Portland Challenger_1952-05-30

Friday. May 30, 1952 FORTLAND CHALLENGER Page 3 Two More 'Charmers' Await Debut Entry I Tall,Graceful.Ann Williams NAACP Slates Loves a 'lBallet Existence' Fashions, Dance Miss Olga Ann Plummer Vivacious, Full of Sparkle By Kathryn H. Bogle. Social Editor, The Challenger Tall and graceful as a flower is Ann, the 17-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Williams, who is one of the six young lovelies to be presented by Les Fer,;nmes at their first June Ball. The ball is to be on June 9, and that week Ann will also graduate from Cleveland high school. Crowded into the same week is the spring recital of the Nicholas Vasilieff school of the ballet in which Ann will be a featured student. Lives for Ballet Ballet is the breath of Ann's existence. For the sake of ballet, according to Ann's parents, she will forego any o£ the usual teen– age pleasures. Money for motion picture shows and extra ice cream sodas is hap– pily channeled by Ann into her funds for new toe shoes, leatards, or a new tu-tu. Ann sometimes earns spending-money by baby sitting for neighbors, and this too, she may hoard toward some spe– cial ballet pleasure. During last winter she used her earnings for extra lessons from the prima ballerina of the Saddler Wells ballet company here tour. Plans College Life For all her interes n tiballet, Ann has made excellent grades at Cleveland, as ·she did at Clois– tered St. Helens hall, the Episco– pal school for girls where her sophomore year was spent. She likes to sew, especially if it's to help her mother make a new cos– tume for dancing. Although she tries often, her cooking is still a joke to her older brother, Charles Jr., a sophomore at the University of Portland. He will admit, how– ever, that her french fries are "quite edible." Loyal father Unfurnished Apartment 2-3 rooms-$43.50 to $50 Including all Utilities call Dean Vincent Inc. AT 3181 Citizens Fountain downs any of her concoctions. Miss Willlams plans to go to college "somewhere close to home" in the fall. Summer plans shine bright and clear for there is the cherished privilege of being a student of Fedorova, a famed ballerina scheduled to teach sum- mer courses at Vasilieffs. MISS ANN WILLIAMS • • . tall and graceful Unthank on 'Y' Trip Back East Dl'. DeNorval Unthank is cur– rently on a trip that took him to Detroit, Michigan, as a member of the National Area Council of the YMCA. He was elected to the council last March from the Oregon, Washington, Idaho and parts of Montana area. Dr. Unthank will visit relatives in Kansas City and Omaha be– fore returning home around June 1. Tomorrow night is the night for the N A A C P sponsored "around the clock fashion show" dance in the sunken ball– room of the Masonic Temple. The program is being present– ed by the local branch of the NAACP, of which Otto Ruther– ford is president, in order to de– fray expenses of their delegates to the national convention to be held next month at Oklahome>. City. Two other purposes were giv– en by U. H. Leverett, committee chairman of the affair. They in– clude a desire to create interest :.n well grooming and an attempt to present to the people a real ':'how. Models Listed Models on the program include: By Kathryn H. Bogle Social Editor, The Chalenger Vivacious and full of sparkl~ is Miss Olga Ann Plummer, 17- year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ulysses G. Plummer. Her days are hardly ever long enough to include all· the things Olga wants to do, but these day~ now, are packed, simply packed to the brim with exciting prep– arations for thrilling moment~ ;;head. On Sunday, June 8, Olga will augmented graduation choir. Her rlass at Immaculata and the graduating classes of five other Catholic high schools will join at the public auditorium to share one big ceremony on that Sun– day afternoon. Earlier this y~ar Olga won first place as pianist in an inter-school talent program aranged by these five partici– pating schools. Olga has been active in sports, too. She pla,Ys basketball, bad– minton, softball and tennis, and this year she was Immaculata's champ at ping-pong. For the last two years Olga has been pres– ident of the Lettermen's club. Likes To Cook At home Olga likes to cook and frequently takes the respon– sibility for cooking a complete meal for the whole family. She I Clara Allen; Lily Beaver, Marie Brooks; Hazel Burton; Virgima Davis; Mary Bell Dawson; Ma- ' regards her younger sister, 13- year-old Bernadine, as a big ble Hodgeson; Norma Marks; Marjory Marshall; Eunice Beryl .