Portland Advocate_1981-08

page7 COMMUNITY RAP ·& RECOGNITION .. What is your opinion of the recent reinstatement of the two poI icemen in the opossum incident? Alma Hill (Public Affairs Asst.) "I think that they should have been fired, that they should not have been reinstated, and I think that the arbi~ trator should not have came out of southern Oregon where he is insensi– tive to the problems of the Black com– munity here in Portland." Ron James (Graduate Student) "It's a very strong slap in the face against Black people. How can we consider this a democracy and all the other things associated with having a good government .... if ' Lilly· Denson (Sealer Ope-r. l "It's a bunch of s __ , I think they are a bunch of ' rats around here killing possums and stuff, lying and going on. Saooone should take over that can do samething with it. There are a lot of wrong things they are doing and getting away clean. I think samething should be done about it. rvl:izah Mayes (Unemployed·) "I gues I just believe that the streng– th behind what the white racist is do– ing, might be sho.ving what it is, just by being able to reinstate the police officers in a situation that we all know is not right. I den 't kno.v that much about the two police officers and it's a bureauacracy behind all that, Joy Trotman (School Teacher) "I feel it is a direct affront to the Black people of Portland, to the Black people of the United States! . What it says is that no matter haw many bills we have, civil rights, racial harass– ment, whatever ••. that when it gets right down to the wire those really don't count. Whenwe've got those peo– ple who are to enforce those kinds of things to see that racial harassnent does not happen and they are the very perpetrators of it, it does not give too much credence to anything that the police can do or say at this point." (Photo Not Available) Christie Kilpatrick (Teachers Aid) "Well I really think that Mayor Ivancie has a slight tinge of racism in him. That he has had ever since I've known him. I worked at the Park Bureau years ago and I never trusted the p~rson, b'ecause I don't think he has the best interest of anyone - in mind but himself. Photos by: Kamau they can not only reinstate those policanen but also take Charles Jordan out of his position because of something that was in his right to do. If it. had been white or any other racial group they would not have been reinstated'.' but I ·do know that it ' s not hltilalle. It ' s not a practice that is right." *Advocate's Note: Community Rap and Recognition will be a regular feature in the Advocate where the Portland Black community gets the opportunity to voice their opinion on matters that impact upon their daily lives . 2115 n.WKiaw~s WILL1AM T . .....,.. D. 28 Q 4/-../-./-.. ......... Qre. M221 . u- l).. )lJ -