- BALDWIN MSW '93 and her family attended rheir first Portland Rose Festival Grand Floral Parade. Ir was to become a signal event in her life as, having attended all bur one since, she is now, at 41, the youngest-ever president of rhe Rose Festival. As rhe festival observes its centennial this year, Goodlow– Baldwin also holds the distinction of being rhe first African American to lead the festival 's board of directors. Her family had lirrle money, and rhe Rose Festival "was our thing for recreation," says Goodlow-Baldwin. "We made a day of ir," and each year watched the parade from the same spot. A good srudenr, she graduated from Grant High School, attended University of California at Berkeley for two years, rhen followed her football-player boyfriend to Grambling Stare University in Louisiana. There, Goodlow-Baldwin won a string of awards, was an Academic All-American, ALUMNI NOTES COMPILED BY MEGHAN MILINSKI 1960-1969 Mary Hedges '60 had a 35-year retrospective of her artwork at the Coos Bay Public Library this past fall. The artist lives in Bandon, and her interests over the years have included painting, ceramics, and sculpture. Robert Roy MSW '66, received rhe Rose Orte Award from the Oregon Alliance of Children's Programs for his 40-year career serving children and families. He is vice presi– dent for strategic initiatives at Trillium Family Services, an Oregon mental health agency. Dick Matthews '68, MA '88 , a historian, is facili- ties director at rhe Oregon A rose by her name Leslie Goodlow-Baldwin is the youngest-ever president of the Portland Rose Festival. and finished her psychology degree with honors. She then completed her master's in social work from PSU while holding down two jobs and having a baby. Now a program manager wirh Multnomah County, Goodlow-Baldwin has worked for the county in various capacities for 15 years. She joined the Rose Festival board in 1999, and from the outset has "always been involved in programs and committees that are kid-related." Goodlow-Baldwin, her husband, and their two school-age daughters love the Rose Festival. The girls are learning the importance of volunteer service from their mother's example. For Goodlow-Baldwin, greeting a soldier just returned from Iraq or having strangers come up to thank her for rhe festival are what make it all worthwhile. "I really enjoy is rhe people part," says Goodlow-Baldwin. "And purring smiles on kids' faces." ■ BY c LIFF co L LIN s Historical Society, where he has worked since 1994. Joan Dalton MST '69 is founder and executive direc– tor of Project POOCH, a nonprofit chat pairs offenders at Maclaren Yourh Correc– tional Facility in Woodburn with dogs rescued from local animal shelters. Dalton lives in Porcland with her two cats and a POOCH dog, Rufus. Roy Kruger '69, MBA '81, EdD '91 is director of the eva luation contracts unit at the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory. 1970-1979 Ben Merrill '70 recencly com– pleted his master's in liberal studies at Reed College. Merrill SPRING 2007 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE 23 I