Portland State Magazine Fall 2018

3 Stunning, fascinating, inspiring I was so impressed by this issue [spring 2018], which is the first I’ve had the opportunity to read.We did not attend PSU, but my husband, Sean Gordon, works at the Institute for Sustainable Solutions. Pedro Oliveira’s photos of homeless individuals and Stewart Harvey’s scenes from Burning Man are stunning.The stories about Darrell Grant,Tami Lasseter Clare, and the corporate diversity research by Jing Zhao and Brian Bolton were fascinating and inspiring. I even found my next reads through this issue: The Gospel of Trees by Apricot Irving, and Branden Harvey’s “Goodnewspaper.”Thank you for this issue and some great insights into the exceptional talent and energy emanating from PSU. ~Kelly Gordon LE T TERS Portland State Magazine wants to hear from you. Email your comments to psumag@pdx.edu or send them to Portland State Magazine, Office of University Communications, PO Box 751, Portland OR 97207-0751.We reserve the right to edit for space and clarity. Cover to cover enjoyment I’ve been really enjoying the Portland State Magazine with interesting news stories and people stories. In the most recent issue (spring 2018) I’ve received, I appreciated learning more about Portland’s jazz scene in the story “Improving An Artful Life” on Darrell Grant, seeing the photography by Pedro Oliveira of a homeless man, “Danny,” that was very artistic and had a lot of depth, “Solving Museum Mysteries” with Dr.Tami Lasseter Clare, learning about the nice “Goodnewspaper” by Branden Harvey, and more.Thank you so much for a wonderful magazine I enjoy reading cover to cover! ~Kristina C. Primbs-Wetter ’98 Salem, Oregon Improvising an artful life // 10 SPRING 2018 Portland State Magazine Spring18_Mag_FINAL.indd 1 5/11/18 12:52PM This photo of James is from Pedro Oliveira’s project “Careful: Soul Inside.” Read about Oliveira in the spring 2018 issue of Portland State Magazine at www.pdx.edu/magazine .