Portland Challenger_1952-11-14

Friday. November 14. 1952 Kay's Notations Kathryn H. Bogle, Social Editor PORTLAND CHALLENGER Page 1'hl't'& Golf Club Elects Saunders-Smith Say 'I Do' Year's Officers lA B h 1AM Six of eight incumbent offic- t et e E Ceremony ers were re-elected at the last Lovely autumn colors were hair the bride wore a corond. regular meeting of the Leisure chosen by Laurice Smith for her of pearls and she carried a pray- Felicitations are pouring in to the families of three brand R ld Hour golf club. Newly elected of- candlelight wedding to ona er book centered with a whr~ n ew Portlanders. They all arrived on election day, N ovem- s d f Seattle at Beth~I orch 1 'd ficers are Mmes. June Wagner · aun ers o , ' ' . ber 4. and Irene McDougald, first and AME church on Saturday eve·· Mrs. Vernon Gaskin was the It was a boy for Mr. and Mrs. Wirt R. Morton. He weighed second corresponding secretaries 1 ~ing. !:Jride's only attendant and was 71 pounds, 6 ounces on Wilcox hospital scales, and has been respectively. The Rev. J. L. Boyd officiated 1 gowned in pale green satin, aJ~o named Wirt Richard Jr. The Mortons have twin boys three Incumbents are: Mrs. Gladf~ at the double ring ceremony per- ~ in waltz length. She wore a formed amidst potted palms and braided satin bandeau in her h::Jh• G k' · · d t M L baskets of big pale yellow chrys- and she carried crimson and gold years old. Ricks, president; Mrs. Leno a \ It was a girl for Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Ingersoll Jr. Bar- as m, Vlce-presl en; rs. ~- anthemums. roses arranged in a hand bon- . . rice Saunders, recording seci\e- bara Rae IS her na~e and she we~ghed 6 pounds, 14 ounces. tary; Walter Ricks, financial se _ The bride is the daughter of .:,uet. She was born at W1lcox on electiOn day and she has three 1 -etary; Charles Rawlins, treasui Mrs. A. A. Bass of this city ana Mrs. Donald Anderson sang, little sisters. er and Vernon Gaskin, tourna was presented in marriage b:1 "Because," accompanied at t~ aunt Mrs. Marian McClear. Mrs. M s d · h ·b M M J' T It was a girl, too, for Mr. and ment chairman. Mr. Bass. r. aun ers Is t e p1pe organ y rs. agno m ay- McClear invited several of the h 1 l d h dd ' Mrs. Willie Jenkins. They named son of Mrs. Laura Saunders of lor w o a so P aye t e we mg their new daughter Constance younger matrons to meet Mrs. According to Cornell McDong- E:eattle. Members of the two fam- music. Ruth. She was born at Emanuel Lee at her home on Sunday after- ald, publicity chairman, the nine- ilies and a few intimate friends Best man was William D. Mrt.{'o hospital and tipped the scales at noon. year-old club now boasts a mem- of the couple witnessed the nup- ray of Seattle. 7 pounds, 3 ounces. The new ar- Members of Epsilon Zeta Lamb- bership of over 80 golfers, but tials. An informal reception in the rival is the second girl for the da chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha they are still anxious to incor- The bride was beautiful in a parsonage immediately follower\ Jenkins. fraternity had a gay costume porate more people. waltz-length nylon net gown of the ceremony. Assisting at ihe ·~ * * party on Halloween at the home A popular feature of the or- a burnished copper shade called affair were: Mrs. Jesse I ... Mrs. Harry Williams was hon– ored with a surprise birthday din– ner party last Sunday evening at her home on Michigan