Portland Challenger_1952-05-16

~ ~~~~~~~~=================================;~=P=O=R~T="=L=A=N=D==C=H==A=L=L=E=N=G=E===R 10 ~-,~~;,:~JP~~~~--~~~~~~t;.~~~~P_a_g_e_~ Friday. May 16. 1952 lSI. Philip's Players Praclice New Play Kay's Notations URBAN LEAGUE NOTE Kathryn H. Bogle. Social Editor Mrs. Florence V. Crawford, Grand Worthy Matron of the Golden State Chapter, O.E.S., spent two days in Portland dur– ing the past week. Mrs. Crawford was making her annual of– ficial visitation to Mt. Hood Chapter, No. 16, O.E.S. While in the city the distinguished visitor was guest in the home of Mrs. Anna Mae Lee, Grand Deputy. Mrs. Martha Jamieson, Worthy Matron of Mt. Hood Chapter, entertained at breakfast for Mrs. Crawford at the home of Mrs. Grace Purcell and the Past Matrons' Council were her hostesses at din– ner at the Cape Cod Tea Room. The business meeting was fol– lowed by a reception for the Grand Matron in Prince hall. Mrs. Crawford left Portland for McCloud, California. * After Spending a month visit- Other members are Ida McClen– don, Jean Chatman, Arnetta Webb, Melva Jean Dawson, Jackie Bell, Donna Dawson, Ruth Helen Neal and Thelma Unthank. :): * * Ensign Learline Newman and Ensign M a r t h a Colley, both nurses at the naval hospital at Bremerton, Washington, were ing- relatives in Cairo, Illinois, guests over the weekend of Miss Mr. and Mrs. John D. Davis re- Regina Mukes, nurse at Provi– turned this week to their home dence hospital. here. * * A former Portlander, Mrs. Car– oline Benning, who now makes her home in Seattle, is visiting for a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Shepherd. * * * Over a hundred guests attend– ed the cocktail party at the Nich– olas Banks' home when they cele– brated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary on May 3. Assisting the hosts were Mrs. Oscar Haynes, Mrs. Elihue Johnson, Mrs. Cora Minor, Mrs. Jessie Flowers, Mrs. Howard Ellis (who is sister to Mrs. Banks), and the Banks' daughter, Miss Bernice Banks. A second daughter, Mrs. Au– drey Johnson, lives in Los An– geles. The Banks' son, A 1 I c Nicholas Banks, is in Korea. * * William Carr recently received an appointment as Engine Man on ------the.. City Fire Department. He be– gan his probationary period of service at Fire Station No. 8. Mr. Carr is the son of Mrs. Lucille Carr. * Still on the critical list at a lo– eal hospital is Mrs. Mary Turner. Mr. Wilbur Marshall is recup– erating from a recent illness at his home on N. E. Thompson street. * * The Rev. Mr. J . L. Boyd, min– ister of Bethel AME church, is in Chicago attending the general convention of the African Meth– odist Episcopal church. Delegates have been sent from churches in Africa as well as from churches in the regional conference of the United States. Mrs. Mary. Duncan, a member of Bethel, wilt also at– tend the conference. Mrs. Duncan stopped first in Omaha, T;l'ebraska, where she will join friends there who plan to visit conference ses– sions. Before she returns to Port- , land, Mrs. Duncan will visit rela– tives in St. Anne, Illinois. * :): * Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fuller, and their two little daughters, Mar– auerite and Ester Marie, have ~oved into their new home at 4520 NE 15th street. * ~): * When "The Little Worrien" held their first silver tea recently at the Williams Avenue YWCA, they made all their own preparations and carried all their plans through to a successful conclusion, ac– cording to their adviser, Mrs. Ed– ward A. Smith. The tea was planned as a fund raising venture to send a·delegate to their convention. The club is made up little girls between the ages of 11 and 13, and is one in the girls' division of the Oregon Association ' of Col– ored Women's Clubs. President is Laverne Burgess; Marie Parker is secretary; Berna– dine Plummer, treasurer; and Ro– chelle Dawson, parliamentarian. * * Caesar P. Spearman, M/Sgt., who has been stationed at Port– land Air Base for several months, has been transferred to Larson Air Force Base at Moses Lake, Washington. Mrs. Spearman, who has been employed as chief clerk at the post exchange office at the Portland base, will join her hus– band at Moses Lake sometime in June. Children's fashions were shown by 20 young models from 1% years when the Beta Eta Sigma chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho sorority held their annual spring fashion show May 4 at the Wil– liams Avenue YWCA. T u l i p s and rhododendrons banked the stage and sorority colors of blue and gold were used in decoration of the rooms and the tea table. Miss Delores Harris was pianist and Mrs. Pollyanna Reed was commentator. .Tea was served to the guests by Misses Gwendolyn Molden, Janet Fuller, Ann Williams, Mar– lene Hardy, Olga Ann Plummer and Regina Johnson with the as– sistance of Mrs. U. H. Leverette. Mrs. Wilbur Marshall and her co– chairman, Mrs. Earl Morrison, ar– ranged the fashion show. Mrs. Wilson Walker is basileus of the chapter. * * * About a score of friends sur– prised the James McGuires when they gave the McGuires a house– warming last Tuesday evening in their new home. * * Harold Washington writes from Korea that he now is Pfc. and that he is learning how to be a baker. * * >Y. To mark her birthday, Mrs. Willa Mae Winslow entertained at dinner for three of her friends, Mrs. Earl Morrison, Mrs. Helen Hirsch and Miss Dorothy Shimo– muro. The dinner party was held at a downtown restaurant and aft– erwards the guests played Ca– nasta at Mrs. Winslow's home. Chuck Wagon Party A Chuck Wagon party is to be held at the St. Philip's Par– ish hall, 120 N. E. Knott, F'ri– day night, May 16 at 8:30. lt is under the direction of Mrs. Gen– eva Franklin. The entertainment will con– sist of comedy acts, barber shcp quartets and numerous other features. The public is invited and tickets may be obtained at the door. Mrs . Ruesell Hurl Mr9. Mandy Maude Russell, 24 of 4415 N. W1~:1ams avenue, w~s thrown from her car to the street in an accident on the cor– ner of 19th avenue and Glisan st reet Monday. The Urban L e a g u e of Portland has informed The Challenger that the follow– ing public establishments all refuse admission to Negro citizens. NO PORTLAND CIT– IZEN WHO BELIEVES IN REAL DEMOCRACY WILL P)!i TRONIZE N.N '{ OF THEM OAKS PARK ROLLER RINK JANTZEN BEACH BALL– ROOM & SWIMMING POOL BLUE LAKE AMUSE– MENT PAR~ TOWN TAVERN TAURANT CLOVE'R CLUB RES- Iotas AHend Regional Confab in Seattle - By Mrs. Ruth Flowers The fifth annual conference of the Far Western Region of Iota Phi Lambada soror ity convened in Seattle, Washington, May 2. 3 and 4 usi ng the t heme, "Iotas Relievin~ L abor Shortage in B u s i n e s s and P r ofessional Fields." Attend ing sor ors from the loc– cal chapter , Beta Iota, were Mary Duncan, Ruth Flower s, Lucille Wilson (delegates), Cuma Clay– ter and Norma Williams (visi– tor s). They report a successfu~ meeting in every respect. The St. Philip's Player s h ave been invited by the Porn and park bureau to open the n ew Volcano theater at Mt. Tabor park in June. They plan t0 pre– sent, ''Ad Infinitum," un dt>r ti1 e Practical Nurse Jobs Available The Industrial Relations d e- partment of the Urban League of Portland announces job op– portunities for women to become registered practical nurses. According to an Urban Leagu e !Julletin, candidates must have reached their 18th birthday (no age limit) and must be high ~chool graduate or pass the gen– eral education development test. You can earn while you learn. Affiliated hospitals pay an hour– ly wage for all the time the student spends in the hospital service. While the student learns. a total of $600 can be earned . Some tuition scholarships a~·e available. Appointment for interv iews ~an be made by calling the Port– land public schools, Department of Adult F'amily Life Education, ~mpire 0420. Delta Pyramids Sew Doll Wear Mrs. Duncan Journalist Under the presidency of Mi ss Soror Duncan was elected as-- Ruby Brock, Portland's Delta sistant journalist for the region. Sigma Theta's Pyramid club It was with much pr ide that they (Delta pledges) is in the process greeted several of their sorors 'of working on their third big who have made outstanding ac- project. complishments in job promotions It consists of making doll