/ / .. p~~ 3 Importance Of Health1 BEST WISHES wish for the "Observer" "Y" Church Notes ! A voyage of rare success, D b ALL NATIONS PENTECOSTAL IB E A U 'J' Y , l\'EvV YORK, Dec. 14 (ANP) Announcement for st .. Pl1illp'• To crown its owner's efforts, e c em e r CHURCH-WCFL (970 k), Sun. 12 'Vith a group of notables working Church Father L 0 Stone Vicar. To give us of his best. midnight to 1 a.m., Chicago. -- ' to make the event a success, the Regular Service: Sundays at 7:45 I am sure the Portland public IN BRONZE By INEZ DUKE, Beautician I fifth annual New Year's concert a.m., 11 a.m. Wednesday 9 a.m. W 'll d'l Roses t'n December- Garden AMATEUR NITE - 1 1 rea 1 Y agree, 1 ~ponsored by a Citizen's commit- Services Christmas day at 7 a. m. That a real live newspaper club chatter during the winter! VILLE-WIND (570 k), Wed. 9: 30 The average woman may glance 1 f h H 1 b h y M and !0 a. m. BrD.N.UNTHANK,M.D. · 11 '.nell, \"hY not'· p. m. to 10:30 p. m. (Regal theater, in the mirror and bewail the fact , t~e 0 t e . a.r em ranc ' · . · The problem of health among They are longmg a· to see. ' • that Mother Nature cheated her. J C. A., deftmte plans are bemg Wednesday, December 2Bth, Holy Negroes is very important. It So here we pledge our promise "' .. '" " Chicago>. Little does she stop to realize that , sponsored to make the presentation Innocent's. 9 a. m., Holy Commun- should be more seriously consid- To aid in every way, Do you like to putter around j AMATEUR NITE IN HARL~- a little care here and there adds a. of Duke Ellington and his band in ·on. 8 p.m., Chri~tmas Party. ered than most of us as a group do. The entreprise now offered in your yard? Do you exchange WMCA (570 k), Wed. 11 p.m. to 12 touch o! beauty that can easUy make the great hall of City college on Sunday, January 1st, Feast of the In our health problems lie, in And hope it long may stay. plants, bulbs or cuttings ·w-ith your 1' midnight. <Apollo theater, NYCJ. ~~re!~:h~nvy of the lovllest creature January .3 an event riv~lling the ~~~u~c~~::. ~~f:· c~~~~ir::~~~ I 1 · Good luck to you McClendon, f · d ? D · h f p 1 ':uh marw instances, t 1e so utton to nen s. o you wts you were i MAJOR BOWES AMATEUR HOUR So easy is it for her to wonder, presentatiOn o au vv !ternan at Sermon. . f . bl Your progress we'll observe, . h d h t t ·m C . h 11 , b k some o our economtc pro ems. h "Ob , certatn ow an w en o n . -CBS, Thurs. 9 p.m. "What's the use of it all." so firm arneg1e a a rew years ac . Studies of the United States Pub- Quite sure t e new server that ~hrub or vine? You do? I is her belief that it will not help That such a distinction should . • .. ,, I' CROSS ROADS HALL-CBS, Thurs k h lie health service show the death Will demonstrate your nerve. ~ " - any to take time out to ma e er- come to Ellington is merely a trib- N d I. d 2 5 B E A Browne 6:45 p. m. .self graceful, charming, and more h' . . . rate among 1 'egroes ec me · Y • • • WeB, how does a garden club beautiful. . ute to IS gemus, for many cntJcs per cent in the period from 1920 sound to you? A garden club that ELZY, RUBY, soprano-CBS, Wed But what she really needs is a are agreed that he is the outstand- to 1933. Yet the death rate among A would be open to any and all gar- 9 p. m. <Member of Harry Sim- thorough renovating of her inner ing contributor to modern mustc whites declined 7.7 per cent in the . nne den enthusiasts, male and female, eone's chorus in the Star-Studded and outer self. She should try and and the most prolific of contem- N f d b ernon S I 9 30 (6 30 o est wants to look. She should be sure Friday, January 6th, Epiphany. 