Portland State University Magazine Fall 1991

'82 RichardAllen(MS) is principal oflone, Ore., schools. Allen was chosen educator of the year in January 1991 by the Heppner, Ore., Elks Lodge. Laurie Fry (BS) is se ni or publicist in national program– ming and promotion for the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) Television Network. Fry is the popular-music feature writer for the network and su– pervises all press materials for prime-time programming. She lives in Arlington, Ya. Tracy Montgomery (BS) h as been e lected treas ure r of Oregon Ballet Theater's board of directors. Montgomery works for Arthur Andersen & Co. in Portland. '83 Nancy Kurkinen (MS) is a re– search director for the C ity C lub of Portland. Kurkinen, who was campaign director for State Sen. Bob Shoemaker's '90 campaign, will manage the Research Pro– gram and Standing committees, and assist with the club's ad– ministration. '84 Scott Bailey (MS) is a labor market a n a lyst with the Washington State Department of Empl oyme nt Security in Vancouver. Kathleen Barnebey (BA) has recently been chosen as business development spec ialist for the Portland a rchitec ture firm , David Evans and Associates Inc. Barnebey h ad previ o usly worked for Pacific University in Forest Grove, Ore. Andrea Mackin (BS) is in the marketing department of the Jacklin See d Compa n y in Sandpoint, Idaho. Mackin was mos t recently promo ti o ns manager and special projects directo r for W as hingto n Magazine in Seattle. 26 PSU Cheryl Nickerson (BS) is employee relations manager for Nike, Inc., in Beaverton. Wade Overgaard (BS ) is manager of sales and marketing fo r Ka ise r Permane nte in Portland. Overgaard has been with Kaiser since 1984 Mark Young (MBA) was recently named treasurer of the Northwest Industrial Neighbor– hood Association. Young is a district manager for U.S. Na– tional Bank in Portland. '85 Myriam Ceballos (BS, '90 MBA) opened her own busi– ness, Elit es igns, o n May 1. Ceballos sa id she decided on this business opportunity fol– lowing an intense year of re– search and business proposals. Her sign and banner company is loca ted n ea r Ma ll 205 in southeast Portland . Lois Gaier Dickinson (BS, '88 MS) is a sales consultant for Bausch and Lomb's Hea ring Systems Division. Sh e is the company's No rthwest repre– sentative. John M. Elliott (BS) recently earned his juris doctor degree at the University of Puget Sound , School of Law, in Tacoma. El– liott will be practicing enter– ta inment law in his father's Hillsboro law firm. John A. Moran (BS) has been promo ted to me rch a nd izing manager of the grocery frozen food and deli departments at United Grocers Coop in Mil– waukie, Ore. Laura Nigro (BS) has recently jo in ed National Mo rtgage Company in Portland as loan servicing manager.Nigro was an audit manager with Ernst & Young. Kristie Nockleby (BS) is vice president for the branch bank– ing group of US Bancorp in Portland. CraigSimonson(BS) is a senior casualty underwrite r for the Wausau Insurance Companies eastern unit. Simonson, who lives in Wausau, Wis., joined the company in 1986. '86 James Dernbach (BS ) is assis– tant director of food services at O regon Institute ofTechnology in Klamath Falls, Ore. Ling Li (MA) is pursing a Ph.D. in management science and in– formation systems at Ohio State University in Columbus. Li ea rn ed an MBA fr om th e Un iversity of A laska in 1988. Nancy Norton (BS), a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy, rece ived the Navy Achieve– ment Medal for hersuperior per– fo rma n ce of duty. Sh e is stat io n ed a t the Nava l Telecommunications Center in Fallon, Nev. Edward Perez (BS) is a new project man age r for Dav id Evans and Associates Inc., a Portland architectural firm . Anne Marie Philbrook (BS ) has joined Martin Communica– tions Inc., an advertising and public relations firm in Hood River, O re. Philbrook isaccount executive and public relations director for the firm. '87 Nancy Rodgers is a senior ac– countant with Magnuson, Mc– Hugh and Company, P.A., an account ing finn in Coeur d'– Alene, Idaho. '88 Karen Broenneke (MS) was host to PSU President Judith Ramaley wh ile she visited the C latsop Count y Hi sto rica l Society in Astoria, O re., this spring. Broenneke is executive director of the society. She was previously education director at the O regon Historical Society in Portland. Paul Fyfield (BS) was selected, along with Eileen Kresse! ('79 MSW), to join the Northwest Print Council, a visual arts or– ganization promoting printmak– ing. '89 RifatHaffar (BS, '90 MBA) has been promo ted to reg io n al manager of sales engineering in the Portland office of Electric Lightwave, a telecommunica– tions firm with offices in Van– couver, Wash. , Portland , and Seattle. Thomas McConnell (MUP) is an urban planner for the C ity of Hillsboro. McConnell has also bee n wo rkin g with PSU's School of Urban Studies and Planning on a ne ighborhood pl a n fo r the communit y of Orenco in Washington County. Thomas Ruedy (MBA) is presi– dent of Sports Link, a company he created to connect people looking for partners with similar sports interests and abilities. Ruedy has had his Milwaukie, Ore., business almost two years and has a growing client base. '90 Margaret Dutton (Ed.D.) is the superintendent of the Riddle School District in Riddle, Ore. Dutton was most recently prin– cipal of North Marion Elemen– tary School in Aurora, Ore. Judith Fulton (BS) is the victim assistance coordinator for the W asco County D ist rict Attorney's office in The Da lles, O re. Mary Jo Morris (BS) is working as the executive assistant to the vice chancellor for Public Af– fa irs, O regon State System of Higher Education, in Portland . Morris is also pursuing a master's degree in public administration at PSU. Timothy Peterson (Ph.D.) is an assistant professor of sociology and political science at Malone College in Canton, Ohio. Melissa Sampson-Saul (MS) teaches spec ial education at St. Hele ns Hi gh Sc hoo l in St. Helens, O re.