street. Mr. Williams and Ernest Love planned and cooked the feast for 17 guests. Canasta and bridge were after– dinner diversions. From Seattle came Mrs. Laura Saunders and Mr. and Mrs. Clar– ence Jackson for the Saunders– Smith wedding. Mrs. Saunders is mother to the bridegroom, Ronald Saunders. Mrs. Leon A Johnson 1s recup– erating at her home following a few days' illness at a local hos– pital. Mrs. Doris Fry, nurse at Veter– ans hospital, nas returned from a month's vacation spent in Wash– ington, D. C., and other eastern cities. Mrs. Clorton Lee has returned to her home in Spokane after a fortnight's visit here with her Tom Benson Glass Co. Plate Glass. Auto Glass Window Glass TU 5193 1600 N. Williams Ave. Corner Weidler The Baskel Seafood "n" Chips Chicken "n" Chips OPEN TILL 4 a.m. 1409 N. Williams BETTER CLEANING ELLIS CLEANERS John Ellis, Prop. PICK UP & DELIVERY 3304 N. Williams WE 3898 Hills Grocery Best Meats-Fresh Vegetables Free Delivery 1 639 N. Russell TU 9135 Compliments of Keystone. Inveslmenl Co. 1453 N. Williams Ave. of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Williams. ganization is its morning coffee tea-rose. The gown was fash- Boyd, Mrs. Cleophas Smith, Mr<:. Charles Lewis of Seattle, a "' 1 hour designed to acquaint mem- ioned with a simple bodice and Henry Jackson and Mrs. .,;m member of the football team at bers with each other and to in- bouffant skirts topped by an over- Winslow. Willamette university, will be nrease golfing zeal. These coffee skirt embroidered in gold. He!· .After a wedding trip to C<ln.- with the team when they go to Hawaii this month. hours are followed by golfing ex- rhinestone-sprinkled satin slip- 1 ada the couple will be at home in rursions. pers matched her gown. In her Portland. Chuck's father, Charles Lewis 1~-------------+---------------------------. ~:~ea~~w~i;ro:u~~~~ttiea~isr::~ IT'S ROSEN~LATTS FOR DOBBS HATS for Willamette's game with Lin- field college. They all were in Portland to dine and visit with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Theo– dore Freeman. 100 PATTERNS~ 1952 . WALLPAPER 20c to 40c PER ROLL -{:r ALSO LARGEST SELECTION OF 1953 WALLPAPER IN THE WEST HENRYBLACI 927 S. W. First Ave, PORTLAND • Open till 8 p.m. FLAT WALL PAINT $2.75 GAL. * FLOOR PAINT $3.65 *ENAMEL $3.65, $4.95GAL. OUTSIDE WHITE $2.95, $3.95, $4.95 GAL. Watchmaker & Jeweler Imported, Gifts From Denmark, Norway, Sw~den Germany and England 417 S.W. Park Ave AT 2672 Glenn's Texaco Service We Give S&H Green Stamps Mark- Lubrication Firestone Tires N. E. Broadway & Williams MU 9983 Allan Bowens CURTIS CIRCULATION CO. REPRESENTATIVE We take subcriptions for Ebony, Ladies' Home Journal, Life ook, eads' Digest DD Life: Look, Readers' Digest and others. UN 4779 7937 N. Johnswood Dr. ~z&DOBBS ' GUILD EDGE" the bat Jashioned by hand . . . for you The Guild Edge is carefully hand-fash!oned to hold its d:stinguished lines indefinitely. Al-Na?s '.'Tell-fitting a::1d proper, it's the Dobbs most men prefer. Corne in today . . . you'll find a complete range Of Dobbs, Mallory and Borsalino hats in the style, color and proportion to P-J.eet your own individ1..:..al nee:l. other DO)BBS HATS MALLORY HATS s20 $8.50 to $40 $7 .50 t-o $12.50 Ted~s TV Center Sales Service New Sales Room in Benny's Frat Souse Annex 1471 N. Williams Ct. VE 0332 Charles Martin, salesman OF::::N E\'ERY :\IONDAY .A.ND :FED_!,Y ::--lGHT ''TJL 9 P.~,l. -