Vanport City News By E. P. Mims Cottonwood Ave., is an exceptional good Jitterbug from Dover, Okla. She is stepping high and strictly on the beam in looking f~rward to find all Jitter-bugs at the dance Sept. 14th. Mr. Willie Woods, 1105 Meadow St., Apt. 9203, is in Vanport City hospital with a broken foot. He is a buffer at Oregon Shipyard. Mr. Ernest Wood, 2619 Cotton– wood Ave., Apt. 1479, Swan Island shipfitter, is also confined in Van– port City hospital. Visiting hours are from 1 to 2 and 7 to 8. Please PORTLAND INQUIRER Portland Army Air Base SPARE STAMP 25, BOOK 4, Now News GOOD FOR TEN POINTS LAMB. Pare 5 BEAUTY SHOP ADDS NEW PERSONNEL By Cpl. Edward Perkins To permit immediate marketing New Operators Fill Great Need in Squadron e•s baseball team, the of surplus Northwest spring lambs, Portland Bombers, are now enjoying a 2 - 0 the Office of Price Administration game advantage in the .Baseball Mrs Arthu A C owner of t d announced validation of a · r · ox, championship series. Taking the 0 ay CHARLENE'S BEAUTY BOX, opener against the Flyers (white) spare 10-point ration stamp for 1409 Williams Ave. (across from of P . A. A. B., 7 to 5, sparked by lamb purchases in the Pacific Fraternal Hall) announced this the brilliant pitching of Pvt. B. J. Northwest over a 49-day period be- week that she had secured the Johnson and the superb catching of ginnig Sunday, September 3, and services of three very efficient 1Sgt. Audley. Sgt. George Brown's Beauty Operators. All three haVI'ng through October 21. contribution of a circuit cloud was had at least six years experience. the highlight of the first game.The The action was made public here With the addition of these cos- ! f th · · by McDannell Brown, Portland dis- seconc o e SIX game senes was metologists, Mrs. Mallie Buckner, The Vaugelles Social club met at the home of Mrs. Daisy Reivies, 10905 No. D. Ave., Apt. 10009. The meeting was of Business of im– portance The visitors were the West Coast Strugglers Social club of Vanport. A fine time was en– joyed by all. A beautiful table was planned by the Vaugettes which wa~:~ highly enjoyed by the West Coast Strugglers. Others included Mr. Henry Bush and Mr. D. B. Brocks of Portland. The girls are looking forward in seeing their new members on Sunday at the home of Mrs. D. Saunders. 1 1 k d b th B be b trict director, who. said the OPA remember to visit the sick when- a so oc e up Y e om rs Y formerly of Chicago, Mrs. Kennedy th f 7 t 3 d b th national office at Washington, D. e score o o , pace Y e of Los Angeles, and Mrs. Ophelia f . 't h' f s t "B bb , R k C., had authorized validation of me PI c mg o g . o Y ic s Clarady of Oklahoma City, a great 'th 1S t A dl 1 t' th spare stamp 25 in war ration book WI g . u ey comp e mg e need in the Portland area for the b tt t h H 4 for the purpose. a ery as ca c er. orne runs were Ladies has been filled. The dearth made by Foster and a pair by Today's action, OPA officials of good operators has caused Mrs. By G. C. Walker ever possible. YOUR POLITICS Club Officers: Mrs. L. Abee, President; Mrs. N. Bunn, Vice President; Mrs. Woods, Secretary; Mrs. D. Rivers, Treasurer. Hampton, to the game on ice. Only ' said, will permit extra lamb pur- Cox to go to a lot of trouble and CAMPAIGN ISSUES four games remain to be played. chases of an average pf approxi- expense to bring them here. Contrary to the general belief, E. Sheldon, Hill Special Service mately two pounds each by Pacific Each one is a specialist in her Mr. Henry Jones, 2619 Cotton– wood St., is giving a Bar B Que Saturday and Sunday night. Mr. Jones was formerly associated with the P. K. Miller Funeral home in Pine Bluff, Ark., also with the In– da Ann Cust Well Funeral Home. He resigned in 1940. He is now in– terest in Base Ball and Bar-B-Q. thi~ campaign will probably be representative, is manager of Northwest residents during the 49- field. Mrs. Buckner intends