Portland Challenger_1954-04-23

.. Friday, April 23, 1954 Molher Yields To Race Issue Mrs. Izella Kimmons, the Negro family woman who received threatening telephone calls dur– ing her short stay at 425 N. E. San Rafael street, refused to move back into the house and the so-called "segregated house issue" fizzled out. The house is owned by Mrs. Malinda Bradwell, also a Negro, who lived in the home 2% years. She said she would either rerent the home or move into it herself. Caucasian neighbors live on both sides of the residence but the block across the street is al– most solidly Negro. Mrs. Bradwell holds a contract on the property and was renting it 'out through Oregon Rentals. Mrs. Kimmons, who reportedly has four children, aged 11, 9, 4 and 1.5 months, said two people called her about the home. One, she said, "talked awful nasty to me. She called me dirty names and wanted to know what 1 was doing in that, house. "Another lady called and she talked nicer, but she asked how come I was renting that house. She said that was her property and I didn't have any right there. So I moved right out. I'd be kind of afraid to be staying there alone with my children if somebody didn't want me there," she said. Kiddies to Hold Fashion Revue Sigma Gamma Rho's annual Tea and Kiddies Fashion Revue is slated Sunday at St. Philip's Parish hall from 4 to 7 p.m. There will be a silver offering for the scholarship fund. Beta Eta chap· ter is sponsor of the tea and rPvue. Over 67 models, ranging in ages from six to 12, will take part in the parade of tot togs. PORTLAND CHALLENGER Threats Drove Them From Their Home Mrs. lzella Kimmons and her six children were driven away from a newly rented home by tele– phone threats, she said, She had rented a home at 425 N. E. San Rafael street, but moved away after first night because of telephone calls. Her children (from left) are J. V., 11; Clar– ence, 3; Wesley, 4: Ella V., 9; Jesse, 6, and Willie Charles, 15 months. They now live with friends, but Mrs. Kimmons Is looking for new place. She hopes to find play space for children. Mrs. Kimmons Is divorced from her husband and Is able to support family on welfare checks. Milchell Discovered lo be Versatile Installation Held One man who really knows his business in this town is Bill Mitchell, a friendly, likeable fel– low who can do your bookkeep– ing, sell you a car or tell you exactly what's wrong with the one you have now. He might even be persuaded to train you in the manly art of pugilism. Bill has been a local resident since 1946, and in that time he has been parts manager for the no wdefunct Earl Riley Packard firm and car salesman for Field Chevrolet company, all the while · a t t e n d i n g various business schools, and raising a family of three daughters. Since December of last year Bill has been a salesman for Fields Chevrolet company, where he is enjoying quite a consider– able degree of success. He is also fulfilling requirements for cer" tified public accountancy at Port– land State. His family consists of the wife, Betty Jane; and daughters, Stan– lye Jean, Stephanie and Stacy Joe. They reside at 4305 N.E. 12 avenue. Born in 1918 in Kansas City, Kansas, Bill attended Kansas university and has had a total of six and one-half years of for– mal business training elsewhere. His main hobby is boxing wh1cD. he hates to disclose because, as he put -it, "I have been forced to fight at least once for men– tioning my hobby." Bill is a member of the Urban League, NAACP and the Masonic lodge, Beaver U.D. He has been treasurer of the Allen Temple· CME church for the past three years. , Bill Mitchell Say Dad- strolling down the Avenue last nite, I dropped into Lil Sandy's -man I had a "cool mule"-(a Moscow Mule), you know what I mean- served to me by "ever lovin' " Cora. got feeling good so I walked back to the Fantasy Room and did in a crazy T-bone prepared by "fabulous" Pennie-and only $1.75. well Hoss. satisfied now so I'll go to my pad. 'til nex t time then-· :£;/ SanJlf: VE 9604 1516 N. Williams Ave. The Ty-Vereens' club held an installation chicken dinner Tues– day night at the home of Mrs. Gladys Curry. Newly elected officers of the club are: Robbie Washington, president; Addie Haynes, vice president; Carolyn Tillman, sec· retary; Rose Callum, treasurer; Angie Mitchell, sergeant-at-arms. They were elected to the1r posts Tuesday, April 6. Specialize in ·Bar-B-a and Fried Chicken Wallace Bar-B-Q Open 12 noon to 2 a.m. Orders to Go 3217 N. Williams Ave. Glenn's Texaco Service S&H Green Stamps Marfak Lubrication Firestone Tires N. E. Broadway & Williams MU 9983 Ideal Barber Shop 6 N. E. Russell MU 9298 WANTE.D Another Operator! for the Latest in Stylings Lillian's Beauty Salon 2343 N. Williams MU 2641 For Chicken Even by the Piece all kinds of poultry fresh eggs Red Fronl Poullry 2620 N. Williams WE 0474 e '!1'1lorough Eye Examinations e Latest Style Frames Considerate credit, of course e Continuous Vision Lenses e TV and Night Driving Lenses e Zenith Hearing Aids and Batteries for all make hearing aids. OPEN 9 TO 6 ... MONDAYS TILL 9 P. M. Page Three League Elecls Smilh President Mark Smith is the new presi" aent bf the Urban League of Portland. Smith succeeds Peter Gantenbein to the league's top post. Gantenbein remains an of– ficer of the league, however, serving on the board of directors. Other officers elected include: Robert W. Fritsch, vice presi– dent; Mrs. John R. Catlin, vice president; Herman C. Plummer, secretary; Kenneth Kraeme::, treasurer. Elected to the board were: Rev. Jesse L. Boyd; Richard Bogle Jr.; Hiram A. Kimball, Laurie Lauritzen; Mrs. Cecile S. Olivet'. CLASSIFIED ACCORDION LESSONS-in the home. $1.75. EA 1650. Neighborhood Shopping Center Open from· 6:30 a.m. to 2 a.m. daily 2115 N. Williams TU 4666 For Relaxation, Music, Gaiety & Refreshments it's the Porters' Club No Cover Charge 2504 N. Williams MU 9886 Anthony (Tony) Burkharlsmeier for · State Representative Multnomah County -Equal Tax Distribution -Better School System -Better Labor Legislation -Member of the Urban League, American Veterans Committee (Paid for Political Adv.) AINSWORTH Two Bedrooms $6250 Fully furnished, two-bedroom hom.e. Very clean! New siding! Excellent Ainsworth district. Asking $1,000 down. Call Samuel G. Whitney TU 3784 or TU 5045 J. J. Walker Broker 5132 NE Union TU 5045