Portland State University Magazine Fall 1991

Diane Elaine Slusher (BS ) is a staff accountant with th e Grant Thornton accounting firm in Portland . Slusher passed the na– tional C PA exam in May 1990 wit h th e hi gh est sco re in O regon. '91 Jennifer Lee Chandos (BA) has joined Mark D. Barry and As– sociates Commercial Real Es– ta t e App ra ise rs an d Consultants, a firm that special– izes in appraising multi-family investment properties. Valoire Freeman (MSW) is the soc ial work director for Salem Memori al Hospital in Salem, O re. In Memoriam Jon Rogers Tuttle ('68 BA), a well -respected and award-win– ning Portland journalist, died of comp lica tions from leukemia July 28. He was 49. Tuttle had been a documen– tary producer for O regon Public Broadcasting since 1989. His 1990 OPB fi lm of the Exxon– Va ld ez di sas te r in A laska, "Anatomy of an O il Spill," was broadcast nationally and won the Gold Plaque Award from the Chicago International Film Fest iva l. He also produ ce d "Loca l Color," a documentary about the history of Portland's black community, for O PB, and was just co1-:1pleting "A ll About You," a doc umen tary on an indi vidu al's right to privacy. Th a t doc ume nt a ry was sch edu led to a ir Oct . 2 o n KO PB. Prior to joining OPB, Tuttle wa a KGW news staff member fo r 23 yea rs, where h e won numerous awards including a Peabody Award for "Rajneesh: Update" in 1984. T uttle is sur– vived by a son, a daugh ter, two sisters, a brother, and a com– panion.The fami lysuggests that remembrances be contributions to a fa vorite charity. D Pokcy Allen and his fellow PSU head coaches want you to join the PSU Viking Club*... but only if you've got THE RIGHT STUFF! TOP ROW : GREG BRUCE. WOMEN'S BASKETBALL; RANDY NORDLOF, GOLF; TERI MARIANI, SOFTBALL; SHAUN BALL, TENNIS; KEN WOODWARD, CROSS COUNTRY/ TRACK. BOTIOM ROW: POKEY ALLEN, FOOTBALL; JEFF MOZZOCHI, VOLLEYBALL; MARLIN GRAHN, WRESTLING; JACI< DUNN, BASEBALL. YES, l'VE GOT THE RIGHT STUFF ro JOIN THE PSU VIKING CLUB, BECAUSE . .. D I attend PSU sporting events ... D I support exciting men's and women's collegiate sports ... D I like hobnobbing with coaches, a thletes and fellow fans .. D I like tailgate parties, golf tourna– ments, dinner-auctions, etc.. D I am a PSU student, pa rent, former athlete, friend or alum (circle which) . D I am a member of PSU 's faculty or staff (circle which) . D I would like to receive the Viking Club's quarterly newslette r. .. D I would like to help out on a committee ... d I would like to learn about your major donor p rogram ... D I would like to discuss an Athletic Schola rship endowment in my name . If you 've checked at least one box, Viking Club membe rship is within your grasp. Th join, simply mail your completed "Right Stuff" checklist to: Bob Tayler • PSU Viking Club • PO Box 668 • Portland, OR 97207 • Or phone (503) 725-4000. D I am enclosing a $ donation toward PSU athletic scholar- ships. ($50 minimum fo r Viking Club membership ; $100 for pregame Tailgate Pa rty privileges.) D Bill my Visa or Maste rcard #_ _________ Exp. Date____ D Please call me to further explain the benefits of PSU Viking Club membership. D Please call me to help out as a volunteer. Name Address • ~C_i ~---------- State Zip Day Phone Evening Phone PSU VIKING CLUB •Formerly the Viking Athletic Association L_______ __ __ __ ____ ___ _____ . EXCELLENCE IN ACADEMICS ANO ATHLETICS. ._______ __ _____ ___ __ ____ __ PSU 27