Portland Advocate_1981-11

EDITORIAL Racism: It's Not A Question Of Conspiracy "I do not understand why every month you come out with a new 'conspiracy' against the Black race. I believe you blame us for a lot of things we have nothing to do with. White people are not as race conscious as you would like your readers to be– lieve'.' The above quote was taken from the November issue of Ebony maga– zine, but it could just nave ea– sily appeared in any other news publication or been said on a T.V. talk show. This kind of comment is typical of the kind of reactionary statements you get from white people when Black folks speak out in protest of racism. The statement is not only typical but shows an ignorance of history, and a failure to ac– cept responsibility for this country's role in the enslavement of Black people. No one can deny the harsh treatment that Blacks in this country have faced and continue to face. ,..n lUCK-- ADVOCATE Vol.1 No.7 ·- 11 "rD 'ftar· November, 1981 Tbe Portlalld. ADVtCA1E is publ.isbecl IIIXlthly by the Black UDi ted Froat. Address all i.Dquiries and CCIIIIIBDts to: P.O. Box 3976, Portlaud, Cll 97208, o r call(S03) 288-0700. All material sul:mitted to tbe ~ will be coas:l.dered !or publicatioll and beccme property o! . tbe ~. Tbe Portlalld. ADVa::ATE is cc:am1. tted to articula.tiDg the Black experience f.1'clll a local, state, natioDal, and illten~&tioDal perspective. ServiDg as a voice ot the BUF, Tbe ADVtx:A'l'E will focus on Portiand as its first SCU1'Cft ot illt01111Ltion, and will never be apologetic about its Black vietp:~:Ult - be it popular or unpopular. In our attaapt to serve as a voice !or tbe Black ccmnmi ty, we welccme your CCIIIIIBDts, suggestions, and CCI1tributiolls. Look Befo.re Leaping Portland's Black community should proceed with cautious optimism in regards to the re– cent selection of Dr. Matthew W. Prophet, Jr., a Black man, who is expected to serve as Super– intendent of Portland Public Schools. An uneasy feeling is in the air, due to what Dr. Prophet has not said to date. No Defending Our Oppression clear signals have been given to the Black community in term's of There has been and is plenty what's going to happen regarding of talk concerning an Egyptian Black children. A message about invasion of Libya, and the U.S. , The question is not one of a "all the kids" disturbs think- is now willing to back Egypt 'conspiracy', or whites being• race ing Blacks. The only thing we with whatever it takes to over- conscious' everyone knows the an- , know for sure is that the man throw Libya's leader, Moammar swer to that, when in 1981 one- who was acting Superintendent, Khadafy. From a Black perspec- hundred years after the physical is being assured of a job. The tive, the consequences of such elimination of slavery, you still same man who is responsible for action is frightening. Present– have blacks being the first head Black children not knowing any- ly, a "rapid deployment force" of Portland Public Schools and the thing about their history or consisting of the 82nd Airborne first in the field of this or that;culture. Also, it is hoped that Division out of Ft. Bragg, N.C., when you still have forced bussing before those Blacks who took is in the Mediterranean region. to provide "qualit-y - education" · their children out of the public Unfortunately, a large segment for our children; when you con- schools become too elated and of the 82nd is made up of Black tinue to have mass murders of overjoyed with Prophet's ap- soldiers. As descendents of Black men, women, and children; pointment, prove their confi- Afrika in this country, can we when the unemployment of Blacks dence in him by returning their afford to apathetically watch and the rate at which Black men children to Portland public our Brothers overtly engage in are incarcerated and sentenced to schools. Inviting the new des- warfare anywhere on the Afrikan death is twice that of whites. ignated Superintendent to teas, continent? The answer is very clear. coffees, and cocktails will not suffice. We believe that everyone in America can be as successful as they want to be, it's just that Black folks are going to have to work twice as hard. The question is why? We are aware that there are Black administrators within the Portland Public School system who have not been effective in advocating on behalf of Black children. Regardless of what has been said, the critical issue will be when Black children's test scores in the Portland schools show that their academic skills are equal to other stu– dents nationally, then it can be said the "new" Black man was an asset. In order to achieve such a feat, however, it is our opinion some house cleaning in the little orange building by the bridge must occur. Like the Smith-Barney commercial says with a slight twist, Black school administrators and teach– ers obtain respect the old– fashioned way, they earn it by producing well-prepared Black students. A president of a major U.S. metallurgical company said re– cently, "Strategic minerals are controlled by central and southern Afrikan countries ••• we must sup– port the government when itworks to safeguard our security, re– gardless of the ideology in– volved." It is more than just conjecture as to whether or not Afrika will be the next battle– ground. In 1978, when the cop– per mines in the Katanga Pro– vince of Southern Zaire was being threatened with military take– over by the indigenous people of that area, the U.S. Government alerted the 82nd Airborne Divi– sion. Serious thought was given by U.S. officials to the question of Black soldiers in that divi– sion going to Afrika to do bat– tle for this country. We should be aware of the 450-year sojourn of Afrikan des– cendents in this country which is an annal of the most blatant, vicious, and inhumane oppress– ion recorded in this earth's hi~tory. We will not defend our own oppression.