Portland Challenger_1952-10-03
Friday, October 3, 1952 PORTLAND CHALLENGER Page Seven Kay's Notations Barnes, Parton Take Allar Vow Now Mrs. Emery Barnes Kathryn H. Bogle, Social Editor The third annual Jabberwook of Beta Psi chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority is scheduled for Friday evening, Octo– ber 3 at the Woman's club building. ' . . Several groups will enter skits in competition for a pnze to be awarded for the best entertainment using the theme, "Remember When." Iota Phi Lambda will present, "Tales by Grandma"; Culture Club will illustrate "Th~ Mr Gragg's parents Mr. and D~guer~~type"; Kappa Alpha p~~ Mrs. sjames Thomas, e~tertained Wlll do Ye Olde Barber Shoppe , 'h f' t d one of the final . 1 . . em 1rs , an Th~ Bndgateer~. are : ;n~mf(> '~ parties was the reception for sabre on ."Fran. le an o nme ' which Mr. Gragg's parents, Mr. Los Novias will demonstrate a . In a candle-light ceremony on Sunday afternoon Miss La Verne Parton became the bride of Mr. Emery Oakland Barnes at the First Unitarian church. The Rev. Richard M. Steiner officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Covell Clifton Par– ton of Spokane, W.ashington and Mr. Barnes is the son of Mrs. A. Boullon of this city. White gladioli and stock be– decked the altar and each pew in the nave of the church was Gdorned with a bow of white satin ribbon. · Old M · "· and Mrs. Will Gragg, were hosts. "Pantomime to an ovie , * * * and Kwanzans have recreated "Meier and Frank's First Friday Surprise." The bride, on the arm of Em– mett Williams came down the Other hosts for the young cou- aisle in an ankle-length embroi– ple were: Mr. and Mrs. Alvin dered white organza frock made * * * Batiste, Mrs. , Irving Allen, Mrs. with a fitted bodice and full During the evening a queen, Benjamin Randolph, Mrs. Robert gathered skirt. Her finger tip "Miss Jabberwock," will be chos- Dancey, Mrs. Hayden Golden, Mr. veil was held in place by a cap en. Mrs. Ellen Law will direct and Mrs. C. Mac Dauglald, Mr. of organza and pearls. She car– the dancing in the prologue and and Mrs C. Mac Dougan!, Mr. and !·ied white roses. epilogue which is to be a presen- Mrs. R Leggroan, Mr and Mrs. Attend~ng the bride were Miss tation by Beta Psi chapter. William Gragg and Mr. and Mrs. Aletha Emanuel, maid-of-honor, M;rs. Addie Jean Haynes and F. Wilson. and Miss Sadie Grimmett. Miss Mrs. Bernice Shepherd are co- Mrs. Stanley Jordan has join- Emanuel wore an ankle-length chairmen for the affair. ed the members of the executive russet net dress over matching Portlanders kept up a round of board of the Central YWCA and taffeta, and Miss Grimmett wore entertaining for Mrs. Soudell R. will work primarily with the green net over taffeta in a sim– Bruce of Los Angeles who was , building comitmtee. ilar fashion. Their flowers were here for a ten-day stay with her Mrs. Gladys Lewis is new dahlias in a sunset shade and brother-in-law and sister, Mlr. chairman for the Interracial So- they wore wreaths of tinted bou- and Mrs. George Scott. cia! Group for the ensuing year. vardia in their hair. The Scotts entertained with a First meeting of the year was Best man was Benjamin John- dinner party for ten at their held Monday evening at the home son, and James Thompson was home to honor Mrs. Soudell and of Mrs. ack Willsion of 1956 N. usher. other hosts included: Mr. and W. Raleigh street. Mrs. Oscar Mrs. Mildred Waldron was pipe Mrs. J. W. Ingersoll, Mrs. Cora Krumins told of "My Country- organist and accompanist for Mrs. Emery Oakland Barnes, the former Miss LaVerne Parton of. Spokane, Washington. Minor, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Latvia." Miss Hannah Clark and Richard Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. John Davis, * * * Parker, soloists. MrS. Clara Graham and her sis- Attyoh Vanderpuye, an engin- A reception for the 200 guests ter, Mrs. Joseph Reed. Mrs. Sou- eering student from Accra, West was held in the church parlor dell was also a special guest at Africa, formerly enrolled at Ore- immediately following the cere– the Bethelite club when Mrs. gon State college, is now study- many. Ann McClean entertained. ing engineering at the Univer- Assisting about the rooms were Mrs. Soudell, who made her sity of Washington. Vanderpuye Mrs. Adolph Williams, Mrs. Nor– journey both ways by air, re- visited friends in Portland this man Emanuel, Mrs. B. E. Grim– turned to Los Angeles on Tues- past week end. j :'nett and Mrs. Leon A. Johnson. day. · Arthur Massaquoi, who was Mr. and Mrs Barnes will be at * * * graduated last June from Ore- home in Eugene following a brief M D · D ndee of San Di- rs. msy u gon State college has returned to wedding trip. Mr. Barnes, star of ego who is well known to long his home in Monrovia, Liberia. gridiron and track, will continue time residents of the Northwest, He has been made Assistant Di- his studies at the University of visited with old friends in Port- rector of Mines and Geology for Oregon. land during the past two weeks. his country. ,--___;------------, She was guest in the home of John Arthur (Kofi Amanfi), a Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bollen. winter-term graduate of Portland Mrs. Isadore Maney was din- university, has registered for the ner host~ss Sunday to honor Mrs. fall term at Notre Dame where Chevron Station Dundee. Mrs. Della Willams who he will continue his graduate nas just returned f~om _a vaca- work in political science. His tion in southern Califorma, shar- I home is in Kumasi, West Africa. Bozeman's Vancouver at Lombard ed honors. * * * Complete line of accessories Mr. and Mrs. Belvin Williams, Dr. Jess L. Boyd led the huge Gas, Tires, Oil & Batteries Mrs. Clara Minor, Mr. and Mrs. congregation at the civic audita– Phil Reynolds and Mr. and Mrs. rium in unison prayer when Port– J. A. Nichols were also hosts for land's Protestant churches ob- Mrs. Dundee during her stay. r.erved the appearance of the new * * * Bible on Tuesday evening. Dr. From East Liverpool, Ohio Boyd is minister at Bethel AME came Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Law church. to visit a week with Mr. and Mrs. The Rev. end Mrs. 0. B. Wil– Charles R. Redd. Mr. Law and Iiams have returned from New Mrs. Redd are cousins. York City where they attended Mrs. Earl Winslow took the the National Baptist Convention. vistors on sightseeing tours about Rev. Williams is pastor at the the city, and Mr. and Mrs. Redd Vancouver Avenue Baptist were hosts for them at a recep- church. tion in their home on Sunday The several church members evening. who made the trip with the min- Assisting Mrs. Redd at the re- ister and his wife were: Mrs. Jew– ception were: Mesdames Katie el White, Mrs. Clara Triplett, Haynes, J. E. Belcha, Jesse L. Mrs. Jessie Robinson, Mrs. !day Boyd, Lillian Hughes, Lloyd Jones, Mrs. Maggie Stokes, and Griffith and V. C. Jacobs. Mrs. Campbell. '* * • Mr. and Mrs. Leon A. John– son motored to Victoria, British Columbia to spend this past week end. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bass are among the first Portlanders w be enjoying a television set. They report reception is good but ex- STAN JORDAN Sub Dealer and Manager NOW 39c at Your Neighborhood Shopping Center Open from 6:30A.M. to 2:00A.M. (Daylight) Daily Food Service 2115 N. Williams TU 4666 Tillamook Luncheonette We Cater to Special Parties and Banquets Seafoods and Steaks 10 N. E. Tillamook MU 9526 A Free Christian Science Lecture Entifled: "Christian Science, the Comforters and its Call" by Jean M. Snyder C.S.B. of Buffalo, N. Y. Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ Sc1entists, Boston, Mass. at Second Church of Chrisl, Scienlisl N. E. Sib & Holladay 8:00P.M. All are welcome FRIDAY. OCT. lOth Delta Sigma • Theta Presents JABBERWOCK Variety Show for scholarship fund of Skits, Dances and Music OCTOBER 3 Portland Woman's Club Building 1220 SW Taylor * * • Announcement is made of the marriage of Mrs. Lizzie Mae Byrd to Mr. Marion J. Chesley on September 18, in Vaucouver, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Ches– ley are at home at 6532 NE Grand avenue. pect improvements when the ..---------------------------..., UHF antenna is erected. • * * When the popular Robert Graggs (Helen Mae Thomas) of Los Angeles were in town visit– ing, they were kept on the go by many friends. Mrs. Ruth Little is the recip– ient of a television set from her son and is anxiously awaiting an– tenna installation for better re– ception. ~VICTORY LUNCH Specializes in Chili and home cooked meals 1466 NE Williams Ct. VE 9736 Orders to go We Rent or Sell, Stores, Warehouses-all districts We Sell Residence Property Phone Bill Hubach IRVING B. LINCOLN Realtor BE 4105 Res. FI 4721 The Basket Seafood "n" Chips Chicken "n" Chips OPEN TILL 4 a.m. 1409 N. Williams Dawson's Tonsorial Courteous & Efficient Service Mack Dawson, Prop. 20 N. Cherry VE 8128 Tom Benson Glass Co. Plate Glass, Auto Glass Window Glass TU 5193 1600 N. Williams Ave. Corner Weidler t( TIES Wrinkle resistant extra long for Windsor knot patented "locked-in construction". priced at $)50 ~llilson's tt) Sf.i'RT SffOP
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