Portland Advocate_1981-11

Rev. Daughtry (Continued from Page 3) saw a Black face and they went to work on that Black head. Now I think he's changed a little bit and sort of got re– con~erted •.• in the 'US' society. I don't care what other idealo– gical position you espouse -if you're going to engage in reali– ty, you always got to understand that this is a racist society ••• even the President's Commiss– ion. I mean, all these folks went out and got ••. and said, "Tell me about the society." As if he didn't already know back in 1967. And yes, this is a racist so– ciety ... TO BE CONTINUED .•.• page7 Thanksgiving: A European Myth by Kamau From 1619, the year that marks the Popes claiming the allegiance of Chris– beginning of the forced importation of endom. When the Reformationist move– Afrikans to thi'ls land, to the present ment began, Henry VIII was on the day, we have embraced and celebrated throne in England. He raooved the European holidays vitually without Roman Papacy and declared himself "sole using any hindsight. We have never protector and supreme head of the seriously considered the origins of church and clergy of England". these ritualized comnEm)rations. Year Henry set up the Anglican Church in and year out, we practice the rit- (The Church of England) and appointed uals of Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Thomas Cranmer as the Archbishop. He others without really knowing what disposed of all the monasteries and exactly we are celebrating. We some- convents in England which was looked times come up with some baseless ra- upon,. "as holy conmunities of gross tiona_lizations as to why we partici- :imn6rality and debauchery. This break pate but a thorough analysis of the from _the Vatican was a politically origins of these holidays will destroy expedient move for Henry. The Pope the myth behind most of them. The would not annul his marriage to Cath- celebration of these European holidays erine of Aragon so that he could has resulted in the mental genocide marry a younger women named Ann Boleyn. of our own Afrikan history and culture. Bishop Cranmer quickly nullified the This article deals with the myths, marriage and the union of Henry the ...................................... from an Afrikan perspective, behind VIII and Ann Boleyn gave birth to the the European holiday called Thanks- notorious Queen Elizabeth I. The break 1634 N. E. ALBERTA ST. PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 (503) 282-9465 ). \_ Broadous Auto Service 1 ( James Ed. Broadous, owner STEAM CLEANING, UNDERCOATING, WASH, POLISH, WAY, SIMONIZED, BLUE CORRAL, PROCELIZED OR, WHAT HAVE YOU? 4612 N. WILLIAMS at GOINGS 282-9424 PORTABLE SERVICE giving. with Rome also diverted the hugh sums To get information on the origins ofof money from the Catholic church to this particular holiday we must the royal coffers of Henry VIII back a few hundred year~ or more r~to The _obese Henry VII I , with s~hilis history. This retreat into h" t .and an assortment of other d1seases is necessary to get the prope~s~~r- d~ed in 1547 leaving the throne to standing and chronology of the events h1s weak so~ Edward VI . Edward was which led to the establishment of the lethally po1soned at the age of 16 "new world'.' and left the throne to Mary Tudor, the daughter of Henry VIII and his A good starting point would be about first wife Catherine. Mary began a 1517, the beginning of the Protestant vicious repressive campaign to roll Reformation in Europe. The Protestant back the gains in refonn that her Refonners were catholics ·in Europe pro- father had made. Protestant leaders testing against the despotic authority by the hundreds were sentenced to of the Popes in Rome. When viewed from death_including Archbishop Cranmer thus an Afrikan historical prespective this earning her the infamous name Bloody protest can only be seen as a struggle Mary. Even today you will hear in between the Gennan-Anglo and the Roman- English terminology "bloody this" and Latin as to who would hold the economic "bloody that'.' control and political power over all . . . Europe and eventually the world. Out Ell~abet~ I, the so-called.Vl~g~n of this revolt schisms developed and ~een 1n wh1ch the state of V1rg1n1a there were two and sometimes three lS named after' succeeded Mary on the · throne. Under her reign, the majority of the English people adhered to the Protestant theology. It is the reign of Elizabeth I that is of upmost irnr portance to Afrikan people in under- Open seven days a week standing all of this mad religious zealousness. -In 1562 Sir John Hawkins, an Englishman, sailed three ships to the northwest Afrikan coast and cap– tured 300 Afrikans and carried them (Continued on Page 12) Furnace Repair Fuel Oil Nate Hartley Fuel Oil Co. "We ONE PICTURE IS WORTH $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Protect your possessions with photographs. If a fire, theft, or other disaster strikes, a photo record that verifies your insurance claim, income tax deduc– tions, or property recovery claims can mean extra dollars in your pocket. Call: Richard J. Brown (503) 289-0707 THANKS YOU ADVERTISERS "WE COULDN'T DO IT WITHOUT YOU:' 2330 N.E. Alberta St. Portland, Ore. 97211 Phone 282-5539 Radio Dispatched