Portland Challenger_1953-01-09
Page Four PORTLAND CHALLENGER Friday, Jo.nuary 9, 1953 1 Co-op Club Gives Kay's Notations BY BILL HILLIARD Grant high school has a possible basketball star in Manny Robin– son, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Robinson, 421 N. E. Hancock street. The peppery Robinson has been outstanding at his forward berth for the Generals in pre-season hoop play. · Among the top four General scorers, Robinson may be shifted to a starting guard post when city prep basketball action gets underway Friday. He is a sophomore, so Grant will be expecting great things from this scrappy go-getter when next year's season rolls around. Coming to Portland this Sun– day with the second section of the famed Harlem Globetrotters will be Portland's own Jackson Win– ters. The talented ex-pivot mai? of the University of Portland'~ stellar 1949-50 basketball team is now performing for Abe Saper– stein's tricky quintet. Winters will be remembered for the starring role he played with :i:he Portland All-Stars last year when they defeated a rough Globetrotter squad. Win- ters, along with the ever- JACKSON WINTERS smooth Art Shepherd, was instrumental in thai surprising upset. He and Shepherd were one-two in scoring for the local all-star unit. Since that time Winters has played ball in Canada and toured the Colored Ghost softball aggregation. Now in Globetrotter spangles, the ex-Portland rebound artist says he will stay with them for ten years. He likes his play with the internationally famous courtmen. The February issue of Sport and the March edition of Sport Stars, two national sport magazines, are featuring articles on Seattle's well-known Johnny O'Brien. Both magazines carry pictures of the Portland-Seattle heart-stopping series of 1951-52. Right in the middle of the action shots is the Pilot's M. H. McGillv ary. R. C. Owen. the ouistanding wingman with College of Idaho. earned honorable mention on Paul Williamson's Little All-Amer– ican football team. A fellow closer to home, the sensational lit– tle running back for OTI, Don Foreman, grabbed a third t~am berth on Williamson's Junior College selections. These are both national honors. A story in the F ranklin Tolo, Seattle prep n ewspaper, calls William A. "Goose" Wright a 135-pound bag of bones who is making a serious bid for a starting berth on the Franklin bask etball five. Wright is a former P ortlander and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wright. The six-foot Wright has little spare time . Besides his basketball activity he is a golf letterman and a member of Hi-Y. Powell's Host Fledgling Group by-laws; Alvin Dawson, chairman of sick committee; Mrs. Minnie Scott, chairman of entertainment; Tom Copelyn, sergeant-at-arms; forward to a greater year and the jacket embroidered in pail- congratulations on the brrth of more work as they got together lettes. 1 their first child, a daughter, born at the home of Mrs. Richard Before the party drew to a close · on January 2, at Emanuel hospi– Thomas and her mother, Mrs. Iva the Bridgeteers introduced them- tal. They have named the baby Pope, 112 N. McMillen street, re- selves with a song. Their number Meredith Louise. cently to entertain their husbands was rippling and gay with their .-----------------. PUBLIC ENGAGEME~ and friends during Christmas lyrics set to the music of "Sound time. Off" and was punctuated by mer- The Thomas-Pope r e s i den c e riment. zilms for Sale - l'1lms Developed Baltzegar's Photos was decorated with American Bridgeteers are: Mesdames Beauty roses wired from Mr. and Yancey Franklin, William Me– Mrs. Leslie Mitchell in Vancou- Clendon, Ulysses Leverett, Oscar ver, B. C. Haynes. Charles Rawlins, Luke A surprise to members were Duckett, Herman Plummer and With or Wit hout Appointment 122 NE Failing MU 5735 carases, little coffee urns, given John Holley. .-----------------. to them by Mrs. Ruth Flowers. The girls have been playing She had purchased the gifts in bridge together once a week for Los Angeles during the club's na- about five years and they get tional convention. along so well without a president Mrs. William Graves won first they have never bothered to or- and second prize in game compe- ganize. Mrs. Maney Entertains titian and Mrs. Rachael Barno won third prize. In charge of games and a charae of three girls Mrs. Isadore Maney was host– was Mrs. Clifford Dixon, program ess New Year's night to honor her chairman. son, Isadore Maney Jr. and his Guests at the party included fiancee, Miss Bertrand Banks of James Downing, Edward Barno, Helena, Montana. Ralph Flowers, Mr. and Mrs. E. About 60 guests called at the Hills Grocery Best Meats-Fresh Vegetables Free Delivery 639 N. Russell TU 9135 Tom Benson Glass Co. Plate Glass. Auto Glass Window Glass TU 5193 1600 N. Williams Ave. Corner Weidler Penson, Mrs. Dixie Harris and Maney residence during the eve- •------------~ Mr. Day. ning and declared Mrs. Maney's Later during the week, Mrs. party was one of the most elab– Tom Harris, 222 N . Ivy street, orate of the season. Hardy's "New Look" gave a luncheon at her home. She 1 The dining table offered every– is secretary