Portland Advocate_1981-06

Page12 (U>ntinued fran page 11) 1963: 16th St. Baptist C~ch bcmbed in Binningham, Al.J where four young Black girls were killed while attending Sunday School class. 1964: Civil Rights workers, James Chaney Michael Schwerner, and Andrew ~ were killed by the Original Knights of the KKK near Philadelphia, Mississippi. 1965: Viola Liuzzio, a Detroit housewife, killed by four Klansnen, following march from Selma to Mont– gomery, Alabama. 1966-69: House Un-Arrerican Activi– ties Committee held hearings on the ·KKK, where several were sentenced to jail for contempt of Congress - Subsequently the Klan went under- ground. ' 1969: As a result of court ordered busing to achieve racial balance in schools, Klan violence followed throughout the South but eventually subsided. Mid 1970's: Klan membership increased in the North following school inte– gration as a result of crosstown bus- ing. 1977: 250 Klansnen rallied in Plains, Georgia, with the event ending after a speeding car crashed into speaker's platfonn. 1979: Protestors killed by KKK and Nazis in Greensboro, North Carolina at a protest demonstration. 1981: KKK-led protest which has re– sulted in open confrontation with Vietnamese fishermen in South Texas fishing cammunity, that · ult~tely led to violence. * Covering a period of 108 years (1871-1979), at least 5,138 Blacks have been killed by the KKK. WHEN WilL THE KilLINGS AND HARRASEMENTS STOP? - CXNI'INUED June, 1980 Balt:innre, MD: 9-13 year old Black female found beaten and dangling from atop a 8 foot fence near highway. anuary-March, 979 Boston, MA: Eleven Black \\ailen murdered throughout city, and all cases are unsolved. December, 1980 Brogklyn, N.Y. : 48 year old roother beaten by police, who was left on street while suffering with a cerebral concussion. April, 1980 Chester, S.C. : 9 year old Black child shot in face by KKK on the anniversary of Hitler's birth. October. 1980 Chicago, IL: 52 year old Black man beaten to death by white policeman for smoking on city train. May, 1981 Olllrnan, AL: Named Camp MyLai, the KKK has established a commando training camp for men and \\ailen. The KKK manbers are preparing for what they think is an inevitable race war. November, 1980 Decatur, AL: Black ~ shot eight times by police following a dispute with gas company after cutting off her supply. May, 1979 Einporia, KS: Black male killed by po– lice after allegedly threathening them with a knife. September' 1979 Fort Worth, TX: Black male shot to death while leaving a burning house. November, 1980 Houston, TX: Boy Scouts taught to kill by shooting, using strangula– tion, and decapitation at KKK training camp. Decenber' 1980 Los Angeles, CA: Since 1972, 44 young Black men and boys have been found dead along the city's free– ways. In addition, Los Angeles police led the nation in the number of killings of Blacks. May, 1980 Miami, FL: 11 year old Black fe– male raped by white highway patrol- man. October, 1980 Newark, N.J. : Police beat an entire Black family, including a one year old child. March. 1980 Philadelphia, PA: 15 year old Black youth killed by police when gun dis– charged while being pistol whipped. March, 1980 Pittsburgh, PA: 3 Black youth beaten by police when they asked for help after being beaten by a white vigilante group. May, 1981 Portland, OR: Persons wearing white hoods and robes reported seen in Black camnmity. February, 1981 Rockaway, N.Y. : 3 Black teenage girls chased by anned whites in a car. June, 1979 Sapulpa, OK: Arrest and beatings of 3 Black youth created racial tensions. December, 1979 Tallahassee, FL: Elderly Black male found nrurdered. He had been beaten and a truck driven over his body, with police calling murder an accident. January, 1980 Worcester, MA: 14 year old Black male, shot and killed by a police- man. April, 1980 Wrightsville, GA: 12 Black men out of a total of 50 Blacks (many of whom were \\ailen and children) were charged with aggravated assault after returning fire at 40 white policemen and volunteers who fired shotguns at random in a Black carmunity. One Black \\allan was injured after being shot in the back. Please Note: Our intent is not to create ~~Y unwarranted fear aroong our readers, but it is necessary for all Black people to realize they are vulner– able. NATIONAL BLACK UNITED FRONT SUPPORTS THE CAMPAIGN TO