Oc~ober 20, 1944 THE PEOPLE'S OBSERVER Page 5 WOMEN'S PAGE - SOCIAL NEWS SOCIAL NOTES VanportBriefs... Mr. Green, Moore and Mr. "Chicks" Brown of Fordyce, Ar- Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ben kansas, arrived Sunday for an in- comers to Vanport and are em– ployed as scalers at the Willamette Shipyard under the leadership of Mr. C. E. Corbett. By MARJORIE LEVERETTE Smith, a daughter, who has been definite stay. Mrs. Rosa Maloney who is U. of 1434 N. Benton street. named Bennetta Bayonne. Mrs. Visiting Mr. Willie Youns is Mr. Herman Thrower left Fri- S. 0. director at Spokane, Wash. , M•"ss Stenola Rouce of Tulsa, Smith and daughter are doing 1 his twin brother, