
PORTLAND INQUIRER ·CLARK ,COUNTY NEWS Mrs. Josephine Hasbrook, music supervisor for the recreation aso– ciation, has resigned from her po– sition, Carl Gustafson, director of physical education and recreation, announced today. Joining the recreation staff a year ago, Mrs. Hasbrook succeeded Miss Irene Moore. She is well known in Vancouver for her many Victory Center shows, Kaiser Ship– yard programs, and the two Sat– urday morning Mayflower matinee stage shows which were under her direction weekly, one held at the Castle Theater and the other at the McLoughlin Heights ~ommunity center. She also organized the teen-age all girls' chorus, "The Singing Las– sies," the Bagley Downs Hasbro~k chorus named in her honor, and the McLoughlin Heights W o m e n ' s chorus. "Mrs. Hasbrook has been of splendid service to the community," Mrs. Gustafson said. "She gave un– selfishly of her time and talent, and will be greatly missed by the association." Ray Hamby, ~dio director for the group, will assume Mrs. Has– brook's duties in program produc– tion. ·J&: community center; recreation asso– ciation staff members announced today. An amateur boxing and wrestling show is scheduled for 8:15 p. m. Tuesday, December 12, and the price of admission will be 50c for the purchase of a gift for a con– valescent soldier or an actual gift. A percentage of the weekly profes– sional wrestling show on Wednes– day, December 20, will be used for purchase of the gifts. Suggested presents are toilet ar– ticles such as pocket combs, soap, lotions, and pocket-size books, sta– tionery, packed hard candy, etc. Tuesday's show will feature out– standing boxers and wrestlers from the Vancouver - Portland - Vanport City area, and special intermission numbers. ' The,32-piece sheriff's patrol band from Vanport City will play during the evening. Several Vancouver high school athletic stars now released from football season will make their first appearance since last summer. In– cluded are such favorites as Louis Wellman, Bob Golden and George Keith. Bill Tyree, popular Heights fight– er, will meet a Bagley Downs star fighter in the feature match of the desire for card club competition be– tween community centers. Julia adds that Center No. 6 is now open Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 7 to HJ each week for adults only, offering table games, ping pong, singing, and what have you. Re– freshments are delightful too. EAST VANPORT center, under Mary Cummings and Carmen Par– rish, tried to stump up with a handful of jawbreaking words. After wrestling with them too long, we finally got a firm grip on our waning sanity and decided that what one of their announcements means is that parents, male andjor female, now gather there at 8 p. m. on Mondays to discuss diet and physical training in their relation to emotional development and be– havior P!Oblems in children. Paul Campbell, director North Branch, Portland YMCA, will lead first in the series next Monday. If you want to know how greasy fried po– tatoes and insufficient wholesome exercise can make a bum of your Tommy, come along. And we'll lay you two to one you won't need )our dictionaxr to understand Paul as we did with Mary and Carmen's announcement. ·--- McLOUGHLIN HEIGHTS evening. BILL SAMUELS flies high these Gift~ for servicemen will be the Both, Jack Henderson and Jim days. Bill did physical education admission price for the two Max- Coffel, promoters of the show, are major in UCLA and now coaches flower matinees at the McLoughlin ex-navy fighters who have been in boxing and basketball at Center Heights community center Satur- hospitalized both overseas and in 2. He has eight teams, no less: day, December 9, scheduled for 10 this country. Both volunteered TROJANS, 17 up; ROCKETS, 16 a. m. and 12:30 p. m. their services in organizing the up; COMETS, under 16; GREM- Each child attending the show benefit. LINS, 14 and under; TIGERS, 13 will bring a gift on the list issued 1 -------------- and under - for boys; and for by the Camp and Hospital Service VANPORJ NEWS girls, SCREGANEET, 17 and un- of the American Red Cross which '1 der; JUNIOR MISS ROCKETTES, will later be packed by the service MRS. DORIS H. DORSEY and . 15 and under; and a third form- into gift boxes for convalescent sol- Mr. J. Q. Hartley, winners in last ing. diers at Barnes General Hospital Friday evening's bridge-whist par- I here. , 11 Items such as pocket combs, soap, stationery, pocket-size books, pack– aged hard candy, and various toilet articles, will be acceptable. The athletic benefit shows will be held at the McLoughlin Heights ty at Julia Smith's center six, <fu- THE MILK of human ki~dliness clared it a thoroughly enjoyable never sours. Bob Arnold (we think evening. Even the losers had a good 1 he's our friend from Oregon Ship) time. Julia announces the affair so I and his friend, a Mr. Miller, gave encouraging that henceforth each j the ROCKETS funds for uniforms Friday evening eight to ten shall I and initiation fee in the Federal be open to adult groups at cards. I League. Then lVIr. H. E. Eriksen of Some enthusiastic guests express 1 Oregon Groceteria sponsored the -----~------------,------------- COMETS in like manner and Mr. •---------------~---------------'! i Wm. S. Bruckner the new girls' Portland's Only Store Selling MEN'S FULL DRAPE SUITS United Exchange Store 25 S. W. THIRD AVENUE (Corner Ankeny Street) TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS Kindly send in your subscription payments. We do not have Agents to send to your homes. A Check or Money Order will db. But, send your money in to our office, please. PORTLAND INQUIRER, 2736 N. E. Rodney Ave. Portland 12, Oregon. PHOTOGRAPHS OF ALL KINDS + PARTIES - INDIVIDUAL - PRESS In your home or Our StUdio + Call WEbster 7220 OREGON FRATERNAL ASSOCIATION 1412 N. Williams Avenue team. They cast their bread on the waters- no wonder such men pros- per. JAMES BUSH gets our palms and oak leaves. When Jim stepped into the squared ring at gym on last Frjday night, he had behind exactly one fight. He squared away with the expert and able Bob Mc– Cullough, the cash customers won- WE HAVE Trunks ::'36" PACKING TRUNKS ':'30" SMALL STEAMER TRUNKS, Moderately Priced. Also Luggage *Ladies' 2 and 3-piece Air– plane Luggage in Matched Sets. *Ladies'. 