
' I'VE BEEN AROUND New York By TED YATES P.•l•ot•4 '"e/urlv•/1 61th' TNDE'.PE'.NDENT PRESS SERVI~E, 48 W.u 48th St., N•w Yo•4 19, N. ~· Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall ••• (Too Much l1 Falling In Min~!!) The Trevor Bacons (he's Lucky Millinder's ex-vocalist) have frigi– deared ... It's a girl at the Ellen Tarry <Patton's) She's the author of Jani~> Bell and Qther juvenile best-sellers ... Pops (Whitman) and Louie (Williams 1 sensational dance act ecoring with Frank Sinatra– on tour ... The Dick (Eva Newbolt) Boones-he's Tiny Bradshaw's m'ger.-were definitely split a. fortnight ago and he was· to name an ork leader along with a celebrated trumpet player (it says here) ... Cecil Cedric "tops" at the Onyx Club here ... Jeri Smith, who Is now wham– ming them at Club Bali in Englewood, N. J .. will b~> backed by a 30-piece ork directed by SaJUmY Stewart when she debuts at Carnegie Hall, February 10 ... Ex-columnist Maurice Dancer now an Indoor chauffeur In downtown Gotham . . . Your dealer Is hoarding ciggie~ If hi' Informs you that there's none to b~> had. Lucky Louisa Pops Louie Jean Parks, the hont'y with a honey of a band, selected Pin·Up favoritt' by the 335th Station Hosp. personnel "Somewhert' along tht' Burma Road" ••. Alberta Prymt' set for USO tour overseas ••. The latt' Jot' Tanner. tht' real estatt' operator, left his widow sumpin' like two million. believe it or not! ••• Political Post-War Stuj!: Marguerite Cartwright. Dept. of Welfart' employee, relates that sht' was suspended by the department hP-ads for wearing FDR ear-rings ON ELECTION DAY-a holiday!! •.• I liked hest of all the cards received from my buddie~ from Over There the ont' penned by 1st Sgt. Jimmy Thompson. 1 4087th QMS Com. Co. Z ("Boy! Boy! Boy! It's Murder!!''!.) the day bt' landed in Paris, France .•. And lrent' Catalan, of Brooklyn, N. Y., one of our bt'st social workers, is back at the Harlem Boys' Club. For which. goody-goody!! ••• Louisa E. Sainz and Antonio O'Neill Garcia both plan to middle-aisle. Ella Fitzgerald. the thrush, averaging a soldier benefit a night whil~> playing the Cafe Zanzibar here ... Billie Holiday Into Harlem's Apollo on Dec. 1st . .. Sotto Jloce: PFC. Granville Atkinson ("Somewhere in Holland") write Elizabeth Welch, 1 Cottage Walk. London, England ... Mortician Claude Sterrett'~ anticipate a blessed event! ... Clyde Bern– hardt. featured trombonist (formerly with Luis Russell) now appearing with Claude Hopkins: Band at thl' Caft' Zanzibar on B'way ... AI Cowan's celebrat~>d Tramp Band into th~> Backstag~> Club. in Frisco, on Dec. 3rd .. . Lulu Bates. star of the Hit Parade. appeared with a host of stars on the program "A Tribut.~> to W C. Handy" Gal~ Marguerit~ . Kenny Tht Late 'Hoppy' Cootit' Williams and Hi~ Orchestra "sensational" on td'br • • . Hall of Fame again "flirting" with Pat (Bach to Boogit'-Woogie) Flowers ••• Lucky Millinder going great in Seattle. Washington •.• Off the Record (Hits): Tiny Bradshaw's "Straighten llp and Fly Right" and ..Salt Lakt' City Bounce" (Regis). "Gee, Baby, Ain't I Good To You" with "Hot Lips" Page (Commodore). "Hurry, Hurry Blues'' Lucky Millinder'!' Band with Wynnonit' Harri8 on tht> vocal!' (Dt'eea) ••. The MOt' Gale vs. Bill~· Kenny (Ink Spots) court tilt wa!' postponed to Dt>c. 4th. Legend: Orvillt> (Hoppy) Jones. becaust> of hi!' 8eniority in year!' and family, tht' rest of the group sort of look to him to rurb their youth– ful impulsiveness ••. Deep River Boys madt' V-di8~ records for tht> armed forces •• ·• Gerry (Dismond) Holland didn't get that post in Afr;,.,. hPrausP she couldn't gpt o rt>l"''"" from thP Dt'pt. of Health. PORTLAND INQUIRER I BigThree Back I Loan Drive The "Big Three" of Negro