contents ON THE COVER// Photo illustration by Evan Kirkley From the President Inbox Bookshelf Looking Back 28 MT. HOOD KIWANIS CAMP CAPSTONE PROGRAM IN EVERY ISSUE: 5 FACULTY VOICES Three experts weigh in on the question: What often gets overlooked when talking about reducing U.S. gun violence? 6 PARK BLOCKS Science Building 1 gets a more inclusive makeover; tuition breaks for Indigenous students; delving into the impacts of a warming climate; and more. 12 RESEARCH A habitat-mapping project aims to find safe passage for Oregon’s most vulnerable wildlife. Also, prepping Portland’s iconic bridges for the “Big One.” 16 ARTS For 10 years, the Arlene Schnitzer Visual Arts Prize has offered a springboard for a career in the arts. 18 ATHLETICS New Athletics Director John Johnson is looking to the future and ready to pack in the fans. 34 ALUMNI LIFE PSU grad honored with Milken Educator Award; state economist Josh Lehner on why it’s not time to panic. DEPARTMENTS Fall 2022// The magazine for alumni and friends of Portland State University FEATURES 20 THE PLAN THAT BUILT PORTLAND 50 years ago, the Downtown Plan reshaped the city’s future—and Portland State’s role in it. The work isn’t over. 28 CAMP LIFE How a 50-year PSU capstone partnership helps bring the magic of summer camp to those with developmental disabilities. SPRING 2022 // 1 2 3 39 40