'l p. m., F.zast of Lights. Sermon by the Rev. L. E. Kempton, Rector of Trinity Church. NOMURA'S Prescription Pharmacy 6 S. W. 6th Av~:., Portland, Ore. period. This decline in death rate v ' young and old. A club that would Revue), KEHE Los Angeles, Sat get a mental picture of the way she porary 1 'egro composers. among egroes was oun to e 1 meet onlv once or twice during the 1 : p. m. : p. m. n w \Vhile the average per.so11 th1'1 1 ks ' to express her own personality and chiefly in the age groups of 30 ' season for sound instruction from I coast)· not merely copy someone who is at- of Ellington in terms of swing mu- HOWARD NOMURA BEacon 4414 years and under. .The decline in I LetterS experts who would cheerfully an- 1 CHARLIE JOHNSON-WAAF (290 tractive. Each woman within her- sic, there are those cogncscenti who death among "httes was found ~·wer questions. A club with little I k>, Sat. 12 noon CDuke of the Uke self has point~ or traits that for her gind in his \\·orks passages rivalling h· fl · h f 45 d ' O\vn advantage should be empba- . c 1e \' tn t e age group o an ~ or no dues, short on stiff formality Chicago). those of the famous masters whose under. j M~!,~a: ~~·:~::::=and Christ- and frills but long on friendly ex- MAGNOLIA BLOSSOMS _ NBC siz:ite often "My Lady" finds her- works are regarded as masterpieces. Economically these figures be- 'mas will be here, and I do believe change of garden lore, with mbayb~ Blue, Wed. 10 p. m. self invited to some special social In preparation for this conctrt, come important. For example, a I'm as excited as the chlldren-al- a neighboorly tour of the mem ers event. Immediately she makes an .Mr. Ellington promises a definite SAVE ON CL}!:ANING AND PRESSING at the "Bu3y Bee Cleaners" H. De Witty, Manager t612 N. Williams Avenue white American is 5.5 per cent bet- though we haven't a lot of ready gardens when they are at their MERR! WEATHER, BEGONIA- appointment at her beauty parlor. a. 1 . h f N 1 · Pl d WNEW (1250 k>, Mon. thru Sat She does not stop to consider that pro,t am app:a. mg to t e tastes 0 ~Ve Need Your Head in Our Busines:-; ter as an ins~rance risk than ~ e- cas ~en I was a child Christmas was prettrest. ants an necessities while that is very good, a regular . the most cnucal and the upper Holliday's Barber Shop gro. For tlus reason some tns~r- :Christmas. There was a bustle and purchased in large quantities are 9 a. m. (NYC). system of care would enhance her : strata of the musical world. At the we Specialize in ance companies that do solicit Ne-! hustle and the whole atmosphere usually less expensive and mem!:lers NEGRO ACHIEVEMENT HOU&- charm one hundred ·per cent. Even same time, the same trpe of music ',adies', Gentlemen's and Children's !!TO business, do so at a higher rate ! was tingling with excitementa:nd could save on their bulbs and what- WELI, New H.nven, conn., Wed though madame is perfectly content will be definitely understood by HAIRCUTTING and FACIALS than thev do the whites. This same I spicy aromas of fruit tc~ke~:w~~~ not. 5·45 p m to sit for hours