
I \ Pap2 THE PORTLAND OBS6:RVER The Portland Observer PUblished Friday of each week at Portland, Oregon. WILLIAM H. McCLENDON, Editor and Publisher. Editorial Offlce- 1504 N. Williams Avenue Port.land. Oregon. Phone EAst 0949. All news and editorial matter should be addressed to P. 0. Box 3728 IS THIS A REASON? !City Hall Topics I j And Other Views ! ! by Ralph C. Clyde City CommiHioner In a letter addressed to Ml'. Harlow F. Lenon writ- : SU!\I.MER WATER RATE I ten by Donald M. Erb, president of the University of 1 Dr. D. 0. Anderson, who re- . · · f h•b•t ; sides at 2225 N. E. 38th Avenue, Oregon relative to the atrocious practice o pro I I - i 11 d h c· H 11 1 w d ' . . , i ca e at t e tty a ast e - ing Negro women students from residmg m the wo- ! nesday to express his appreciation men's dormitories at the University the following quo- ! at my proposal that the \Vater Bu- 1 • • l t t . · t · d I reau g1ve a speeta summer rate. a wn IS con ame : . . • • • . 1 He wanted to know tf 1t had al- "In sp1te of the fact that, as an mstltutwn, we wel- 1 ready gone into effect. I told him come students of ability and character regardless of I that it would first have to be ap- . . . proved by the City Council. Dr. voluminous letters are the "Souls l Company, who wrote me as fol- A whole book could be written 'Bought and Paid For' of Nitwits." Ilows: "Kindly accept my hearty on hand-shaking. i!< * •· * I endorsement of your proposed ordi- The moral of all this is: If you To you unfortunates who were CREATE YOUR OWN JOB nance giving water users half rate want to get on in the world, and unable to attend the entertainment She is a brave soul. Rather than for excess water consumption dur- make friends, shake hands right– go on relief, Mrs. Ida Ellner, ing the summer months. The shake hands warmlr, shake hands 2903 S. E. First Avenue, prefers maintenance of grene lawns should firmly, and shake hands as though to retain her independence. Mrs. be encouraged at all times and par- you were really glad to meet the Ellner is past 65 years of age, and ticularly when many tourists are party whose hand you hold in being unable to get outside work, expected." Very truly yours, yours. of "Bought and Paid For," please try to picture the pla) by reading these few lines. Under the capable directorship of Mrs. "Aunt Lula" Gragg, a cast of six illustrated ambitious she decided to create her own posi- Charles C. Newcastle. tion. She wants to sell neckties Thank you, Doctor Newcastle. from place to place and thinks the LESTER W. HUMPHREYS . . ' . . employees of factories will be good I prospects. She asked Commissioner Talking of vacations, Lester W. Riley for a free license until the i Humphreys, Assistant to Mayor end of this year. Chief Inspector Carson, told me, "There ain't no Joseph H. Hutchinson, reported such animal!" Each time he goes that Mrs. Ellner was entitled to aw:ty on a vacation he is hauled all the encouragement the Coun- back to the ?;rind. Lester said the cil can give her. So on Thursday, only vacation he ever secured was the Council approved this recom- the time he hid away in the cellar mendation. Her example ts of his M;'he. He had three days of MEETING NOTICES talents before an appreciative aud– ience, April 21, in the chap"l of : Bethel Church. BLESSED M A R T I 1\ SO- ~ For those of you who under- CIAL CENTER. ! stand something of dramatic act- Lecture and Study Club. Every Sunday at 8:00 P. M. 21 N. E. Broadway. • • • * ing, Jack Holsclaw, handsome lead– ing man, would have stolen your show. At all times he played his part in a style of cool and intelli- The Voters' Benefit Association d· · h· h . gent 1gmty, w IC was never holds tts regular meetings on the d y ld h . ovcr-acte . ou wou ave ex- fmt and third Mondeys of each d h" f h mont . M" D . J . I h • • • • 1ss ons amtson, t 1an w at race, color, sex or economic conditions, we are not as 1A d . 