Page 8 THE PEOPLE'S OBSERVER October 20, 1944 ERSKINE HAWKINS AND HIS ORCHESTRA SHASTA CAFE and LOUNGE BREAKFAST - SHORT ORDERS SOUTHERN STYLED DINNERS SOFT DRINKS - MUSIC OPEN 24 HOURS swing aggregation was a recent attraction Duke's at ~Elroy's Spanish Ballroom. President Roosevelt Pledges Support to FEPC By ERNEST E. JoHNSON. Washington, D. C.-(ANP)– Roosevelt confered for 50 minutes The Members of the VOTER'S BENEFIT ASSOCIATION, INC. Cordially invite you to attend the opening of the new club rooms at 1347 North Crosby Avenue on the evening of Friday, October 27, 1944 COVER CHARGE A. G. GARRETT, President GEORGE OLSON'S BROADWILL PHARMACY PRESCRIPTIONS - DRUGS - SUNDRIES Complete Fountain Service N. Broadway at Williams Pordand, Oregon TRinity 7421 Corner NW Glisan at 4th with three Negro leaders Friday and promised them he would sup– port action in the present congress on uermanent FEPC legislation, Ave. early adoption of a bill to protect ------------I Negroes in the armed forces against violence, and said that the War Department would shortly an– pleasures of Negro people. As spokesman for the group, White described the conference as "in– teresting and pleasant." He added that it was "strictly non-political" but left it to reporters to interpret its bearing upon the elections. Regarding FEPC White said \:;;;=======================ll the President "pledged ris support nounce a change in policy regard- ing the controversial redictribution centers. by saying "I invented it." The group urged that the coalition bill now in committees of both chamb– ers be made "must" legislation when congress reconvenes on Nov– ember I. Phone MU. 9523 Night, GA 2729 A VRITT'S GARAGE Truck and Auto Repairs KEYSTONE LUNCH Walter White, 1\!Irs. Mary Mc– Leod Bethune and Dr. Channing H. Tobias were the individuals who called on the President and The bill dealing with violence · 870'1 N. VANCOUVER AVE. POBTLAND, OREG against Negroes in the armed \:.;;=======================dJ 1461 N. Williams Avenue forces has already passed the sen– ate and is locked in the house judi- Breakfast ~ Lunch informed him of the current dis- ctary. Dinners SHORT ORDERS 24 Hour Service Mrs. Hazel Johnson, Mgr. YOUTH ON PARADE By GERTRUDE WILLIAMS An impromptu social gathering Irene and Jack Henderson have was given by Ellen Woods at her returned from a visit in Ohio. home recently. Constance Maney, popular U-NEEK Call BEacon 1133- Ask for CLEANERS , young sub-deb, has been confined to her home for the last ten days as the result of illness. ROY LOMBARD Expert Laundry and Dry Cleaning Curtain Care a Specialty PROMPT SERVICE ASK Y.OUR FRIENDS MEDLEY I HOTEL CAFE Excellent Food Serving All Meals and Short Orders FIRST CLASS SERVICE 2274 N. Interstate Ave. Open 7 A. M. to '11 P. M. HERBERT LEWIS, Prop. Pictures Obtainable In the future, any pictures ap– pearing in the Observer may be purchased at our office, at nom– inal cost, 2017 N. Williams Ave. VALET SERVICE Expert Cleaning, Pressing BROWNIE & SPICER, Managers Medley Hotel Bldg. 2278 North Interstate 'Portland, Oregon New Mayer Hotel Rooms by Day, Week or Month Reasonable Rates Excellent Location - Near all Trolley Lines N. W. 4th at Glisan. ATwater 7987 David Nance, Mgr. MRS. BEATRICE REED Lady Attendant HOLMAN & LUTZ The Colonial Mortuary "So Much in Service So Little in Cost" N. E. 14th and Sandy EAst 4111 CI~;:-~1~~DS ;!R 1500 N. Williams Avenue, Portland, Oregon Results on All Sporting Events r·-·-·-··--·-··-·-·-·-·-··-··-....-·-·-··-·--··-··-·-·-··1 I COHN BROS. FURNITURE 11 . Easy Terms 1 Two Convenient Stores I N. E. Union Ave. and Hancock GA 4602 I S. E. 12th and Hawthorne LA 1165 J f . FURNITURE, RUGS, APPLIANCES ' : Open 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. J l i .-.----··-··-..-··-·-·-·--------··-·--··-··-·---·+ The Victory Club 1466 N. E. Williams Court VErmont 9483 DELUXE CAFETERIA OPEN 24 HOURS - DISTINCTIVE FOUNTAIN SERVICE - RECREATION ROOM "LITI'LE JOE" SMITH, Manager ••••••••••••••••••••••••• WALTER WARE'S . COCKTAIL BAR SERVICE PARTY ORDERS GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION 638 EAST BURNSIDE STREET EAst 4357 Portland, Oregon ••••••••••••••••••••••••• The Charter Members of the COTTON CLUB 215 MAIN STREET, VANCOUVER, WASH. Invite you to avail yourselves of their ENTERTAINMENT and RECREATIONAL QUARTERS Deluxe Modern Restaurant Serving All Meals PAYROLL CHECKS CASHED- NO CHARGE '
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