18" O'Nites and Cosmetic Cases. *Men's Two Suiters with Matching Pieces. *Men's O'Nite and Club Bags We also carry a Complete Line of Ladies' and Men's Bill Folds and small Leather Goods. TRY OUR CONVENIENT LAY-AWAY PLA!N SHOP HERE FOR XMAS Portland Luggage Co. 1003 S. W. Washi.ngton St. Comer lOth Portland, Ore. dering how long before Jim could son at number seven suggested it be stuck with a fork and pronounc- and got boys there started off. Hal ed done. But not Jim-he played Chilton, asst. director at seven, his opponent warily, testing here, prepares rules and the other houses retreating · there, allowing Bob to are limbering up. Finals to be play– wear himself out. Pretty soon Jim ed off at seven. had his calibre; he bent forward, --- threw up his guard before his face CHRISTMAS PAGEANT should and took about the head and hands be subject of much revelation next all Bob could find loose to throw week. Dorothy Clifford, city dra– his way. Then Jim lowered his matic director, has charge and a gloves-and grinned. Bob dropped university music director is negb– his hands-in a flash Jim was af- tiated for musical direction. ter him, streaking across the ring ___ after his weary ?PPO~ent, lad,ling it I YOUR LITTLE GIRL need not on at every chink m Bob s de- shake the house when she walks. fense. Three rounds zipped by to a She can move with a Hebe -like decision for Jim that raised the roof with wild yells and cheering. Joe Lewis never had a more prom– ising start. • grace. Or that is our contention after watcl!ing walk and step of Katherine Benninghof, once pupil of the great ballet master Gabriel --- Cansina and herself a former mem- DR. CHANNIN.G H.' TOBIAS her of La Scala Opera Ballet. La honors Va~port With his presence Benninghof offers instruction in at commumty center No. 6 as guest ballet at center number one. Nary of Julia Smith and sponsored by j' a tremor. the YMCA and Vanport Inter-ra- cial CounciL You will know ere this ) H L -O STON1<' f St f h . · 1 · th 0 . FAT ER . . 1" o . try; but we thought you would like Phillip's Episcopal Church dropped o IS arnva m e regon coun-~ . to know we get him awhile too. No. in for a chat. ~o matter where we man of Dr. Tobias' standing and are about God s country, we ~l­ experience can but draw the utmost ways remember each other With attention and respect. These troubl- gift cards at Christmas. The good ous times underscol'e the need for priest, with approval o~ ~ishop sound judgment and discretion such Benj. D. Dagwell, gratituitously as his. When you come out to hear conducts in:e:-denomin~tional, in– him, the Vanport bus lets you off ter-racial divi.ne worship Sundays at the second stop on Cottonwood at 7:30 p. m. I~ c~nter seven. N.ev; street from where you w lk east er has anyone s hfe so deeply Im– to L;ke street and so tha half I pressed us with the best in the old b l ck L k u a Chinese proverb: "The broadminded o on a e. li · see the good in different re g10ns; the narrowminded see only the. dif- CHORAL GROUP of 35 mem- ferences." hers under Mrs. Ralph Immel has I been presented in one successful , recital and is scheduled to appear Don t say we didn't tell you.- in concert on Christmas Eve, as C. L. E . announced by Mrs. A. E. Travis, --------------- director of their home community FOR center four. Should there be a pro- Smart Coiffeurs posed outdoor Christmas tree with lights and things, it is possible the Choral Group may lead festivities there if we~ther permitting. It ~s 1 whispered that some enterprising I merchant or civic group may con– tribute and decorate the tree. DISCUSSIONS OF PLANS for Christmas week highlighted last Thursday's Sewing club meeting in center four. Mrs. Greenman was chairman and light lunch was serv– ed, according to Mrs. A. E. Travis, director. POOL TOURNAMENT - city– wide-is underway since Ben Wat- WILLIAMS AVENUE VARIETY STORE Gifts for Your Entire Family For your convenience we are open FRIDAY and SATURDAY Evenings Until 8:30 P. M. 2652 N. Williams, Gomer Knott Headquarters for Men's All Wool English DrapeSuits STANLEY'S CLOTHES SHOP 435 SW. Washington St. VISIT MRS: BEAVER'S Beauty Salon 2733 N. E. Rodney Ave. (Near Knott St.) For Appointments Phone GA. 4783 CROQU[NOLE OUR SPECIALTY TERRACE GROCERY ANDMARKE~ I Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables Choice Meats W. C. Rieder, R. T. Borcherding Thurman and 28th Ave. Br. 5513 Portland, Oregon We deliver Tuesdays and Saturdays nearest in your needs THE !RISHER AND SWEDE Invite you to bronse a.ronnd in their big store for wha.t yon need. Courteous sales ladies a.nd generous savings. Also if y on have anything to sell in gaod merchandise Call TRinity 531fO. THE TRADING POST 228 N. E. Broadway, Near Union Williams Avenue Grille Hospitality :-: Distinctive Atmosphere We specialize in Home--Cooked Meals SOFT DRINKS - MUSIC N. Williams Ave. at Weidler Mrs. M.S. Willia.ms WHERE THE YOUNGER SE·T GATHERS BIRO'S Soft Drinks - Ice Cream - Sandwich~s - Music 2013 NORTH WILLIAMS AVENUE