1 f t d . . • • • • I n erson 1s a over o na ure, an yet able to break down the preJUdiCe whiCh mdiVIdual wants to make his lawn the most students may have. The usual practice has been for ! beautiful in the neighborhood. The th · 1 · d •t · t to ther in I proposed water rate reduction e gir s In our ormi aries 0 group ge : means that anyone who uses more threes or fours voluntarily and sign up for suites. Un- I water this summer than last sum– til groups of white girls are willing to include colored mer, will get it for one-half price girls in their number, we are up against a problem for I for the ~verage that ~ usfedJ this worthy of emulation, in creating your own job. * * • * BICYCLE LICENSE The question as to whether or not bicycles should be licensed has come up again. Mrs. !\1innie L. Owens, 2733 N. E. 57th Avenue wrote the Council on Thursday that the plan of licensing bicycles is very successful in the other cities. She suggested a fee of 25c to 50c a year. Mrs. Owens be– lieves that license plates should be issued as this would help to re– cover stolen bicycles and she be– lieves also that rear reflectory light, and head light would make bicycle riding safe.r at night time. bliss before he was discovered and dragged back to work again. On several other occasions he made desperiate trials but failed. He was always lassoed and taken back to the job. ... . . . h I pecte not mg more rom t e star, All lodges and associations are) she always gives you, a grand per– invited to publish notices of their formance. And for those of you regular meetings. Just send a post who enjoy humorous portra}:al J card with the name of the or- those actors who make your stdes ganization and its regular meet- ache from results of hearty laugh– ing night to our P. 0. Box. tcr, those actors we've im- TOOK AN OATH The last time he went away he personated by Miss Gwendolyn The Voter's Benefit Association Hooker and Mr. Robert Price. 1 year dunng the mont s o une, which thery! is no solution." I July, August and September. For a man to occupy a position as leader of an edu- 1 • * • . l . . . .h . t' d I HALF PRICE catwna mstitutiOn t at pract1ces segrega lOll an ln other words, if your bill last discrimination toward one sex of one particular group ' year was $10.00, and this year you of people, and gives his support to these practices be- use $5.00 ~ddit.ional during the h 1 h . d" h t f 1. •t d summer penod, tt means that you cause e fee s t at preJu 1ce on t e par o a Imi e ld $ 2 50 f h dd" · 1 • • 1 wou pay . or t e a ttlona number of students cannot be overcome, IS mdeed a I water instead of $5.00. The total mere shell of an educator. In due time his inadequa- \ of. your. bill would be $12.50. This cies will result in his removal It is not expedient to '"'ll gin the people an oppor- * * * * ENERGETIC CLUBS will start its annual membership raised his right hand to heaven and drive on May 15. Watch the Ob– swore that this time he would fin- server for further notices. SPOT NEWS Charlotte, N. C. - (C) The eighth annual Ministers' In– stitute will be held at Johnson C. Smith University May 2-5. as a part of the extension program of the Theological Seminary of the University. "' * But for those of you who are sin– cerely impressed with drama and comedy, you would have been well pleased and highly entertained by the whole cast: Doris Jamieson, leading lady; Jack Holsclaw, lead– ing man; Robert Price, Gwen Hooker, Ila Fuller and Bobby Reynolds who made a fine sup– porting cast. . . . . . I tunity to beautify their lawns at beheve that the wh1te people of Oregon Will permit very little additional expense. I£ an administration that shares the beliefs of Mr. Erb i the Council approves, we are go– to handle the training and higher education of their 1 inJ:?: to try it for ~his year and if it Instead of waiting for someone else to provide a waiting room at the corner of S. E. 88th Avenue and S. E. Yamhill Street, the Montavilla and Base Line Com– munity Clubs asked the City Council if they would allow them to use a City Lot to erect this structure. Mr. N. M. Bowen, 11010 S. E. Base Line Road Pres– ident of the Montavilla Com– munity Club, wrote that the two org:mizatiJW< ';s,;.ow.d :1 ouml' th" full responsibility for erecting