Portland State Magazine Fall 2009

ALUMNI NOTES Charter school champion IN ADAM REID'S base– ment, bottles of champagne await the opening celebra– tion of Portland's Leadership and Entrepreneurship Public Charter High School (LEP High). The school, which Reid '03 co-founded and now serves as director of develop– ment, opened in fall 2006, yet the champagne remains. "Every time I think I want to bring it out, something happens," says Reid, who is working to fill a budget defi– cit, boost recruitment efforts, and meet fundraising goals. "I feel like it's premature to celebrate, because we still have these huge things to do that are so essential." As a public school, LEP High is open to everyone, bur it targets underserved populations, with 65 percent of its students coming from low-income families and more than 50 percent representing minorities. The school with its 300 students is located at 2044 E. Burnside. 't)3 Julia Ruppell MA '07 Julia Ruppell MA '07 is work– ing in collaboration with the Wildlife Conservation Society and the National University of Laos to set up a field site in Laos to study ecology and behavior of white-cheeked crested gibbons. Ruppell is working on her PhD in biology at Portland Seate. Jordan Senn '07 is a third season linebacker for the NFL franchise Indianapolis Colts. Daren Heerspink '08 has been signed as an import offensive lineman for the B.C. Lions franchise of the Canadian Football League. Ross Smith MA '08 is a project archaeologist with Northwest Archaeological Associates, Inc., in Seattle. 32 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE FALL 2009 Much like Portland Stare, LEP High works to gee students out in rhe community through internships and projects, focus– ing their attention on "how to think" as much as "what to think," says Reid. This past March, Reid, 28, was raising funds to cushion the blow of two srace budget cues, when Portland Public Schools denied renewal of LEP High's charter because of a $143,000 deficit. Reid worked with passionate students, staff, and community members to raise $80,000 in donations and secure $70,000 in grants co erase the deficit, convincing rhe school board to over– turn its decision and ensure rhe school's existence for at least another three years. Bue just hours lacer rhe state announced another round of budget cues. "We had three hours of enjoyment," says Reid. "It's always been like chat. There's almost an indefinable amount of obstacles chat we have to keep dodging and negotiating being a charter school." Reid, who went on to earn a master's degree from Stanford University, credits his experiences as a Student Leader for Service and a University Studies mentor at PSU for helping him form the foundation for LEP High and giving him the confi– dence and skills to persevere through all che hurdles. After three years of ups and downs, LEP High will graduate its first class of seniors in spring 2010. Reid is hoping gradua– tion will be a perfect time for champagne. ■ BY IAN RUDER ' 0 4 Solomon Trimble '08 had a summer fellowship studying epidemiology at che Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta. Trimble has also become a mod– el and actor following his role as Sam Uley in the major motion picture, Twilight. He will not re– prise the role in che next movie. In Memoriam John Damis, professor emeritus of political science and interna– tional studies, died June 10. He was 68. Damis, an expert on the Middle Ease and North Africa, was sought after internation– ally. He advised the United Nations and was decorated by the King of Morocco. Wendelin Mueller, professor emeri tLIS of civi I and environ– mental engineering, died July 6. He was 68. Mueller was instrumental in establishing che PSU Infrastructure Testing and Applied Research laboratory, where he and ochers worked with local agencies to rest the strength of full-scale structures and their components. ■