' ~~- YOUNG PEOPLE'S PAGE RICHARD WINSLOW, Editor SPEND WEEK-END AT BEACH A certain party told yours truly ' Last week-end four daring young that Miss R.M.B. is jealous of her men, Chuck (Baron) Gragg, Will- little sister R.B. (Too bad too sad.) iam Hilliard, Johnny Minor Jr. and DeNorval Unthank Jr. spent a very A.W. certainly left a lot of wives PORTLAND INQUIRER CLICKING ON TOUR pleasant short vacation on the behind, didn't he J. & C. I !:':''''''"''''''''''""''''''''"""' shores of the mighty Pacific. The j cool but they still enjoyed them- VANPORT COUNCIL weather they -stated was rather l I selves very much. HOLDS MEETING ,,,,,,.,.,.,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,.,,,,,,,, PARKER VS. DRUNK CASE Here's the latest dope on the Parker vs. Drunk case. I had a brief interview with Mr. Parker, the lad recently struck by a drunk– A Vanport Inter-Racial meeting was held for youths, jr. high and and high school age at Community Recreavon Hall N. 5. en driver automobile, and he said: The purpose of this meeting was "(Quote) "I'm going to sue that to urge more of the young popula– kat for every cent that he has." tion to take advantage of Port- (UWnq~ote)t.'ll . b k f . land's educational facilities and e re s I m ac o you RICh- ~ ard, and we wish you the most sue- better prepare themselves for jobs cess in the world. i in the post war world. -(EJtc/usiv• IPS Photo) SLAM Marvelous Marva Louis, wife of world's heavyweight Joe Louis (Sgt. Louis of the U. S. Army), who has been acclaimed by emi· nent critics as 1944's contribution to_ stage, screen and radio, is cur· rently being presented on a tour The point was stressed also of through southern key cities where the realization that many are not I she won thousands of admirers be· . f t . . causo of her vocal efforts. Please R. W. and E. M. please tak~ng advant.age 0 oppor ~mtles At the completion of the tour don't hold me up and take the mail, 1 which are theirs for the takmg. Marva heads midwest, and thence or you know what will happen boys. I Approximately fifty young peo- for her appearance at the Mayfair . In Boston, Massachusetts, where ___ pie both colored and white attend- the stage is set at this early dat Personally Nell, I think that you I ed and heard very interesting and/ ~.o _welcome the new singing sta~ are swell I informative talks by Mr. John S With open arms" ___ Griffith, principal of Roosevelt I I'm sorry that you couldn't get high school and Mr. Simola, prin- UNDERTAKERS your float started Viv, but I left cipal of up~er Gr~des Building N.l. . CHOOSE DEWEY you in good hands anyway. (An- Short social penod preceeded the chors awayl) meeting with refreshments after- SUBSCRIPTION ORDER PORTLAND INQUIRER 2736 N. E. Rodney Avenue Please enter my subscription for................._ ...............-..........months and find enclosed $....,_,_,_,__ ·-····-····-oo·- N arne .....-........................-...·-··..-·..······-·..·-·...-....-...._ ...._ ................-....................... Street Address ··········-····-····-·········-..··········..·-······...-..........._,_,........- ..··-·-·· IJI ty oo•••-•••••••••-•o•o-oooo•oo••-oo••-oooo-oooo-•••·-•-oo•-•-oooo•oooo-oooo-oooo-oooo-oooo-oooo-oooo-•••·-•-••••• One year $5.00 6 months $2.50 3 months $1.25 New York- Expressing a wide preference for Governor Thomas E. Dewey, delegate to the National Negro Funeral Directors Associa– tion last week voted 56 for Mr. Dewey and 42 for President Roose– vel in a poll on the question, "Who is your choice for President of the United States?" The poll was taken Monday af– ternoon at the Renaissance Casino where the annual convention of the Association was held. August 21 to 24. The meeting was attended by delegates and visitors from every section of the country. • • Paid Ad. Pare '1 Babe's Meal-Planning Corner This week's recipe is a healing ' ly to mix ingredients, place over balm to all young brides who like rapidly boiling water, beat with ro– to bake pastries, but have trouble tary egg beater until mixture is with their frostings. Follow clbsely cool, remo;ve from boiling water, recipe below, a_nd I promise you tint with yellow coloring ,add va– complete success. nilla and orange rind, beat until F:LUFF ORANGE FROSTING 214 cups of sugar 1h cup water 1 h teaspoon of cream tartar 3 egg whites 1lh teaspoon of yellow vegetable coloring I 2 teaspoons of grated orange rind. Combine first four ingredients in top of double boiler, beat slight- thick. Ladies, we can use many more of your recipes. Send them in and they will be printed so that those who do not have time to select new recipes themselves, can follow those sent in by you without having to look through a cookbook. This recipe was sent to us by Mrs. Rosa Lee Saunders, 2308 N. E. Rodney Ave. ---------------------------- Edgar G. Brown, director of the - National Negro Council, who con ducted the poll, said the vote was in keeping with the results in two other polls taken in 23 states in l which Negroes vote. The trend to the Republican party is evident throughout, he said. One delegate wrote in his ballot that "We must elect Dewey and get the South out of the control in Washington," Mr. Brown revealed SEND IN YOUR RECIPES WAR War! Since time began this vile blot has been engraved by the hand of man on every page that he has writ; He cannot, nor can time, nor even God himself that stain remove, For writ it is in blood so red that rocks and hills, and e'en Eternity the sight doeth dread. R. D. Snyder. General Insurance Representing SERVICE-STABILITY with SAVINGS -- D. M. WIEDER INSURANCE AGENCY 308 Woodlark Bldg. 813 S. W. Alder St. - BR. 5674 COAST FIXTURE COMPANY Used Restaurant and Office Supplies Refrigerators, Ice Boxes L BOXER, Manager Broadway and N. Williams MAIL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW I /
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