and maintaining such a shelter. ish his vacation before he returned. "Without telling his wife, his moth– er or brother his destination, he sneaked off on a fishing trip to Paulina Lake. "Gee!" Lester thought, "the world is good! Here I am on a fishing smack and no one knows where I am." He rejoiced too soon. Presently he heard the chug, chug of a motor boat and up came a State Trooper and ask– ed: "You are Mr. Lester Humph– reys, are you not?" Lester could not deny the fact. The State Copper told Less he was wanted urgently at his stamping ground at the City Hall. Humphreys swore deep, loud and long. The play, a fast moving one, dealt ,.,·ith the marriage of a poor working girl and a millionaire bachelor. Complications such as a Evansville, Ind.- (C) - · The wife trying to deal with an in– National Association of Colored toxicated husband, who when Women, Inc., Mrs. Sallie W. h ·l..:~ N t tl h 1 · th t t f 0 works out, we wtll probably make c 1 t•ren. o ano 1er sc oo m e s a e o regan . dh t f th . t It a permanent summer rate. a eres o a program o IS sor . • • • • In Mr. Erb's attempt to offer a reason for this dis-~ CLEAN UP crimination he merely submitted an excuse. How long The Clleakn Uhp Cca.mpaHignllshosuld • . not over oo t e tty a . ev- are the Negro taxpayers of Oregon gomg to permit eral years ago the WPA (or some • • • • Stewart, executive secretary, has announced a Penny Drive for Sat– urday, May 27, to aid the work of the association. * * * * LOCATED BY RADIO Washington - (C) - A reso– After Les got through cussing, lution passed by the United Gov– this excuse to bar them from receiving the benefits of other federal body), gave the out– what is justly theirs under the law? How long will the side of the building a part-way white pev}Jle ui Ort:gon continue to let their child1·en scrubh.ing;. L. R. Keefer of tbP In– be educated at the hands of people who believe that I ternatwnal Pressure Cleaner~, N: prejudice is a necessary evil? / W. 29th Ave~ue, and N1cola1 ernment Employes on the Marian Anderson concert at the Lincoln the licertse number of his car an·d Memorial said it "•iet a new land- his description had been sent out mark in America~t culture and he demanded: "How did you find me?" The officer explained that Street, was callmg on the Mayor * * • II! over the state by police radio. That democracy." was all there was to it. Lester was hauled back to the grind again. ! and Commissioners with a view of PUBLIC SPIRIT interesting them in having the Commissioner Riley recommend- He is still scheming on how to get building given a good cleaning. I ed that this should be done and a two weeks' breathing spell so that MORTAL WOUND The ramparts of race prejudice are so securely think it would be a fine idea. With City Attorney Latourette was in- he might have an opportunity to built in this country that few persons there arc who thousands of visitors coming here structed on Thursday to draw up get acquainted with himself. When would dare on open assault. But it remained for a wo- from the San Francisco Fair, the a lease for which the reasonable people talk of vacations and the man to step out and inflict a mortal wound on the City Hall, with a spic and span charge of $1.00 a year will be good times they expect to have, monster within-Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt took the cleaning, would be a thing of made, subject to cancellation in Lester looks upon them in wistful dare. beauty indeed. It seems to me that case a buyer appears on the scene. despair. Clean Up Week, like charity, I wish to compliment this organi- Here's hoping that Les will be In discreetly re.::;igning from the Daughters of the should begin at home. zation upon their display of pub- more successful next time. American Revolution, because it so flagrantly insult- * * * * lie spirit, as a waiting room would • • • • ed all decent-minded people in its brutal refusal to al- BREVITY serve as a shelter and be a neces- SHAKING HANDS low Marian Anderson ·to sing in Constitution Hall, ~~· H~bart Heywood, McKay sar} convenience to the passengers It has dawned upon me that Washington, many of those who have been smugly I Bmldm.g, 15 ~ man ?f few words. of the Mt. Tabor street car lines. people do not realize the import- ! · h · · d" d · "11 d He believes In brevttv. Mr. Hev- My congratulations to these or- ance of shaking hands properly. camp acent m t en· preJU Ice views WI stop an ,.,. 