of the Co-op club. thing frcm a delicate clam bisque Creamed chicken was served in a bottomless tureen, through We Give S&K Green Sta.m.ps Shoe Repair & Shin e with hot biscuits at the party, re- piping hot chafing dishes and Phone MU 9788 11 N. Russell ports Mrs. Rachaell Barno, pub- laden platters, right on to a va- '--------------~ licity chairman. riety of holiday cakes for dessert. •----------------. Isadore is stationed at Hunter Air Force Base at Savannah, Ga., and flew home on Christmas day. Miss Banks is a student nurse at Carol College school of nursing in Helena. Three Injured ln Free-for-All Two men and one woman were injured early Monday, December 29, in what police called a free– for-all fight at 3944 N. E. 8th ave– nue. In the Emanuel hospital was Booker Gibson, 30, 543 N. E. Bra– zee street, suffering from multiple cuts, head injury and several frac– tured ribs, reportedly inflicted with an ax handle. Al3o hospitalized were Mrs. Myrtle Johnson, 29, 3944 N. E. 8th avenue, and Horace S. Dear, 46, Seattle. Mrs. Johnson alledegd– ly hit with a lamp, suffered from a head injury and Dear was treat– ed for a bite on the hand. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Carter were down fr om Seattle and Ulysses Allen came from Bremerton to spend the holidays with the 1\IIaneys. Les Papillons, a social and serv– ice club, whose six members were girls presenteu by Les Femmes in June, entertained about 20 cou– ples during the holidays. They danced and made merry at the home of Janet Fuller. Home ol Week 4 Bedrooms Grant High Solid, attractive. newly redec– ora.ied home. Maple floors, stone fireplace, beautiful kitch– en with tile features, bath, full cement basement, oil heat and garage. Nice lot and a genuine bargain. Call Bill Walker TR 6817 for information and appointment to see. JJ WALKER The new ly converted party room in the basement of the Mon– roe Powell's ~as the setting for the Christmas party given De– cember 27 by the Deuces' social club. and William Perry, reporter. LOST-Will whoever took a The girls will consider serious affairs at their January 13th meet– ing. Marlene Hardy has been chosen president. Other members are: Olga Ann Plummer, Gwen· ?olyn Molden, Regina Johns~n. Ann Williams, and Janel Fuller. Broker 5132 N. E. Union TU 5054 Other members include: Mr. gray, size 7% Dobbs hat at the The party room was decorated Delta dance and left a gray, size · h I'd f h' · h 1 and Mrs. Issac Brooks, Mr. and m o 1 ay as 1on w1t c usters 7" 4 Dobbs hat in its place please .------------------------------. b Mrs. Milton Beck and Mr. and 7 ' of alloons hanging from the ceil- notify the Portland Challenger or Mrs. Robert Dillard. ing. Fried chicken and all the call BR 2697? trimmings were served buffet r-----------------: _____..:.,_________ style and the traditional egg nog A. B. James-Benj. Dean was served over the bar. P. W. Wilborn, operator-mgr. Members of the Deuces wish to IDEAL BARBER SHOP thank everyone that helped sup- 6 N. E. RUSSELL port them in their recent "ham MU 9298 Maxey's Parlor Barber Shop Boot Black Servi-ce 26 N. Weidler St. VE 9283 The Friendly Store terms r w ~~= e a t p a c i h r and bacon" contest. Mrs. Rosetta '":::::::::::::::::::::::::~ Carter, 243 N. Thompson street, r won the ham and Mrs. Mary Neighborhood '------------.....! .----------------------------, Scott, 821 N. E. Monroe street, Shopping Center won the bacon. The Deuces is a newly organ– ized social club consisting of mar– ried couples. Officers of the club Open from 6:30 A.M. to 2:00 A.M. Daily Food Service 2115 N. Williams TU 4666 are: Wilfred Hardy, president;'":::::::::::::::::::::::::=. Mrs. Nancy Powell, vice presi- r dent; Mrs. Clint Copelyn, secre– tary; Mrs. Daisy W. Perry, assist– ant secretary; Mrs. Obie Hardy, treasurer; Manuel Scott, business manager. Services in Real Estate Herman C. Plummer and Co. 2752 N. Williams GA 7763 FRED &HOP Experienced UNION SERVICE Stopwear Lubrication Firestone Tires Green Stamps 262 N Broadway MU 9840 January Clearance Sale ALL FALL AND WINTER SHOES REDUCED WHILE THEY LAST Sov- Mor Shoe Store 2526 N. E. Union Ave. ]drs. Mae Dawson, chairman of ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ L-------------------------------------------------------~ 100 PATTERNS~ 1952 WALLPAPER 20c to 40c PER ROLL {l ALSO LARGEST SELECTION OF 1953 WALLPAPER IN THE WEST HENRY L C 927 S. W. First Ave, PORTLAND • Open till 8 p.m. FLAT WALL PAINT $2.75 GAL. * FLOOR PAINT $3.65 *ENAMEL $3.65, $4.95GAL OUTSIDE WHITE $2.95, $3.95, $4.95 GAL. "How We Got Our Bible" The place of the "NEW BIBLE" in present day worship will be discussed in a series of 4 lectures. Dr. J. Harold Jones, Minister, Preaching Lecture dates are: January 18, January 25, February 1. February 15 All Sermons Will Begin at 7:30 p.m. Hughes Memorial Methodist Church 2902 N. E. Rodney Ave. e Thorough Eye Examinations e Latest style Fra.mes e Continuous Vision Lenses e 'l'V and Night Driving Lenses ~ Speedy ServiN Cons iderate cr edit a da pted to your individual n eeds OP:BN 9 to 6 Daily ••• Moncla.ys Downtown to 9 P.M.
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