Portland Challenger_1952-10-31
\ J.__ \ Page Eight :Nw Visit Ma:rks 25th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis of F.ansas City, Kansas were guests !Jere recently of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Maddox. 3344 S. E. Yamhill street. Mr. Lewis is a first cousin of Mrs. Maddox. Religious Noles (Continued from page 7) Covault of Oak Grove, Oregon motored to the Rose City for the occasion. Also present was Dr. Raymond lVI. Clement of San Bernardino, California, long time friend of the J oneses who flew in for the occasion. The. Jo- The Lewises made their first neses He residing in their beau– hip to the Northwest in celebra- tiful parsonage at 311 N. E. Mon– iion of their 25th wedding anniv- roe. ersary. ~ I According to an announcement While here in Portland they ~'Y Doctor J. Harold Jones, 11, were guests at a dinner given in publicity chairman of the Port– their honor by Mr. and 1\Ir;;;. Her- land Ministers' Alliance, the Al– bert LE:wis a!Jd,lVIr. and l\'Irs. Ste- liance unanimously voted to phen Vright. move the meeting of the Union Mr. and Mrs. R. B. D:'ncey to)h. Service from the 3rd Sunday to the Lc\,.ises on a motor t;·ip along the 2nd Sund8y of each month. the Columbia river highway and This move was taken to allow .<.topptod at Bonne\'i!le Dam. greater participation of the laity Here for a day durmg the Le\\·- cmd the clergy in the N.A.A.C.P. ;ses visit were Mr. and Mrs. Will which meets on third Sundays at Lewis of San Francisco. Mr. w. 4 p.m. in the Williams Avenue Lewis is a brother of 1\Ir.:;. Mad- YWCA. The public is urged to cox. take note. After 2n automobile trip to MT. SINAI COMMUNITY ~eattlc with Herbe rt Lewis the I INTER-RACIAL Lewiscs had breakfast with M•·.J Rev. M. C. Cheek NE 2~th &ad Mrs. Robert "Bob" Wright and Gomg snd son Billy. Following a pheas- A.side from regular services on ant dinner at the home of Mr. C:,unday, November 2, the Rev– :-md Mrs. F'loyd Wright in Seat- P.rend Cheek announced that tie, they had dessert and coffee there will be a special dedica– ns the company of Mrs. Berna- tion service. Scheduled for 1:30 dine Harvey before boarding the r~m. is a dinner to be followed , train for the return trip to Kan- by a guest speaker. ! :-;as City. Sunday school will be held at MISS DAVIS SINGS ~ Mi~s ~.linor ~avis had a singing I \ vart m Jame , sen10r ciass play I . b , t:tven y Central Catholic high . school over the weekend. She is ; the daughter of William Davis 41 N. E. Cook street and attendd ,Immaculate Academy. ~:45 a.m. and the morning ser- ·;ice at 11 a.m. - All are welcome. Tom Benson Glass Co. Plate Glass, Auto Glass Window Glass TU 5193 1600 N . Willi a ms Ave. Corn er Weidler 185& Republ:icun Party 1952 •' • The Republican record on civil · rights is a consis tent '·p ro" rights record dating back to Republican passage of the 13th, 14tn, and 15th amendments which ended slavery, protected rights of citizenship and gave Negroes the vote. Since 1861 Congress has put nine Civil Rights statutes on the books and eight of these statutes were paosed by Republican Con– t;;resses. No Republican State has at– tempted to limit Negro voting · by a poll tax law. New York. a Rep ublican state, was first to )ass an FEPC law with the (v') CHECK THE FACTS: Ives-Quinn Bill in 1945 and New Jersey, another State, followed it. ., STATES WITH FEPC LEGISLATION 1. New York (1945} 2. New J ersey {1945) 3. Wisconsin (1945) 4. I ndiana (1945) 5. Massachusetts (194S} 6. Con necticut (194'7) 7. New Mexico (1943) 8. Washington (1949) 9. Oregon (1949) 10~ Rhode Island (1949) 11. Colorado (1951) Governor Republican Republican Republican Republican Democrat Republican Democrat Republican Republican Democrat Republican Legislature Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican· Democrat Rep. Senate Republican Democrat Republican TAFT-HARTLEY ACT BENEFICIAL TO NEGRO LABOR Republican Senators are responsible for a Federal statute which embodies significant fair employment legislation-the Taft-Hartley Law. Under this act, passed by the Rep ub lican Eightieth Congress over Truman's veto, a union that has a union sh<•P contract cannot force an employer to d iscriminate against Negroes to whom the Union refuses membership or whom they segregate (as 34 unions do). However, the Democrat-controlled National Labor Rela– tions Board has not enforced this fair employment practices provision. President Trll;man is opposed to the Taft-Hartley Act, :so .he does not insi;;;t on its enforcement which would help Negro ,~ labor immensely. ,_ .. . , VOTE REPUBLICAN ON NOV. 4th Pt·_ AdL ::\lultnomqh Count Republican C'enlral Committee, \\'illiam ltohi~Oil, chainnan. ~ PORTLAND CHALLENGER South Carries Party Emblems s;' DEMOCRATIC PARTY REPUBLICAN PARTY Heproauced above is the party emblem appearing on the Demo– cratic ballot in the state of Alabama. Copies of the Alabama 1952 general election ballot were obtained from Birmingham's county court h ou se. for: Work lor • •• •.. Vote lor HERMAN C. PLUMMER FOR Stole Representative (Paid For Polilical Ad\'.) More Business in Portland Equal Righls for All Elect Eddie J. Campbell .. . C ify • Home Owner Commissioner • Family Man • Experienced in (!':tid fnr Political .\ d\',) business BELIEVE I HIS OR NOT Friday. October 31. 1952 Paint by Jennings Do Own Work Terms 6-36 Months MOVED TO NEW LOCATION 2051 N. Emerson St. GA 0584 Evenings MU 9855 Days NOW 39c a t Your Neighborhood Shopping Center Open from 6:30A.M. to 2:00 A.M. (Daylight) Daily F ood Service 2115 N. Williams TU 4666 JJ WALKER Broker Home of Week N. E. 16th near Alberta 26-foot living room w ith hard– wood floors and firep lace. Sun– ny dining room, modern kitch– en. Three large bedrooms, st udy and 2 and % baths. Full b asemen t, attach ed garage and sawdust heat. A good buy at $6950; about $1200 down . Call Bill, TR 6817. J. J. Walker. Broker TU 5045 5132 N. E. Union tile Mov1e Tlle11tres t~re lt1t to Nil/ . Pt1ri-Mutuel fit1cin9 As a Competitive Entertainment Industry If th e y succeed it will cost you, the Oregon taxpayer, $1 million every year VOTE327XNO TAXPAYERS' COMMITTEE TO RETAIN PARI-MUTUEL REVENUES G. Irvin Hess, E~ecutive Secretary, P. 0. Box 1731 , Portland 7, OregoB
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