00 d 'vrote the Co~ncil that h.e • ' ganizations! Mainy have never learned the art. consider, now, before risking public censure or pub- " ·ould exchange his lot in Glen- * * * * The right kind of handshake can lie rebuke for their attitude. Even the hidebound wood Park for a City owned lot Russell L. Stephens, 1933 N. E. do a person a world of good, while members of the D. A. R. must be-if they have any in Fulton Park. There was no Columbia Blvd., Oscar A. Long, the wrong kind can do them harm. self-respect left-a little sick of their position, now waste of words, nor any long wind- 1228 N. E. Russett St., the Ore- Rev. Sam Jones, the famous that the spotlight of worlrl. publicity has been focused ed arguments. The letter contained gon Humane Society, and a num- evangelist, once said he disliked on them. less than fifty words. Billy Adams, ber of other property owners peti- shaking· hands with a man who City Treasurer, said it was "jake" tioned Mayor Carson and Fire stuck out his hand like a "dead To Mrs. Roosevelt, who has on more than one oc- with him if Mr. Heywood will Chief Grenfell for a fire alarm I fish." This is a lot of hoss-sense. casion shown that ~he is truly a great woman, we of- pay the difference of $185.00 taxes box. It was referred to Commis- People who shake hands that way fer our weak words of thanks and praise. For an act for the exchange. Mr. Heywood sioner Riley who said that they arouse resentment. so magnanimous she can hardly be thanked; and for agreed. This was all there was to should have it. The Council on • • • • it W ·d "E 1 'f b HOT BRICK an act so distinctly symbolical of the spirit that we so · * * * * ednesday sat : ar , ' you e- devoutly wish to be that of America, praise is futile. VERBAL BARRAGE lieve it, so be. it.;'~· • Either a person is great, or he or she is not great. Not When one sees the usual barrage HAPPY AGAIN for approbation could one take such a stand. Only of words in documents addressed Sparkling Bull Run water is because one wants to do it, and because one believes it I to the Council, he can appreciate certainly appreciated. The Central · the right thing to do, could such an action be taken. j the simplicity of Mr. Heywood's East Side Community Club, Philip . , I missive. Mayor Carson, the other Weber, Secretary, grew alan~d Others shake hands as though your h<Jnd is a hot brick and let go qu i:'h. Then there is the ef– fusive individual who does not know when to let go; you are un– easy for fear he is going to kiss you next. Then there is also the handshaker who figures how much he is going to get out of you before he loosens hsi grip. The right way to shake hands is to firmly grasp the hand, palm to palm, in a hearty manner. This Apart from th1s bemg a mortal wound to t~ Commissioners, and myself wish because they thought that the faun– monster that is race prejudice, it is an example of that everybody \'rould follow Mr. tain at the corner of Williams tolerance and good will which will live in the memory Heywood's example in getting Avenue and Russell Street had of this generation, causing it to pause when intoler- do\\n to "brass tacks." Many let- been removed. ln checking over ance and bigotry are rising to prominence in our na- ters received ~Y. Mayor Carson this matter, H. F. Fague, Super– tiona} thinking. If for no other reason than that she and the Commissioners have oodles intendent of Construction and 1 h and oodles of words in them that Maintenance of the Bureau of does not mean to just encricle the * * * • Tampa, Fla.