Portland State Magazine Fall 2012

Urban renewal caution I guess it's a good thing for PSU co be promised millions of dollars in urban renewal funds, but I question President Wim Wiewel's assertion that the area around PSU is blighted ("Urban Renewal will Jumpstarc the Ciry and PSU," Portland State Magazine, pring 2012). I don't see much blight there; the booksrore plaza, for example, looks positively upscale. 1here are many parrs of Portland that are truly blighted and in much greater need of renewal, bur as is typical of our ciry council, the west side comes first. Dr. Wiewel enthusiastically mentions expansion and improvement of busine s-relared schools, bur makes no men– tion that the humanities will receive any benefits. I sincerely hope that in the final analysis, arr, music, English, and related departments are given fair consideration. Ray Horton '70 Portland Rutherfords remembered The article on page 10 of the pring 2012 magazine was awesome ("Saving a Black Family's Scory"). I actually grew up across the street from tl1e Rurherfords and know their daughter, Charlotte, a retired Oregon administra– tive law judge. [Edicor's note: Charlotte donated her family's papers and Charlotte Rutherford '76 phocographs co rhe PSU Library and Black Studie Department.] Lari White '74 Rencon, Washington Porcland State Magazine wants to hearfrom you. E-mailyour comments to psumag@pdx.edu or send them to Portland rate Magazine, Office ofUniversity Communications, PO Box 751, Portland OR 97207-0751. We reserve the right to editfar space and clarity. Similar 'black family' story I truly enjoyed reading the article, "Saving a Black Family's Scory," Port– land State Magazine, Spring 2012. On February 2, 1985, 7he Oregonian ran a imilar article, "Early-day Black Porclanders Found Social Life in Dining Together," which mentioned my mother's parents (Lee and Anna Shepherd), who came co Portland in 1912 and lived in southwest Portland. My parents cold me about the restric– tions they faced living in Portland during rhe 1920s co the 1950s. Thank– fully, things have changed. Carol Morrison '73 Verdell and Otto Rutherford display a treasured newspaper from the 1950s. FALL 2012 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE 3