Portland State Magazine Fall 2009
ALUMNI NOTES Karl Steiner MBA '92 is a broker for Meadows Group Realtors in its south– west Portland office. Michelle Groner Mederos MSW '93 is a school counselor at Cape Horn-Skye Elementary School and Canyon Creek Mid– dle School in rhe Washougal School District in Washington. Jim Normandy '94, MS '98 is founder and president of Normandy Guitars, a custom aluminum guitar manufactur– ing compa ny in Salem. He is also editor and artist for a comic book series, Psycho Guitar Kill– ers, a creative outlet and charity project for Normandy Guitars. Tiane Soulatha MBA '95 is vice president of govern- ment banking at US Bank in downtown Portland. Derek Baldwin '96 is an on-air personality with CGN7, an Internet-based radio network based in Hood River. Baldwin is also a model and actor. Kathi A. Ketcheson PhD '96 is the director of rhe Office oflnsrirurional Research and Planning ar Portland Stare. Lonnie Kishiyama '96, an attorney, retired from rhe Unit– ed Stares Coast Guard's JAG Corps and is now working in the Office of G lobal Strategies at rhe Department of Homeland Security's Transportation Secu– rity Administration. He lives in the Washington, D.C., area. Daniel Steinberg '96 is a lawyer at Greene & Markley in Portland. Gregory Robinson MBA '97 is the executive director at Colum– bia River Mental Health Servic– es in Va ncouver, Washington. Vanessa}. Bunker '98 is principal of Deer Creek Elementary in T igard. Danette "Danny" Rowe '98, a reacher at Tigard High School, is conducting oral history interviews with Oregon women who served in rhe Women's Land Army berween 1943 and 1947. The work is part of her PSU graduate program studies. Ezekiel Ette MSW '99, PhD '05 is a professor ofsocia l work ar Northwest Nazarene University in Nampa, Idaho. He has published through X libris rhe book, Annang Wisdom: Tools for Postmodern living. Steve Flunker MBA '99 is international transporta– tion director at JCPenney. Flunker lives in Frisco, Texas, with his wife, Jennifer. Jason Jones '99 is a national sales manager for Porrland– based Affiliated Resources, a manufacturer of wooden RV, marine, and industrial floor panels. Jones lives and works in Lake Havasu City, Arizona. Jeffrey Poulin MBA '99, MS '05 is a network specia list at Internationa l Organiza– tion for Standardization, a nonprofit management firm in Geneva, Switzerland. Jason Pratt '99 is a political adviser and public affairs officer at rhe Afghan Embassy in Japan. Pratt writes, "My abilities, knowledge, and wi ll co climb over obstacles were starred or polished at PSU." Max Schwartz '99 is sen ior manager at Geffen Mesher and Co., an accounting firm in Portland. 2000-2009 Ngu Nguyen '00 is presi- dent and co-founder of Forix, a business software design firm in Tigard. Daniel A. Rice MBA '00 is managing director ar Macadam Capital Partners, an investment banking firm in Portland. Terry Pinnell '01 and her husband, Steve, hosted a recep– tion for Bend area PSU alumni and friends at Centra l Oregon Commun ity College. Pinnell is a principal at TAP Resources, a staffing and recruiting firm. She is a former PSU Alumni Association board member. Jin Zhang MS '01, PhD '06 is a technical marketing manager for Real Intent, an electronic design automation company based in Sunnyvale, Cali for– nia. Zhang lives in Porrland. Michelle Cheney MBA '02 manages the departments of business development and outreach services at Pacific Pathology Associates, a pathol– ogy laboratory in Salem. RELIVE PSU'S HISTORY Richard Sanders ..... Brent Schauer With 300 photos and 180 pages in a big, 8-1/2" x 11" format, Portland State: A History in Pictures is a book every alumnus should have. Written by the late Richard Sanders '57 and photo edited by Brent Schauer, the book shows the history, people, and events that make Portland State unique. Portland State: A History in Pictures 1s $34.95 and available at the PSU Bookstore or through the Retirement Association of Portland State by e-mailing raps@pdx.edu or calling 503-725-3447. 30 PORTLAND STATE MAGAZINE FALL 2009
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