to have some new I •h . + k ·I f l\IANICURING h · r · f · and cookie making gree e 0 * * • ,, · · · coiffure arranged she never once . t •OS~ " 0 pw.ess no 11 ?". edge 0 N. H. Holliday 511 N. W. 6th Ave. t eory app •es m matters 0 em- tered the doorway. Here is NEGRO HOUR-KEHE, Los Angeles thinks how her face looks under the music and who love to ltsten to the ::. H. Rucker Portland, Ore. 1 . f' ld one en Christ Th . P oyment 111 every te · our pet recipe for a Merry - ere is variety aplenty to m- Th 1 mass of beautiful curls or waves· wild strains of haunting melvd 'es urs. a. m., 10 p. m. on west ' 1 1 rRinit 5 924 Sometimes conditions that ap- mas Cookie Jar: terest many hobbyists. The Le Roy coast. nod does she consider how out of as played only by the Ellington Y pear to be pure segregation show Dll.te and Cocoanut cookieste • Blackburns' velvety backyard with her place her unkept hands look. I aggregation. some statistical reasons from the 3 cups flour, 1 cupedsdugdacroc, ~~ its colorful flowers and its penguin- ROCHESTER, JACK BENNY'S RA- Then again one of the greatest . T k' · spoon .soda, 1 cup shr e ' d d 1 . f h' 1 1 1 DIO VALET-NBC Red, sun. 7 assets to any woman is her figure.; a tng. the concert to the great health standpomt. 'h lb. butter, 1 cup dates, 1 cup nuts, ?uar e poo IS re res mg Y ·o~e Y Although everyone may not be able hall of City college lends another I lat Th J W Inver P.m. (Rebroadcast 11:30 p.m.>. We as a group, then, must pay ;3 eggs. n e summer. e · · ;> - to PQ!:lle'ls a perfect figure, relative , definite recognition to the mastery and a\· dearly for the health of 1 Sift tog~ther flour, sugar, and soda soils are rock-garden consc1ous ROSE, JIMMY-NBC Blue, Mon to height and weight, she can im- ' and wizardry of the pianist from p · 1 d i in eggs which have been c lk h U S R d h h lf by being well molded · ce \Ve pay financially. we an m x ' lt Drop ;o as are t e . . ee s w o thru Fri. 11 a. m., NBC Red, 3 prodvef. erse Flabbitless of t~e body \Vashington who has had the music our ra . 1 , I well beaten with a little sa . live . \V ley Heights Dr P (Jimm la th 1 .. an lrm. ld h' f pay in the matter of emp oyment; , from a teaspoon and bake at 375 de- 1M 11 averG Ed d. h · · m. Y P ys e roe 0 • is unforgivable in anybody. J wor at ts eet. For here, in we pay from the housing stand-I grees. The recipe makes about five I and rs. A. . . war s ave "Merit," comical jockey in the l cathedra~- like settings, Ellington WE HURRY TOM BENSON GLASS WEIDLER AND WILLIAMS VAL C. BALLES'l'REM Printing "Good Printing for Less" po 'nt In fact there is no phase dozen cookies. . phenomenal luck With p 0 t ted story of Mary Marlin air drama) 1- al Notes :. ,b'illesdt. his orchestra will be at their f I . l'f that'our health does not I Speaking of Childhood Chnst- plants. The George Hollidays were SOUTHERNAffiES, VOCAL QUAR s - 0 our 1 e k this ne a real old- · - OC -14 N BROADWAY .. ff who not ma e 0 among the very hrst to put m a TET NBC Blue Stm 11·30 a m I M b f h · ' · 01rectly e ect. . fashioned Christmas. The first step 1 . . . d · - • · · · . em ers o. t e executive com- -------------- ·~· is t:> do as much as possible one's poo m then spacwus yar · TALES FROM HARLEM with JOE -- I mtttee sponsonng the concert in- SUnset 5551 Meetings, Announcements self, which is a nice economical plan. • '' '' ~ BOSTIC-WNEW <1250 lt), Fri. By KATHRYN BoGLE I dude. some of the hest known per- i Then let the children and the lord The Roselawn avenue home of 8:30 p. m. (A huge ca.st including ! sons m the community. They are HOWARD FUEL CO. l of the manor help, which they will a guest band, Singing Palmer A stork shower has been ar- D A d ay sput Mr. and Mrs. Phil Reynolds hns 1, r. lma Haskins, Mrs. Louise I adore, although said lor m .