leader– ship this week told Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Jr., that Negroes intend to support the Sixth War Loan Campafgn "not just because it 'is patriotic, but be– cause it is a sound investment in the future." The joint letter to the Secretary was signed by Mrs. Mary McLeed 1 1 Bethune, president, National Coun– cil of Negro Women; WalterWhite, 1 1 executive secretary, National Asso– ciation for the Advancement of Colored People; and Lester B. j Granger, executive secretary, Na– i tional Urban League. j The current bond drive opened 1 November 20th and will continue through December 16th. The three oustancling leaders in– formed the Secretary that "Ne– groes are in this war as much as 1 any other American," and that they 1 too "yearn to see their loved ones return home as quickly as possible, and are bending every effort to hasten that day." Setting forth their pledge of per– sonal support, the letter said that they intend to "implore those for 1 whom we profess to speak not to I relax their efforts, either in work i or in investment in war bonds. We know we shall continue to say," the letter adds, "that the link be– tween the battlefront and the home : front is a bridge of war bonds the I purchase of which is essential to supply adequately the men who are carrying the fight to the enemy." LEWIS MOYER General Line of Dry Goods and Furnishings 703 North Russell Street I Phone TR. 3136 Portland, Ore. H•LP 1 us I ~ PROFESSIONAL I SERVICES CARLE R. VICKERS, D.D.S. 1471 N. E. Williams Court Portland, Oregon VErmont 4208 Portland's Only Negro Dentist ROBERT N. JOYNER, JR., M. D• Physician and Surgeon Offices: 1415 N. Williams Av~>. Portland, Oregon VErmont 4404 or BEacon 8181 WILLIAMS AVENUE U. S. 0. 6 N. Tillamook Street Portland, Oregon TRinity 4615 __________________________________________________ ! _________________________ Dry Cleaners to Post Special List I I four ceilings on each of the twelve WYATT W. WILLIAMS listed services, Evans explained. i Attorney-at-Law For men's wear, there are four 1 523-4 Lumberman's Bldg. items: suits, two or three piece; 820 S. W. 5th Ave.-AT. 6871 trousers; heavyweight overcoats, 1 Home Phone: SUnset 6260 So that customers may readily learn the maximum prices which Portland's only Negro Lawyer and lightweight overcoats. retail dry cleaning and pressing es- For women's wear, there are ' tablishments may charge for the l eight items: suits, twn-piece; plain ' more important services, all such dresses, plain blouses; jackets; 1 firms will be required by January plain skirts; sweaters; heavyweig)'lt 15, 1945 to display on special post- · coats; and lightweight coats. I ers their maximunl\ prices for 12 In addition, cleaning establish- 1 main services, Hosea Evans, dis- ments will still be required to file trict OPA price executive, announc- at the local OPA boards and have eel today. on their premises copies of their The posters, which will be made ceiling prices, representing highest available by local OPA boards at a prices charged in March 1942, later date to be announced, call for Evans pointed out. I r-----------------------------------------------------------· 1 Select Your Fall Outfit At ARBITMAN'S NEW YORK OUTFITIING CO. NOW SHOWING A FULL LINE OF LADIES' AND GENTS' APPAREL CREDIT TO ALL 1007-1011 S. W. WASHINGTON ST. 8Roadway 5395 Portland, Oregon Beauty Suppiies and Barber Supplies + JACOB MILLER 515 S. W. Third Ave. *Sixth & Alder (Almost) *33rd & Sandy (Exactly I *23rd & W Burnside (In the Circle) • cA store is known by the company it keeps HART SCHAFFNER & MARX ·cLOTHES + DOBBS HATS AND CAPS + ARROW SHIRTS AND TIES + INTERWOVEN SOCKS + FINE SPORTSWEAR + BOSTONIAN SHOES I EDWIN CLA.PP SHOES Pa~e 3 > ( ..