\iott; Ozi Jane Mott; Adalene I Olden; Mr. .Robert Price; Arie Randle; Laurice Smith; and Ju– . anita Thomas. Scheduled to be on the pro– gram of vocal entertainment are Verla Woods; Oscar Haynes; Adalene Olden; J. C. Edwards .md Jean Lichty. Music By Hubert Lewis OLGA ANN PLUMMER • .. awaits her debut be graduated from high school, Dancing will be to the music and next day, Olga will join five of Hubert Lewis and his orches- of her girl-friends to be present– tra. Advance tickets are on sale ed by Les F'emmes at the June at Neal's drug, Williams avenue Ball. At her graduation Olga will :md Knott street. don the regulation cap and gown Mrs. Victoria Summers Mur- of white, but for the June Ball, ray, former Powers' model, will 1 and the many parties planned be the fashion coordinator and near both these important dates. commentator. Mrs. Renee Schira this is the time ·for thinking up will assist her. something dreamy to wear. Herman C. Plummer is maste1• of ceremonies for the affair. Mark Smith, president of _ the Vancouver chapter of the NAACP, will be gq.est master of ceremon- ies. P.iano Practice There are many hours to b8 spent practicing at her piano, for Olga has studied piano through .all her four years at Immacu– lata Academy. Now she has been The program is slated underway at 8:30. to chosen to be accompanist for an get help on these occasions. B'erna– dine and Ulysses Jr., the gi:ls' 10-year-old brother both att<>n:i I Immaculate Heart 'grade sch~ol. University of Portland is Ol– ga's choice for college. She will enroll for fall term, with music as her major, and psychology her minor. Trio Gives Shower Miss Ruby Brock, Miss Bernice Banks and Mrs. Mary Herndon gave a baby shower for Mrs. Wilba Lamar at Mrs. Herndn's home, Saturday, May 24th. :HOME :PORTlr.Al•rs PUBLIC ENGAGEMENTS rums for Sale - l'lin1s Developed Baltzegar's Photos With or vVithout Appointment 9 N.E. Halsey St. EM 0979 De Luxe Barber Shop It Pays to Look Your Best 2726 N. Williams J. C. Fosler. Prop. Food and Soft Drinks Kappa Polemarch Portland Visitor Services in Real Estate Herman C. Plummer and Co. 2752 N. Williams Savoy Billiards Under new management Latest Tunes on Our Juke Box N. Williams & Russell Wilson's Shirl Shop Has Your Summer Needs • Lancer Roll Collars • Gauchos-$2.95 • Hawaiian Shirts-$1.95 • Stradivari Sport Shir!s • Swim Trunks Portland's Smart Haberdashery Wilson's Shirl Shop Broadway at Alder AT 4486 On his annual tour of inspec- uate student of the Southwestern tion of the Western Province of Law school. He is married and the Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity. has two young daughters. Thomas Bradley, provincial polemarch (pole-mark), visited the local Delta Alpha chapter here May 17 and 18. Bradley, an alumnus of UCLA, where he received his letter as a track man in the 440 events, is employed as a sergeant in the detective division of the Los An– geles police force and is a grad- Jensen and jewelers davenport BE 15S5 S. W. Alder at 3:rd Hall of Records rorn1erly Gibsons Complete Stock of· Progressive Music 924 S. W. Wa:;hington NEAL DRUG 2703 N. Williams Ave. MU 7552 Prescriptions Sundries - Fountain Likes Hospitality Said Bradley, W11o ts now com– pleting his fourth year as re · gional director, "I find the chap– progressing rapidly in the fine tradition of the fraternity. The hospitality which has been ac– corded me has made my visit here more of a social pleasure than an official duty. I have also noted the tremendous strides in bus– iness expansion and good will of the populace of the city since my lRst visit here in December, 1950, and it is indeed encourag– !ng for the benefit of harmonious race relations." Bradley was house guest of I Mr. and Mrs. Armstead Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. E. Shelton Hill and. I Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Herndon. Jr. provided him with cuisine in their homes. Mysterious Billy Smith 1500 N. Wheeler VE 9163 Jesse Thomas Mobil Station 1515 N. Williams GA 7763 Towing and Expert Repairing Avrill's Garage 2242 N. Williams MU 9743 Nights GA 2729 "A Trial Will Convince You" Fred's Cleaners Expert CleanJng and Pressing ~ 1419 N. Wheeler Sportsman Billiards Soft Drinks 816 N. Russell Tolbot Allen, Mgr. Joe Reed, Proprietor Best Juke Box Music in Portland 1508 N. Williams VE 9104 E. Slaughter, Prop. Everfresh Market Fresh Meats Fresh Vegetables 2508 N. E. Union Thorough Eye Examinations Latest Style Frame e Continuous Vision Lenses e Credit Accounts Welcomed Open Every Monday Till 9 Associate Optometricts: Dr. Geo. l\Iarumoto, Dr. "'. B. Siddens, Dr. Jack Patton