
Page 6 PORTLAND INQUIRER PORTLAND PATTER have any bearing on the outcome of portunity for employment to all, the war. Nevertheless, some of the without reference to race and reli– recent racial troubles in our coun- gion. Iwet us kill that myth of race try are following the pattern set superiority which Hitler uses for by Hitler and Goebels. Although stirring up dissension among the we have not proved that Hitler people of various groups in our wanted to create these conditions in country. The faith in democracy if our country, he said so in his ultimately bound up with the faith By M. SAWYER The Portland cuties do catch did some soft ball history, taking ones eyes. Louisiana does produce the $1,000 first prize and also win- some very lovely babes, too. ning the West Coast Soft Ball . championship. Luck to you in the Speaking of Blue Rooms, the U. N t' 1 Ch . h' S f B 11 . • a wna ampwns Ip o t a S. 0. has Its Blue Rooms. Why t t Le W'lk 1 1 1 don't some one open a Red orGreen con es · s I erson, oca Pay boy, is one of the Merchants finest Room here in Portland? hurlers. ' The coming stomp at McElroys . A nudist colony in Portland will f e at uring "The International be a must, if the continued heat Sweethearts of Rhythm should be wave lasts much longer, and just a solid sender. Let's jump all you remember, there were those of us, cats, with the reat pleats. Don't II who complained of the cool wet forget Thursday, Sept. 14, is the j weather here iQ Portland. date. The local boys sure do go for the big chariots, of the gas varie– ty. speeches. of the Negro, the Jew and other In one he said: "America is per- minorities in our country. We must manently on the brink of revolu- all become brothers or we will all tion. In another speech !!lade by become slaves. Persecution in a Hitler he said: "The United States democracy means stagnation and is at present so demoralized and so death to that democracy. On tbe corrupt that it need not be taken home front we must resolve to into consideration as a military ad- fight for social justice, and fight versary. Social conditions are worse against unjust discrimination. in the United States than in Eng- The time has come for the white land; innumerable people are de- people to end discrimination 11rived of even the lowest standard against the Negro. We must dedi– of living." Hitler has tried to set cate ourselves now, as Lincoln did capital against labor, white against at Gettysburg, with the words: Tiny Bradshaw brings his out– standing musical aggregation to the City of Roses Sept. 18th. For those who appreciate the finest this should be a must. The local airbase boys have a ;.;egro, Catholic against Jew. He "Resolve today that you will fight f t . d . p knowF that prejudice in any form for social J'ustice. There I·s no half- way o get mg aroun m ortland. plays his game. way course. America's future is Who is California gift to Port- Th~ effects of the riots are as de- what we of the present make it. Herb Lewis will miss you and land? Could you tell us, Sidney? j humlnizing to us as the brutality Let our Pledge of Allegiance be your swell soft ball team. The col- The Sepia Sinatra was heard of the Nazis is to the Germans, more than lip service, so that all ored merchants will long be re- making recordings at the local U. and Wf' should ask ourselves what can say with us that we are "One membered around here. They s. 0. the other Sunday evening. have we clone to prevent and stop nation, indivisible, with liberty and ----------------------------- such un~American practices. We justice for all. Let's remember that I , must not overlook the fact that the we are now fighting to establish I I Negrc naturally resents the discri- social justice. The winning of this SERM0 N mination of ~hites against him as battle is more important than win- _----------------------------_J· much as we do the fact that Hitler ning the Battle of the Atlantic. tells us we are inferior. When Hit- We would all agree that we WEEKLY THROUGH UNITY TO VICTORY Only Through U~ty Will There Be Victory. By REV. J. F. SMITH Pastor of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. Do you want to help in creating 1 11 d " t 'd h ld t · . . ? er ca s our emocracy a pu n s ou ac agamst groups that this umty . Do not answer until , d l'b t "A kl' ' ld d t d b . carcass an 1 er y wea mg s wou es roy our emocracy, ut you ~hoos~ ;?ether ~ou. want your filthy dream," we feel hatred for as intelligent people we should coun ry; Wit. I.ts popu atwn of more Hitler. Let us not forget the fact know that separate acts of repre- than 130 millions of people to live h t