- Freres, comec'y team; Swan & Lee, ranged for Sunday afternoon for 1 J\II . M ] W M 1 ter and fume, but only because he lS a pool and they are building a et al. b 1 orns, rs. ames atson rs a little shy of admitting what a harbeque pit now for the family Mrs. Charles Ivan Patterson Y 1 Lucille Randolph, Mrs. C. L: f h P 1 d 11 t' he is having Just watch I M R ld I t' VINE STREE'I VARIETIES-WHB Mrs. D. N. Unthank:. About 2+ I Alex<~nder Mrs H .· Fl To the readers 0 t e ort an swe 1me · h ist p easure. r. eyno s oves cac 1 ( 860 k), Sat. 4 p, m. <Kansas City, ·n h h 1 · '· , • enttetta ~- Observer: A new club has sprung the splendid resul~s if t~~t ~ ~im~ too Mo>. young women WI. gat er at t e: ner, Dr. Anna C. Johnson, Mrs. h All mas tree and wreat s are e 0 • · ,, ,, ,, ,. Unthank home m Waver 1 Y, T~m"" T n ,, .1 , 1 v· . forth in our midst called t e ey Let the children tt7ing fluffy whltP I . . H . h . . .&'-In ·•••·'· • i v l<lu Th ·- . f b i d T h WAY DOWN SuUTH-WFIL Phila- e•g ts. . ·., .· ''· ,. \l\Iason, 11rs. Eunl'ce Hunton Car- Cats. e membership consists o popcorn and red cran err es an , .o name everyone e:e ts tm- delphia, Thurs. 10 : 45 P. m. csa, - .. , seven Cats who meow loud and hang them in great swags among the posstble but those mentwned al- Wooding Sin 1 ~ers>. M B . B l f G h t I ter and Mrs. Peyton F. Anderson. long each week. The regular meet- shining balls. Olve them somte ready and the James Braggs, J alfles O rs. onnteThog edo eadr Far.' j Leviticus Lyo~ is chairman of the . . . · . 7 30 bright colored papers, a pot of pas e W'll' h O R h f d WINGS OVER JORDAN-CBS, sun regon spent urs ay an n- . ing , \vas 'held ·Tuesday. at : 'and a pair of shears and watch the I tams, t e tto ut er or s, KEY TO ABBREVCIATIONS day visiting with her family and i committee on arrangements. O 'clock in the 1 'r favonte alley. !, hanting and delightfully im- the Eugene Cardens, the Charles 9'30 a m <Pr · t G t) enc · · · ommen ues · friends. lVPA EDUCATION PROGRAM Members G. G. T. c., G. T. c., i promptu results that they will con-I Redds, the vVilliam Deiz, the Jac:k The C., W. C. P. C., and K. C. 1 trive for their tree. Paper rings, Martins and rou could all name CBS indicates the Columbia ~ ·· ·· ···· NEW ORLEANS, (ANP>-~raising ' . 11 k d together into long chains, h h . d. d Broadcasting System; NBC, RED or Reported ill: Mr. Luther John- the good work being done through- .were present: Great thmgs a~e s~ve~· stars with perhaps a bright I o~ erls w o are .mtereste m mo est Broadcasting System, MBS, Mutual son is convalescing at his home in out the state by WPA education tn store for th1s dub, so watch thetr blue and green lining, some wonder-! City- ot gardenrng. BLUE, National Broadcasting Co.. Montnvill-a. Mrs. Jeanne Jones is program, Educational Director M. s . tails swish back and forth. ful shapes cut · to look like snow- ,, ,, " (k) is the