Portland Advocate_1981-09&10
64. A political term for party or group· of candidates. 66. A caDJDn prefix that was used ex– teosively by Bakillfadbubuti and a popllar beverage ocmpany. " 68. A pu-a.se used to introduce .a per- son's other or DDre CCIIIIDn name. 71. A cbauvanistic tbi:rd person pro– noun used in EDglish to mean both males and females. ~. A cbemical/psycbological weapon that is deanralizing and destroying. the Black crammity and was popu– larized by white youth. 73. 'Ibe initials of one of Black JDJSic's DDSt renowned figures; he was SCIIIBtimes thought of as a tan because of his "grinning". 74. 'lbe first name of a former leader of the largest Black grassroots organization that ever existed in the history of America. 77. 'lbe last name of the man who was a syuix>l of Black resistance to white America's war machine, and to many Black people he was the loser and still chan:pion. 78. Now(Kiswahili) • 80. An Eastern chant that is also the title of a record by John Coltrane. 82. 'lbe initials of a f8DDUS Black j~. ' 85. " and it will be alright" is what the old folks use to say. 86. We Will Winl(K:I.swahili). 89. A Black value system. 92. Bow too many Black youth ~re/are dying. 93. Fran whence~ came(were brought!). 96. A religion that gained wide~ tance am:>ng Black people. 98. An ancient structure that contains the length of the year, the cir– cunference of the earth, and many other scientific facts incorpo– rated into its architecture. 99. "It's _____ time," a familiar chant at one time. 1()(}. II what". 1. Too many Black people say UE instead of_ 2. It is not eoougb to just look Black, you have to _ Black. 3. A met~ that a few Blacks have em– ployed to get wba.t tbey want fran white people. 5. What s:ma white educators consider inner city schools to be a show– place for aninll.ls . 6. An African syuilol that denotes ever– lasting life and the union of DBD and \100IBD. 7. To make a lt>lotov cocktail you · _ gasoline to ·soappaMier. 8. 'Ibe initials of a Black poet fa– DDUS for the poem "Ego Trippin". 9. 'lbe initials of a Black poet wbo wxote about bow ''t;>addddddd!" we are. 10. Without acme nx>ral guidelines or principles of life, we are surely lost. 'lbese are called • · 11. Rap said it is as American as apple pie. 13. According to Malik, it is either the bal.lot or tbe _____• 14. Just before CDing an individual will begin to _. 17. A faDX>US Black psychiat:J;'ist who died in Wamington, D.C. 19. 'Ibe initials of a spiritual JDJSi– cian wlxl is considered to have been one of the greatest saxopbOne pla– yers. 21. A time period associated with eitber the progression of the e– quinoxes or a person's annual de– velopnent. 25. Many Black leaders once said that Black people acted like tbey were fast and that is wby ~ dream S) III.ICh. 28. 'lbe former Cba.ilmln of tbe Cbn– gressional Black Caucus who bad delivered an ultinll.tl.lll to the DemJcratic Party, tbe results of which ~re evident at tbe '72 daoocra,tic convention. (first and last name). 29. 'lbe way one nay have classified Jesse Ja.c.koon 's support of ll.!Govern •s bid for President shortly after delivering a speech at a National Black Convention expressing distrust of \\bite politicians and calling for a separate Black party, or a way to classify wb:>le m.lltiers and in- tegers. · 30. A Black West Coast Congressman who had consistently supported the Black Panther Party. 31. 'lbe once impris:>ned President of the Republic of New Afrika. 38. A slang tenn for SESOne who ~ served time in the armed serv~ces. 39. The first name of a deceased re– ligious leader whose organization received over a mdllion dollars fran the Afrikan ooontry of Libya. 43. A Black poet •s last name. It means gift. 45. A revolutionary group wbo were alleged to have conspired to blow up tbe Statue of Liberty. 46. A politician's record should not be judged by what he said, but rather by what he ___ 47. The city where mcb of Sweetback was film3d. 48. A national organization that star– ted as an integration oriented group, but DOW believes in sepa– ration. 49. A 110rd of individual reference that ~ often use too mcb. 51. A civil rights organization hea– ded by a preacher. 52. Mao advises in a fight to ex– change tit for_. 53. An article of war or a CCIIIIDn pro– nunciation of the 110rd meaning to request. 55. Sisters swear ·a good one is bard to find. 58. 'lbe initials of the apple that is rotten to the core. 62. Dam ! A place where many brothers have died. 6.'5. People who think they are special. 67. Our Black republic that was loca– ted in the South. 69. A special kind of boat or the second syllable in what is now a f8DX>US East Coast city. 70. Once referred to as the servant of the people. ~ 75. A site in upstate New York of the slaughter of Black political pri– soners which took place ten years ago. 76. Many brothers and sisters are in jail DOW because they cannot raise tbe -- 78. We are children of the ___ 79. A student by definition is one that is willing to __• 81. We have too few of these pro– -fessionals. 83. llany Black poets want their aud- iences to as the poets say, and not as the poets __• 84. Imauu say that this is the Blackest(word) of thEJD all. (Ki– swahili). 85. A college degree or initials of a f81DJUS JDJSl:lm minister. 86. and feathers are naterials that were often used to torture Black people. 87. A kind of sexual preference being found nnre and nnre in the Black cmmmity. 88. Where many Black people once turn– ed for inspiration. 90. A party to which DDSt of us are not invited, aka the Republican Party. 91. A health care systEJD that the - govenment sponsored, and that DX>st Blacks knew nothing about it at the time.(Initials). 93. Give the initials of a pianist and harpist who considers herself fur– thering the work of the reystic Obnedaruth. 94. If you grin, you are ______ 95. Where you 97. Salaam Alaikun. page19 Open seven days a week 287-1147 T y p I N G ONE DAY s E R v I c E 287-1~47
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