Portland Advocate_1981-08
PAGE 12 (Continued from Page 11) April 23,1980- A one day boy– cott of Portland Public Schools was called for. Attempts to . correct inequitable school con– ditions were feeble on the part of the School Board and Dis– trict. May 9,1980- BUF spokesmen questioned School Board's action and integrity as related to the Black community. May 14,1980- Most Black community organizations suppor– ted the BUF's call for a one day boycott of Portland Public Schools. May 17,1980- Hundreds of people attended Community Unity Day at King Facility to show support for one day boycott of schools. May 19, 1980- On Malcolm X's Birthday, 85% of the city's Black student population participated in boycott of public schools. May 28,1980- BUF picketed Portland School Board meeting for appointing a white princi– pal at the new middle school located in the Black community_. June 4, 1980 - BUF announced some Black students were punish– ed for participating in the pub– lic school boycott. June 6, 1980 - Community began preparation for boycott of Port– land Public Schools because the Board had failed to appoint a Black principal for the new mid– dle school. June 12, 1980- President, NAACP, joined BUF in calling for the re– signation of King School's prin– cipal. June 16, 1980 - Community press– ure led to Portland School Board's firing of superintendent. July 5, 1980 - In cooperation with BUF Support Committee, BUF launched a counter-recall cam– paign of some members of Portland School Board. July 17, 1980 - BUF pickets Ben Franklin Savings & Loan because of its Board Chairman, who led a 'recall' against School Board members who terminated Superin– tendent. August 3, 1980 - Over 150 demon– strators picket Lloyd Center _and call for boycott of stores, be– cause its Vice-President was in– volved in the· "racist recall cam– paign". August 19, 1980 - Boycott of Portland schools was planned for September if Board did not keep promises made to Black community in August of 1979. August 21, 1980 - BUF pushed for street name changes to honor Blacks. City official dismissed request due to a negative sur– vey response from white majority. August 30, 1980 - BUF calls tem– porary halt to boycott of Port– land schools, because of con– crete steps taken by acting Superintendent to keep Board pro– mises. September 2, 1980 - Because of BUF and community pressure, School District implements new plan - including the creation of a new middle school in the Black community. September 22, 1980 - BUF requests U.N. Comm~ss~on on Human Rights to investigate human rights vio– lations of Elack people in Orego~ October 11, 1980 - BUF pickets home of then School Board Chair– man, Bill Scott. October 30, 1980 - BUF spokesman claims CETA is neglecting Black employment needs. November 6, 1980 - BUF member played key role in formation of state-wide welfare rights orga– nization. Subsequently, resulting from a state-wide coalition, wel– fare cuts were partially restor– ed. November 25, 1980 - BUF criti– cized School Board's decision that parents from some ele– mentary schools were to be involved in hiring teachers. January 4, 1981 - As a result of recommendations made to Portland Public Schools, the community had the opportunity to hear lec– tures prepared by well known Black scholars. February 19, 1981 - A picket was established over a period of months at the Walnut Park Theater to protest the showing of X-Rated movies in the Black community. March 25, 1981 - BUF led demon– stration in downtown Portland, demanding the firing of two po– licemen who threw dead opossums in front of a Black-owned busi– ness. March 27, 1981- Portland police officers were fired as a result of their actions. April 4, 1981 - BUF led "March Against Racism" in Black commu– nity. The march attracted some 2,000 protestors. BUF made the public aware it was starting a drive to in– sure safe neighborhoods, by organizing its "Community Monitoring Program'.' April 5, 1981 - Another boycott of Portland Public Schools was called -if School Board closed Adams High School. April 10, 1981 - BUF Housing and Community Development testimony crucial in the formation of citizen Advisory Council for dis– persal of 60 million dollars in federal funds. April 21, 1981 - BUF representa– tive testified in favor of new legislative district which would have its largest "block vote" ever. Shortly,thereafter, Legisla– ture adopted plan supported by BUF that created "Black" district. Hay 15, 1981 - Distribution of BUF's first issue, The Portland Advocate, was made available to the community. June 3, 1981 - BUF charges ap– pointment of new Chief is a threat to the Black community. New chief opposed a "minority hiring list" for the Police Bur– eau. June 14, 1981 - BUF picketed home of Black State Senator, who opposed reapportionment plan giving Blacks a solid voting block. June 18, 1981 - Citing the clos– ing of Adams as a racial move, BUF threatened civil disobed– ience if Adams closed. June 23, 1981 - BUF, along with other organizations, came toge– ther for offering of recommenda– tions to Police Bureau, in re– gards to hiring, firearms, and training policies. June 28, 1981 - BUF led march and demonstration to protest an– ticipated closure of Adams High School; event took place at dis– trict headquarters. July 3, 1981 - School Board vot– ed to close Adams High. July 16, 1981 - BUF membership finalized and ratified Consti– tution and By-Laws. July 23, 1981 - A bill limiting the use of deadly force by police primarily sponsored by the BUF and other organizations was ac– cepted by Senate Committee, but killed by House Judiciary Commit– tee. August 13, 1981 - BUF members met with Fred Meyer executives to discuss various ~sues concerning its Walnut Park store. August 15, 1981 - BUF held march and demonstration in front of North Police Precinct, protesting the decision which reinstated two policemen fired for throwing dead opossums in front of black-owned restaurant. BUF filed and mailed its final document (claiming human rights violation of Blacks in Oregon) to the U.N. Commission On Human Rights in Geneva, Switzerland. August 22, 1981 - BUF held- its 2nd annual Community Unity Day celebration, which attract– ed three to four-thousand people at Peninsula Park. NATIONAL BLACK UNITED FRONT SUPPORTS THE CAMPAIGN TO
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