abbreviation for kilocycle. . d ; Robert;on recently declared he be- flakes; red, white and green cornu- Consult your individual local net- able' to be· up and about agam an l lieved the percentage of those who ' " • '' held copias to be filled with sugared nuts Neat and well-kept describes the work stations for broadcasts listed is recovering from the effects of an I can neither read nor write, will be Enterprise No. 1 Lodge or simple candies, can also be hung yard and flower-beds of Mr. and subtractl.ng time given, E.S.T. to your injured knee suffered in a recent I rEduced to 5 per cent before the their annual election of officers on on the tree. Mrs. Clarence Ivy on Tibbetts own time zone. !all. Mr. Charles Mumford is 11940 census. Dr. Robertson als <-aid Monday, December 5, 1938. The Of course you won't forget to let street. The Joseph Reeds in Haw- Calloway, Cab-CBS-Mon,. Thurs., convalescing. Mr. Eugene Minor I ~he eagerness . with ~hi~h Negroes follo\.,,·ng offl'cers were elected: Rover DOg give Thomas Cat a fat thorne keep thel'r yard and shrub- 11 30 (C tt Cl b N Y c > . '11 r d h' h flock to learn, 1S astomshmg. On the ., J 6 J W catnip mouse and let Thomas give : p. m. o on u , . . . ts stt con .me to ts orne. ., other hand, the unwillingness of H. S. Payton, W . .l,Vl.; • • • Rover a nice bone, all wrapped in bery weH clipped. The Reeds like Charioteers-NBS Blue-Tues., 8:15 ~ '· " •· many of the whites, is something Simms, S. W.; Vernon Gaskin, J · cellophane and hung on the tree. Tie box-wood. a. m.; NBC Red-sat., 10 : 30 a. m. Mothers of the Jefferson foot- , p..;a~t~h=et~i~c·=========--- ..... W.; R. D. Bird, Secretary; James a piece of suet on the laurel bush • • • • ball squad entertained the team at r~ "-· = - · W 'll' R b' d d tter some Deep River Boys- CBS-Tues., k b h h' h h 1 STEPHEN WR Mgl·. Cantrell, Treasurer; 1 tam ay, for the 1r s an sea J\llr. and Mrs. Charles Adams Wed., Thurs., B:l 5 a. m.-CBS-Mon a tur ey anquet at t e 1g sc oo : IGHT, T crumbs on the back walk for them. T d . M b h ' rustee. ' Laurel and oregon grape make 1 both love to garden as their luxur_ and Fri., 11 :15 p. m. ues ay evemng. em ers w 0 I h no 1 • 1 d b '11' fl made all-star ratings were guests .,. DR. MORDECAI SPEAKS I handsome wreaths if you ave '• wnt -awn an. n •ant owers at- Dudley, Jimmy-WTMJ- (620 k>- S h d R' h d 11 0 Alb h Ch 1 of honor. o onore was 1c ar I WASHINGTON D C \.ANP)-In ho Y. ' test. ut m erta t e ar es Mon Wed Frl 1'30 p m (Spirited ' · ., 'th l'ttl t a effort, phy- ! • ., ., ·• · · · S f M d M a speech here last Sunday at Mt. So WI a 1 e ex r ke the 1 Stantons have placed convement Saxaphone soloist with the Rhythm tanton, son ° - r. an rs. 1 . · • ! sical and mental, we can ma I h R 1 • J c f "'1 Cl 1 ~tanton carmel Baptist c~urch, Dr. Mordec~l I day one to be remembered-frivilous bene es to drop onto and dream; keS:,c~is.> am rew rom ~ ... 1 wau- tares u • ~· * * ! W. Johnson, president Ho~ard um- i and festive and full of pleasant ! their yard-plan resembles that of The O. l\t • . r. E. club of Bethel A. : ver·ity warned Negroes agamst anti- • d i th h F' 1 S , · · · " HOTEL MEDLEY Phone MU. 2025-MU. 4015 2272 N. INTERSTATE AVENUE PORTLAND, OREGON Recreation Room, Restaurant and Barber Shop Je; d~monstrations, declared: "The II memories that will la.