Portland Advocate_1981-06

Public Postings WOO WilL SPEAK FCR US? The Black Education Center(BEX::) will sponsor a tv.o day Conference, ''Who Will Speak For Us? Preparing Black Cllildren to Meet the Cllallenges of the Future, " June 26 and 2:7, at 1639 and 1640 N. E. Alberta Street . '!he Conference will focus on strategies to involve the total camumity in developing m:xiels to inprove the quality of life for Black children fran infancy through the teens . Derrick A. Bell, Jr., Dean of the University of Oregon's Law School, will be the Keynote Speaker. Worksoops will include Black Operated Adoption Programs; ~tions in the World of Work; Education vs. Training; Psychological Developnent; Black His– tory and OJJ.ture; Education; Ehlployment and Training; Parental Involvanent in Education; Canbatting Social Oppression; and Innovative Qmrmrlty Programs. For registration infonnation, please call: 284-9552 or 282-9465 2nd National Convention The National Black United Front Boys and Girls High School 1700 Fulton Street ORGANIZING FOR VICTORY IN THE 80's July 2nd-5th, 1981 Brooklyn, New York u.S.A. For Information: (212) 638·0811/625·8292/ 596-1991 ....---- ·- -~~?-lit · ·"'· · ····· · · ···· · · ··· ·· ···:· · ····~ · ·· · ·· ~ page7 CROSSWORD Across 1. Slang tenn to denote approval and used to distinguish taste 2. Abbreviated title of BUF Co- Cllainnan 3. Led a slave revolt 4 . Known for his sky hook 5 . He gained the attention of this v.urld body 6 . Blacks had to use it for acquiring equal rights 7. Portland's only Black female judge 8. Fonner Black Congressnan serving a prison tenn 9. Lincoln University is located in this state 10. Fonner President of country where W. E.B. DuBois died 11. Many Black teens do not have one 12. Initials for this West Afrikan nation 13. Many are becaning concerned about its activity 14. Oltspoken preacher who is called this name by friends Down A. What Portlanders seldan see B. Led his people against the French C. Seldan mentioned East Afrikan nat- ion D. 1st state to abolish slavery E. Nationalists name for South Afrika F. His base of operation was Harlan G. Black songtress and pi anist H. Ancient city of Songhay/Niger known for its scholars I. "For Colored J . Leader of this East Afrikan nation K. Was suspected as the Mau 1!au lea– der L. Wife of an outstanding Black scho– lar Answers To Last Month's Crossword Make themost of your youth. r····································· ~ ~· ·· ~ ······················ ·r F00 FURTHER I'NFCmfATIOO OONI'ACI': RENEE WATSON PROJECT COORDINATOR National Alliance of Business 921 S. W. Washington Suite 403 Experienced Cleaners 1469 N.E. Prescott Phone: 284-0844 ANNOONCFS If you identify yourself as a BUF manber or supporter, 25% of your cleaning bill will be donated to the BOF. Portland, Oregon 97205 226-4063 ~ ...... .... .. ..... .................. .......... ..... .... ....... .... ~. ········· ··· ·· ······· ...... ...... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ........... .... .... .... ....... ... .. ....... ... : '!he Black Educational Center is now recruiting students for Fall '81 enrollment. Call 284-9552 or 282-9465 for further information. '!he Black United Front's Ghetto All-Stars and the K800 City League All-Stars clashed in the second "Cornmunity-Unity" basketball game. After suffering a tough defeat in the first grure, the Ghetto All-Stars was victorious the second time around. Meanwhile, Ulysses Tucker, the coach of the BUF All-Stars, was recog– ni~d by "Ebony" magazine as an eligible bachelor for 1981. In the spirit of the End of the SUl!IOOr Jam, which was held last Labor Day, when over 10,00 community residents bided farewell to the summer of 1980, we 're ready to welcane the stl[IIOOr of '81 with a Beginning of the Sumner Jam, Sunday, July 5th, at the East Delta Park. Our welcortE will include live entertai.rllrent , music, skits, gos– pel singing, speakers and food. This event is sponsored by the Community Professionals and The Organization for the Inner City's Blues. Be there or be square. .. .