and government awards. clothes for children in the Doern - While in Seattle the sorors becker hospital. Their first pr o– were the guest of Alpha Omi- ject saw them fill 25 Junior Red– cron chapter; Delta Sigma Theta I Cross boxes. l sorority for breakfast; Philorate Other Pyramids are: Mrs. J o– "Spring F'ormal" in the .Windsor sephine Grimmet, vice-president ; Room of the Washington hotel; Joyce Greenwoord, secretaJ',v ; Retreat to "Jaly Shore," the and Miss Ruby Polk, treasurer. beautiful home of the "Yar- broughs" on the lake, and Group worship at Bethel AME church . New Officers Elected direction of Arthur Parrow. "Ad Infinitum" is a sati r e on the totali tarian state, based 0n the life of insects who have p rob – lems of human beings. The St. Philip's Player s made their first r eal hit in th 2 pr o– duction of ''Queen Esther." This pr oduction ran two nights at St. Philip's. church , then appear– ed again at th e Womens Club, Temple Beth Israel and Gresh-· am. The public is invited and fu r– ther information may be obtain– ed from Mrs. Geneva Franklin, TUxedo 4002. Iota Phi Lambda Director Visits Here The regional director of Iotv Phi L ambda sorority, Soror Sar- 2h B. Sims, Denver, Colorado, was the guest of Por tland's Beta Iota chapter May 7 at a dinner served at the Pagoda. After dinner, the sorors went to the h ome of soror Norm :\ Williams for business and pleas-– ure. A gift from the Por tland chapter, a beautiful Oregon myr– tlewood bon-bon dish, was pre– sented to the director by sor or Audrey Ellis. Other sorors present were Be– &tr ice Reed, Marguerite Paxton , ;m d Magnolia Taylor. The hostess served a desseJ t and gave each soror a Portland r ose as a souvenir. A favorite seafood of the d iJ– ector is Pacific oysters. Women's Co-op Club Elects Meet Delegates • The Women's Co-operative dub held a meeting at the Wil– liams avenue YWCA Thursday ~md elected delegates to a tten r·t the annual meeting of the Ore- _ gon Association of Colored W - – men to be held May 22, 23 mw 24 here. The Mott sisters, Ozzie and Eunice, sponsored by the clulJ, will represent them at the NA- Kappas Give Orchid To Mrs. Shepherd B Id W "ld W ACP Fashion Show. Y e 1 Offiell Mrs. Etoile Cox was appointed Mrs. Lee Shepherd, mother of Art Shepher d, received an orchid as the oldest Kappa mother at the Kappa 's Mother's Day tea held Sunday at the Williams avenue YWCA. Mrs. U. G. P lumm er spoke on "Mother's Role in th e Commun– ity." The tea was served by the Sig– ma Delta Theta sorority , thei r pyrnmids and Silhouettes (Ka p · pa wives). Sylvia Newsom on Trip Mrs. Sylvia Newsom left Mon– day, May 12, for San Francisc0 for a short trip. She is to visit an aunt and friends. She is ex– pected back in P ortland Monday, May 18. Cheap Good Used Furniture Furniture Exchange 2621 N. Williams GA 3583 A. B. James-Benj. Dean P. W. Wilborn, operator-mgr. Id.eal Barber Shop 6 N. E. RUSSELL MU 9298 I Portland's Ide Wild m arried as a chairman of a tea to assist women's club elected new offi- 1n the "Plummer for Represen. cers at a meeting held l<:>st tative" campaign. week. New officers elected incbde Mrs. Dorothy Vickers, president: Mrs. Virginia Davis, vice-pr esi– dent; Mrs. Gladys Lewis, secre– tai:y; Mrs. Julia Fletcher, cGr– ·esponding secretary ; and ?Ars Clarine Smith, treasurer. Services in Real Estate Herman C. Plummer and Co. 2752 N. Williams GA 7763 Chinese and American Food at Chine-se Kitchen Yee Loy Sing, Mgr. 2600 N. Williams MU 9958 At the Crossroads in Portland APOLLO CAB TU 5077 Wms. & :Russell • Wms•. 'It Cherry Wms. & Tillamook Cliff Jackson Union Oil Dealer 76 and 7600 Gasolines 262 N. Broadway MU 9840 I I "A Trial Will Convince You " Fred's Cleaners Expert Cleaning and Pressing 1419 N. Wheeler · ~OME :o;>ORTRJ.llrS PUBLIC ENLARGEMEN TS :Films for Sale - :f'iltns Developed Baltzegar's Photos '\Yi t h or '\Vith out Appoin t rn .•nt 9N.E. Halsey St. EM 0979 We Give S&H Green Stamps U-Neek Cleaners Dry Cleaning -Hatters _ N.E. Williams at Russell. MU '.'411 Compliments of Mrs. Ruby M:. Brock . NEAL DRUG I 2703 N. Williams Ave. ; I MU 7552 Prescriptions Notions- Fountain •