Portland Challenger_1952-10-31

Page Six News In Brief By William Wright Challe nge r Staff ·writer Mrs. Gladys Hall, 623 N. Morris, is leaving Portland for permanent residence in Los Angeles around the end of Oc– tober. She plans to work as a children's nurse ... Mrs. Willa Jackson is in St. Louis, Missouri, resting from two major op– erations. She is staying with her sister Mrs. Johnnie B. Riv– ers and plans to remain there for six weeks. Mrs. Jackson is the wife of Eddie Jackson and the sister of James Heffner. About 20 people gathered at Jackie Holliday's home last Saturday night for a DePorre's hallenger Artist To Move South Louis Fuller, staff artist for club Halloween patry ... More are on tap in various homes Fri– day night. ... Mr.s JeanneUe Taylor is in the hospital and may have to undergo major surgery. She is the daugther of Loomis Harris of Bethel AME church. the Portland Challeneger, is Her sister Ethel is r-eportedly in making plans to move to Los An- good spiri~s at The Dalles · · · geles where he plans to survey Mrs.. Bess1e. Leaco~k, . formerly job opportunities with the hope of Bess1e Harn~ _of this City, sp ent , establishing his permanent resi– Iour days VISiting her family here 1 dence there. r ecently. Fuller has already resigned Her husband, Kenneth Lea- from his civil service position at cock, was recently discharged 1he Bonneville Power Adminis– from the air force . He had be en stationed at F'airchild in Spokane, Wash. Leacock and his wife are ~ now back at home in Berekely, California. Big Emery Barnes is expectinr, to be a papa some time soon. The huge Oregon end his wife are r.oow living in Eugene, Oregon. while Barnes continues his stud– ies and football play. Miss Cutrcpia Jones has left for service in the WAVES. She will take about ten weeks basic training at Bainbridge, Maryland. First word from Miss Jones says awaiting further transportation in the nation's capitol to her base. The Woody Wilsons motored to Corvallis over the week end . . . William Holliday is resting at home following a minor oper– ation recently. Holliday is opera– tor of Holliday's Tonsorial on N. W. 6th street. Friends of Mrs. Janie~ Shelton Joseph will be glad to know that she is at home in Seattle follow– ing a very serious illness in the hospital. Mrs. Joseph is the wife of Lt. Leroy Joseph who is now ~tationed at Ft. Lawton out of Seattle. He was formerly station– rd at McChord filed. PAT LONERGAN for STATE SENATOR :~fe mber o f l ' r ban League and th e ir public r e lations···committee ([>aid Political AdY.) tration. He will take his wife, son and daughter with him to the :;:outhland. He plans to stay in the Los Angeles area fer at least a year if job opportuntties don't oc– cur readily. ·RED FRONT POULTRY & .'DELICATESSEN 'Where Prices Tell qnd Quality Sells" FARM FRESH FRYERS RABBITS, TURKEYS CHICKEN BY THE PIECE 2620 N. Williams TU 9114 STATE SENATOR REPUBLICAN "would make an excellent State Senator" -The Oregon Voter Pd. Adv. Kahn for Senator Committee Rolph W, Staley, Secretory 211 lumbermen's Bldg., PortlaCid 4, Oregon Ted's TV Center Sales Service ,New Sales Room in Benny's Frat House Annex 1471 N. Williams Ct. VE 0332 Charles Martin, salesman PORTLAND CHALLENGER r Frat House, Sande ·court Set for Important Clash The chips will really be down this Sunday at Buckman Friday, October 31, 1952 I FOR RENT-sleeping room at 4207 N. Gantenbein avenue. In– quire at home or call MU 0559 field when Benny's Frat House tangles with Sande Court in ~------------:~ city league seven-man football action. For the Fraters it will be a do-or-die chance to remain in the running for champ– ionship honors. On the basis of past performances, the Courtmen will be favored to give the Fraters their second ~efeat _in second half play. ADLAI FOR ME They Will go mto the fray sport- ing a won two, loss none record. (Continued from page 3) The Fratmen's hopes will lie in mral electrification, the point the throwing accuracy of Will "!:our program and all other pro– McKinney and the shifty running gressive legislation that has been of little Jerry Fuller and Phil <1Ur lot to enjoy the last twenty Holliman. years. I also know they didn't They will have to cope with the do it by themselves but they were slinging of Lonnie Harris, who the driving force behind it, so I . will undoubtedly be spotting his shall still vote the Democratic best receivers, Art Shepherd and ticket and for Stevenson for I Tony Fazzolari, at every oppor- think with these two the whole tunity. world will prosper. The Frat House line will have their work cut out for them when ~-------------__, they attempt to stop the smooth– running speed merchant, Bob Herndon. This shifty fellow has been outstanding for the Sande Court seven all season. Game time is 1 p. m. We Specialize in Dyeing & Cleaning LEE'S SHOE CLINIC Shoe Rebuilding & Repairing Doctors Presciption Filled for Corrected Shoes 2013 N. Williams MU 9614 The New Paul's Paradise Dining Room Regular Dinners Short Orders Mallie Johnson Caterer Ph. MU. 9109 19 N. Russell . Compliments of Keystone Inveslmenl Co. 1453 N. Williams Ave. Glenn's Texaco Service We Give S&H Green Stamps .Mark;Lubrication Firestone Tires N. E. Broadway & Williams MU 9983 Modrono Recoid Shop Your TV Headquarters for Admiral, RCA Victor Packard Bell Immediate delivery & Installation, easy terms Also Latest Bop, Blues and Jump Records Broadway at Williams GA 1964 PETERSO will make a GOOD MAYOR ¥- OVERSEAS VETERAN ¥-FAMILY MAN ¥-BUSINESSMAN ¥- 11 YEARS EXPERIENCE ¥- APORTLAND BACKGROUND ¥-TIRELESS CIVIC WORKER Fred Peterson will be a mayor who will work with people-who will get things done! He works without discord, with– out confusion-and with kindly consid– eration for all. His work with 15 differ– ent city.bureaus and 3 city departments is a record of success. His work in the water and health bureaus has gained national recognition. He Pledges Constant, Not Spasmodic, Law Enforcement Paid Adv. Peterson for Mayor Comm. Jock Davis, Chrm., 501 Oekum Bldg., Portland VOTE AGAI T on8-man Political b1ctatorship over your milk supply Poid Ad¥. by the ORfGON MilK PRODUCERS' COMMITTEE, Ston Church, Sec'y-Mgr., 912 Corbctr Sld~ .• _Por,tlo~~ ~· Ote9on,