th h'te h · •t . t a e w I s w o are a maJOr! y sentatives of a particular racial or ~n peac~ or beco~e a lan~ torn by in America, are responsible for the religious group, do not institute evi– mternatwnal stnfe,, bloodshed and Jim Crowism in the South, and clence, that the entire racial or re– war. ~ 0 . you want to follow these other unjust discrimination which ligious groups would undermine or 130 millions. to become united, or would make any self-respecting in- destroy our country. Race and re- a~e you gomg to. follow Hitler's dividual hate the oppressor. ligion are not reliable criteria f<U' dictum of spreading disunity by · determini·ng our enem1'es. Some of We need to search our own hearts pitting one racial group against th 1 th · 1 . and set ourselves free of hate and e most oyal of our democracy ano er rac1a group and one reb- · th 1 f · · · · . discrimination We need something now m e armec orces f1ghtmg gwus group. · 1 d · · may not be the same as ours. Let us analyze the problem carefully by asking ourselves if we are giv– ing all minority groups a fair chance to earn a living and serve the country that we love. INVITATION A Public Forum and Discussion Concerning Race Relationships and Their Implication to our American Way of Life SPEAKERS Mr. E. B. MeNaughton President First National Bank of Portland and Dr. De Norval Unthank ENTERTAINMENT Intermediate Auditorium School Center No. 2 Tuesday Nite, Sept. 12 8 P.M. This is the First in a Series of Public Fon1ms and Discussions Planned For Your Enjoyment. AUSPICES VANPORTINTERRACIAL COUNCIL LLOYD A. GILL Window Lettering Sign Painter 81 Cherry Court WE. 7220 Victory in the war is the thought uppermost in the minds of all peo– ple today, but we must have an equal concern for victory in the peace. A military victory could be– come just one more armistice in which all mankind prepares for an– other bath of blood and tears for our children and grandchildren. They may experience even greater s~crifice and suffering than man– kind e~periences today if we lose the peace. "Victory in peace, as in war" can be attained only through unity of purpose, aims and action. The attainment of such unity is as essential for victory as the produc– tion of war materials and the pur– chase of bonds. g~ous group? agamst another reli-~ more than tol~rance of those who . against the Axis are people whose . differ from us in race and religion. racia an religwus background When we consider the 130 mill- . . · ------------------------ . , Tolerance IS only a sleepmg potwn, Ions who make up our country we I a sedative. We need an aggressive find all nationalities and races rep- program of good will and unity, or resented . . . Who are the real our indifference and passive atti– Americans? If priority of arrival in I· tude will sabotage our democracy. A ·. th' 1 th 1. The place for us to begin fighting m~ncan means any mg, on y e I Hitler is in our home, at our clubs, Indian can rightfully claim this our schools, our shops and our of– distinction. All the rest of us are fices. We must recognize that we in a sense foreigners. are playing Hitler's game on his It is quite possible that we have terms if we use the Nazi poison of some people who do not feel that racial and religion discrimination the problems of race and religion by refusing to give equality of op- S. W. 3rd Ave. at Morrison Street Clearance Sale Priced! Fine Quality-Forty-Povncl LAYER FELT MATTRESSES . • Both Full and Single Bed Sizes $11 9 8 • ~o:c:ri~;: .~~~:~~-at • TERMS Extra Savings Are ,(')_~ GREEN STAMPS Mattresses ol Restful Comfort– Constructed for Long Service A SURPRIS IN G L Y low price - for a dependable Mattress of forty pound LAYER FELT - construction t h a t assures restful --"<!ping comfort and long service. These Mattresses come in both single and double bed sizes and are covered with a high-grade, fancy art-ticking of long wearing quality-and pleasing pattern. They are Mattresses of full standard quality - Priced for This Sale at $1.1..98. e EASY TERMS IF DESIRED by Vines· Styling Optometrist • Vividly beautiful ... the girl in "Vivacious" eyeweor. A new frame to make feminine eyes more lovely ... as complementary to the sophisticate as to the young and carefree. Consult Dr. Schiller, Portland Styling Op– tometrist, for ,glosses to correct your eyes scientifically ... to enhance your individual personality CASH FOR YOUR CAR We Buy, Sell and Trade GEO. S. KOCH MOTOR COMPANY 2929 N. E. UNION AVE. Corner Morris Street Bagley Downs Barber and Beauty Shop located in the SHOPPING CENTER Specializing in Massaging and' Facials Slider Bros., Proprietors .'