>t ur ng e t e te den te_warts mv1tmg gar- Gordon, Joe-WNEW 0250 k) Frt- N. E. church met with :Mrs. Her- Negro minority must have no par~ in co~en~l~e:~ you the merriest of <flen. on Eh. Mata. FMor greenMper- ~~C)) .l a. m. (Small's Paradise, man Baker Wednesday afternoon. anti-Semitism or anti-Christianity, M Ch i t ases--espe-~ ectton t e lawns of r. and rs. · d Merry, erry r s m · · Special Rates to Railroad Men. eCvhe~ tithough. he f~n~ ~ew: an I cially the children. Wyatt Wtlltams are unsurpassed; Hines, Earl- NBC Red- Mon.,12:30 The Culture cl-ub had its annual WOOD OF ALL KINDS We Accept Relief Requisitions YARD 82nd and FLAVEL COUilTE~'iY~~ND ql!;RVlCJo~ j ) at the I Broadway Pharmacy REGISTERED PHARMACISTS In Attendance at All Times Broadway and Williams I Ph(J,ne TRinity 7421 Our Prices as Low as Any in Oregon SHOP HERE FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS i ~~~==~======~~~ ':lllllllllli!tlllllltl:tllllliiiJ'IIItllllllllllllllllli~IIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIUilllllllllll~ I ~£~;:~ I I ~~~~~11:~~! I = REMINGTON RAND = ris ans, . m ~er am ms ances, I With love, .I they go in for choice apple trees a. m.;NBC Blue-Sun., 12:30 a. m Christmas party \Vednesday after- working agamst htm. ANNE d M Ch l (WENR 870 k)-Sun., thru Fri., 11:30 J EQUIPMENT I '== = = =========;;;.',) 1 =iJIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIll!llllllllllllllltiiiJIIIIII;. c~~~N~~~us.~.~~ I j E.Will~~huwwk~~ts~Fr~U:Ma.~s~.u~~~. TD~~~C~}~'·-----------~· .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ J I 1 an nut trees too. rs. ares p. m. (WMAQ- 670 k) Tues., Thurs., noon at th(' home of Mro;. Robert T ii:ST.S:Ii\ [)Jrr:'.;'Wt; -:.. I y w c A 1 cessful patterns for continuous .: i r... I illLU ·~\!}.\..,.~ $. ~... II • • • • I bloom in her attractive flower beds, Howard, Bob- WEAF- ( 660 k ) The Rusebud Study club will I By Eranus Lee J}J:I'! iJte 1 while Mr. Williams vcarns over - Thurs., 11 p.m. CNYC). not meet again until after the holi- 1 o~~E ~~onf:s~f!~tb\~crt::;~·:~~ ,, N 0 T E s I his choice roses. . p.I~~pots-NBC Blue-Sat., 11:45 days. ,,, ,, ,, ,,, I watering-place of Bath a lady by i •:. .:- "' j the homely name I' 'f . f .1\1( King Cole Jesters NBC Blue- Mr. David Greene and lVIrs. , Of S ~.1.J" Lunn - All "Y" Clubs "'1'1·1 observe the o mentton a ew more, . rs. - . . · " .. West Coast only- Monday 8 p. m. Rachel Belard were umted m mar- she ought t o be . . · d Merman C. Baker has 60 pedi- the patron 8-int Chnstmas season wtth parttes an d b h . I d L f d .._ 1 S 8 d riage m Vancouver, Washington , ; of ::tll folk ·~·ho I >rograms The Christmas Vesper gree rose us es m Jer neat yar ; -l;u~~d~~t~ f~r:: e;o~BNYC~~ ay last -.,veek and are spending their : gather together . h.ld 1 S d fte I the other branch of the Bakers, the 1 r ft . ' servtce e on ast un ay a r- h B k h 1 . honeymoon in Vancouver, B. C. : visit and refresh- noon was well attended. f · d' d · h · - - ~ .. ~ ' or an a eJ noon I Jo n a ers ave severa 1mport- Hot Lips Page WNEW (1250 k) · ~ ~. * ~. I ment. For she . d ant rUit an nut trees ottmg t etr Tues., Wed., Thurs., and Fri., 12 mid· M d M R 1 h Fl j M b f h B an it B · k b NYC r. an rs. a p ' owers, •••lliii.BIIMQIRa ~ade a famous 1 r em ers 0 t .e usmes~ specious grounds. All of the Flow- n e, < rtc Clu • ). httle tea cake I Industrial