- (C) -C. L. Townes, secretary of the National Negro Insurance Asso~iation, 214 E. Clay street, has issued a bul– letin which says the active work of committees of the association forecasts the most profitable con– vention in the history of the or– ganization at Los Angeles, Calif., J ulr 12-14. * * * * Birmingham, Ala. - (C) - Superintendent C. B. Glenn of the Birmingham Public Schooh has designated Sunday, May 7, as A. H. Parker Day, honoring Prof. A. H. Parker, principal of Indus– trial High School, who has serv– ed in the public school S}'Stern here for fifty years. "' * * * Jacksonville, Fla. -- (C) -– Editor Porcher L. Taylor, of the Florida Tattler, 614 Broad street, who is director of the Negro di– vision, School Boy Safety Patrol, is conducting a campaign to raise transportation expenses for the Patrol Unit to visit Wa~hington, D. C., in May. * * * * Richmond, Va.- (C) -The American vVoodmen, Denver, Colo., L. H. Lightner, Supreme Commander, has been accepted as a member of the National Negro Insurance Association, it was an– nounced by C. L. fownes, sec– retary, on Saturday. TheN. N. I. A. has a membership of fifty of the largest Negro-owned and op– erated companies of the country. * * * • took this stand, the First Lady of the land is tru Yt e could 1·ust as ,,,ell be elt·m,·nated. W f" · d h b ater Works, advised us that the mger tips an squeeze t em, ut First Lady of the land now. She is first by tradition SOUL OF WIT N y k (C) R L fountain had not been removed, in a real, full-fledged clasp. ew or - - omeo · because she is the President's wife; but she is also The other day a man sent me a but that it had just been repaired, • • • • Dougherty, former sports and the- first because out of the welter of possible bitterness four page, single-space, typewrit- now parts put in and that it was SALES RESISTANCE atrical editor and known as "Dean that might follow the cruel and unreasonable ban- ten letter. He could have told the in better shape than ever for the The wrong kind of hand-shak- of the East" in journalism, mourns ning of Miss Anderson in the National Capital, Mrs. story in half a page. As it was, I summer. Phil is happy again. ing raises sales resistance, for even the passing of musicals and revues had to •vander from one page to • • • • the IJerson who receives that kind in the current issue of "The Negro Roosevelt took prompt and direct action that at once ' · another endeavoring to find out DR. C. C. • · EWCASTLE of a handshake does not realize Actor," organ of the Negro Actors upheld the principles of Americanism, rebuked big- what it was all about. This wasn't Speaking of Bull Run water, I why he is saying "No." The appli- Guild of America. Mr. Daughtery otry, and showed that the White House is still repre- the only one-we have hundreds. was pleased to receive the follow- cant for a position sometimes loses is living in retirement at his sentative of the best that America affords.-From As the old adage says, "Brevity is ing kind letter from the Chief out because the prospective boss home, 108-34 Union Hall street, Calvin's Digest. the soul of \Yit," I would say that Surgeon of the S. P. & S. Railway resents the "dead fish'S mitt. Jamaica, N.Y. } overcome by liquor, insulted hi; wife with degrading statements telling her that he had Juught and paid for her and in other wurds she was his property to do with as he chose, made the first and second acts. The would-be happy marriage broke up with a separa– tion. The wife returned to her old job of 10 dollars a week and her sister and brothern-in-law returned to cheap housekeeping. But after many trials, such as losing jobs and dressing and eat– ing poorl} , the play ended with a reconciliation with the husband and wife and, of course, decent living and a job for the ambitious brother-in-law and his wife. These young people should be complimented on producing such a heavy drama within six weeks' time. New York-(C)-"America," national Catholic weekly, 53 Park Place, carries an article on "The 1\'"egro Spirituals as Hymns of a People," by Theophilus Lewis, m its issue of April 22. Stay off date May 19. 0. F. C. \V. C. dance, Italian Hall.-Adv. A GREAT DRINK A MIGHTY FLAVOR Di&tributed bJ. the Portland Bottling Co. Portland, Ore. EAst 4194 1