Portland State Magazine Fall 2009
Looking Back COLLEGE CENTER FOR STUDENTS During the 1958-59 school year, Portland Scace College students were happy to have lounge, cafete– ria, office, and co-op space in the newly constructed College Center (top photo, right), now known as Smith Memorial Student Union. Bue with only the basement and first cwo floors complete, the building was crowded from the first day. The main entrance to College Center (left photo) was on the Park Avenue side. The Jennings House (top photo, middle) was eventually demolished for another section of State Hall, now known as Cramer Hall. ■ Maybe you have your own great photograph or a story to tell from your time at Portland State. We'd like to put it on this page. Contact us by e-mail at psumag@pdx.edu, or fax at 503-725-4465, or mail us at Portland State Magazine, Office of University Communications, PO Box 751, Portland OR 97207-9751. Please limit your submission to no more than 300 words and only send us photographs we can keep. FALL 2009 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE 33
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