to in– fought without any of the major Squadron's fine ball club. day period. Point values of lamb troduce to the ladies of Portland a issues involved. The two political The boys are looking enthusiast- vary according to cut. new curl,-a Cold Curl that will parties are as one on many of the ically toward meeting the P6'rtland The point dividend will apply to not require any heat. Mrs. Cox is moral problems that affect racial Lovlies at the monthly Squadron the Portland, Seattle and Spokane attempting to get for her shop a or religious groups. Neither is will- dance on Sept. 17 at 8 p. m. The OPA district areas, which em- new kind of wave equal to the ing to exercise its maximum dance is to be held in the spacious brace all of Oregon except Mal- much publicized Permanent Wave. strength to upset the long standing new gym. heur county, all of the state of This new "Permanent" will have to tradition of racial and religious be- Squadron C's fine quartette is to Washington, and the ten counties be given only three or four times Mr. Dave Lee of 4189-41 Court, Guilds Lake, is now convaslescing at his home. Let's all stop in and say, hello! havior in America, principally be- match its talent against the Van- of Northern Idaho. a year, which will mean a great cause of the broad interpretation couver, and several other repre- saving. All that will be necessary · h ·1 · f The dividend, Brown pointed out, given t e BI I of Rights declaring sentatlve quartets o this sector, in for the ladies to get after once hav- will provide livestock men with freedom of activity as a condition what is billed as a Battle of Spir- ing been given this wave is a sham- to our democracy. ; ituals, at Vanport, Oregon. Cash immediate markets for surplus poo and curl. Mr. Adolpha Clay left to visit his home in Fort-dyce, Ark. He has been sick but he will not stay long, because he left something 'mighty precious behind, that will be call– ing him home soon. The name is a secret. Guess who? Mrs. Demotrios Johnson of 9078 Meadow St., was surprised in hav– ing her cousin Mr. Howard Price visiting her on Labor Day. Mr. Price is employed in Vancouver Shipyard. He had not seen his cou– sin in 20 years. Mrs. Johnson is employed at Oregon Shipyard. It was a great reunion. Mr. .-and Mrs. Lewis Burke, for– merly of 2302 Cottonwood Avenue, left last week for Vallejo, Calif, where they intend to make their home. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Mims are happy to have with them their daughter, Mrs Thelma F. Cum– Inings of New York and Grand– babies Barbie and Lloyd. The Republican party will try to introduce appeals based on Abra– ham Lincoln's administration in some sections of the country to get the Negro vote. They can never cite their record in office since the time of 1865 as reason for support to their party. In the South they will defend state rights. This has an appeal to the South because the state is the agency that can be used independently of the Federal government to insure segregation. On Wall Street the Republicans will defend the rights of the big monopolies, will charge the gov– ernment with too much inter- ference. This course can be accept– ed as the one the Republicans will pursue with its many contradictions and counter contradictions. The Democrats are certainly oc– cupied with their dile{nma - are very adamant about human rights in Europe. They have recruited and equipped the largest fighting force America has ever had to insure the democratic rights of the peoples Mr. Van Harper from Dade in Europe with force of arms, county, Ga., is here in the City of 1 while in America they reel anri Roses visiting his fainily, Mr. and cring at the very thought of pass– Mrs. Gilbert Harper. The entire ing laws to insure equality of per– fainily is entertaining him royally. sons. This is the arch contradiction Mlr. G. Harper will leave for the of our time. Army in 10 days. You