Portland State Magazine Spring 2007

Glanville appeared to have it made in the shade in Honolulu during the past rwo years. The Rainbow Warriors, coached by former PSU star quarter– back June Jones, are one of the nation's winningest teams. He didn't have the pressure of the top job. The fans are rabid. The climate is soothing to older muscles and bones. "Forget Hawaii. It's hard to walk away from a team chat may win every game," Glanville says. "Bue chis here is a sleeping giant, if we gee the whole city of Portland to grab our rope and pull in the same direction. "We're gonna have a lot of fun making chis program special." For a brief biography ofGlanville's career, visi c www.pdx.edu/news/141131. ■ Steve Brandon is the sports editor at the Portland Tribune newspaper. Mou with run- SPRING 2007 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE 13