club w 1 11 entertam all 1 d b El Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Flowers, Mr. 1 which bears her name. But we've . . h . ers c an can gar en, ut mer Tate, Erskine-Wind (560 k)- and Mrs. Ervin Flowers, and Mr. I improved Sally's original recipe. chtldren of our commumty at t en Flowers raises the biggest tomatoes Nitely, 12:45 a. m. <Walkathon, Today w~ make our Sally Lunns II Annual Children's Christmas party and Llovd Flowers raises the larg- Coliseum, Chicago). and Mrs. Lloyd Flowers together 1 mwiotrhe thqemcakidlyo- adnodublme·oarcetingsmb·ealky: on Friday evening, December 23, :st dah.lias. Mrs. Dave Elliott with Mr. and Mrs. Duke Jackson • 0 10 30 P M M B Vagabonds-Clum matinee-NBC and Mr. Holman Crawford spent ing powder and cake flour, to give from 8:3 to : · . r. · knows her herbs and has many Blue-Mon., thru Fri., 4 p. m. and O l that feathery lightness so essential I Turner and his Junior band wiU I f. . h f' d themselves the Jamboree Fri. 8:30 p. m. CVocal Sunday fishing at cean ake. to hot breads. 1 • • , oretgn ones t at m I Quick Salty Lunns i present toys to each ch1ld attendtng · at home in her vard. quartet). :"""""""""""'"'"""""'""""'"""'""""""""""'"""'""'"""''. 2 cups sifte"d cake flour; 2 tea- , the party. Mrs. L . B rock and her " .* * ~ Waller, Fats-1250 k) Tues., 9:30 ~ .. --= ~ .. ; 1 1 . spoons double-acting baking committee will direct games for the E 1· (T T d ) Elkt'ns is p. m. (Yacht Club, NYC). The Cosmopoli"tan = powder; ¥z teaspoon salt; ¥z cup . . ar ree- ra e butter or other shortening; 4 table- evemng. ! rabid on gardens and can take a watson, Leo, singer with Gene ~ ~ 1 spoons sugar ; 1 egg, well beaten; I The Junior band will have a handful of sunflower seeds and I Krupa's orch.-CBS - Sun. Mon., ~ Business Club ~ J 1 cup milk. I · D I BS W t C ' t nl ~ ~ · Sift flour once, measure, add ' concert on Tuesday evemng, e- trade here and there until he comes 12:30 a. m.; C es oas o Y = ., baking powder and .salt, and sift ' cember 20 at 8 P . . VI. The band home with a full grown weeping and KEHE <Los Angeles heavy nitely ~ § again. Cream shortemng, add sugar, ! ' schedule). i EXTENDS ~ and cream together thoroughly. · rendered an excelle11t program at 1 willow tree. I ~ ~ Combine egg and milk. Add fiour the Boise school on T uesday eve- I ,. * " ,, Wilson, Teddy, Lionel Hampton : TO ITS MANY FRIENDS = to creamed butter and sugar, alter- 1 ning December 1., T hey were II D th l b l t ? If ·with Benny Goodman ork-CBS- =-=_.,i -~ _ =~§ nately with milk mixture! a small , 1 11 • . d -- . oes e c hu aObppea o youE. A Tues., 9 : 30 p. m.; Wed., 12 midnlte ; THE SEASON'S GREETINGS = amount l!-t a time, beatmg after , we receive . l1t does, call t e server or st MBS-Thurs and sat. 12 midnite- f:c;re~~~~~:u~~tl~a~lr:~~t~.ot ~~~~ I ELIZABETH SUMMERS, 14502 and say, "I want to help form Panist and .:~ibe" pla;er- Waldorf- I ~ (425• F.) 25 minutes, or untll done.!·' Secretary. that garden club!'' A~toria Hot~>l, NYC) · N"""'"""""'""'"'""'""""'"'"""'"""""'""'"""'"'"""""'""''~ Makes 12. The PORTLAND OBSERVER Will appreciate having every person who received a copy uf the first issue calling- the editorial office and giving the names of at least three persons .who did not re- ceive a copy. Phone EAst 0949.
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