must make a choice between Miss Dorothe Baucom, 2502 these two parties and work for your ideals in one or the other. -NOTICE- TO OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS Daisy Mae and Caddie Mae are now located in FRATERNAL HALL Same Courteous Service - Same Home Cooked Meals Open from 9 :00 A. M. until 12 Midnight Glasses to Fit YOU - SHEEHAN OPTICAL CO. 510 S. W. Yamhill St. Dr. A. W. Sheehan YOUR PATRONAGE INVITED J. and M. BAR-B-Q Fried Chicken Dinners 522 N. Broadway (near Interstate), at Broadway Bridge · f W lambs over the entire normal ship- pnzes o ar Bonds are to be Further improvement I·n se~"ce ping range for Northwest soft-fed •" awarded to the best quartet. Solos 1 b were also announced, the Beauty b . am s, which cannot be shipped to Y vanous other military personnel Box will be open from 10 a. m. to . distant points for sal!!. IS to round out the entertainment 7 p. m. every day except Sunday which is being sponsored by the "The action of the national OPA and holidays, with plans for the Community Church ·at Vanport. office", Bro~ added, "is gratify- future, as soon as more operators Rev. A. A. Cheatham, pastor. ing, for it recognizes the special are available, to remain open until Squadron C's quartet is made up problem of the Northwest livestock 12 midnight. of T/Sgt. Willie J . Dean, second industry and provides quick and ef- tenor and lead, of Piney Woods, fective relief." U.S. 0. NEWS quartet James Pot Mayor Gross, In announcing the lamb point di– that superb 1st tenor, Sgt. Robert vidend, the OPA emphasized that L. Easterling, baritone and Clifton the spare stamp will be good for McNair, bass. We of squadron C purchase of lamb exclusively. By Belle Dunn Friday, Sept. 8-Watch this date. Saturday, Sept. 9-Dance Nite. Sunday, Sept. 10-Games. are proud of our quartet. OP A. officials here pointed out Ten members of Squadron C that with the point dividend be– participated in the waste paper coming effective September 3, the pick up program of the city, donat- livestock producers will be able to ing voluntarily their time and begin moving their surplus lamb service to further the war effort. immediately from pasture to mar– Cpl. Joseph W. Brooks was sponsor ket. Monday, Sept. 11-Game Tourna– ment. of this project. ANNA MAE WINBURN SWEETHEARTS OF RHYTHM McELROY'S BALLROOM 4th and Main THURSDAY, SEPT. 14th THE Victory Picture ENLARGEMENT Your Favorite Picture or Snapshot will be enlarged to a 6"x8" placed in a 12"x15" frame with a colorful patri– otic background. $6.95 To obtain one of these popular portraits, mail pic– ture with name attached– just as you want it on por– trait. Enclose $2.00. Pay balance upon delivery of portrait If you wish to see sample call BR. 0506 Keefe Portlriait Co. 202 Studio Bldg. Specializing in Portraits ONLY w E y Tuesday, Sept. 12-Soldiers party. Wednesday, Sept. 13-Little Thea– ter. Thursday, Sept. 14-G. S. 0. Meet- ing DEWEY 50,001 CLUB B R c K E Cl Please Enroll me as a Member of the DEWEY 50,0001. CLUB. (To help carry the Dewey ticket oil Abraham Lincoln's party.) Enclosed find $1.00 for my dues (Check), (Money Order), ($1.00 bill) Name Address ....._.:.._ ...._ .........-....-....-..........-....-....................-..............-....-.--....-....-....-....-....-.......... Telephone Number.............._ ............................-....-..... Precinct No ......-..............._ ........... Please return to Mrs. G. T. Gerlinger, 1714 S.W. Highland Road, Portland 1, Oregon Select Your Fall Outfit At AR.BITMAN'S NEW YORK OUTFITTING CO. NOW SHOWING A FULL LINE OF LADIES' AND GENTS' APPAREL CREDIT TO ALL 1007-1011 S. W. WASHINGTON ST. BRoadway 5395 Portland, Oregon HOWARD'S FUEL AND ICE SERVICE Hauling of All Kinds NQW AT NEW LOCATION 2707 N. Williams Ave., Above Knott Phone: GArfield 4456 OREGON FRATERNAL ASSOCIATION 1412 N. Williams Avenue
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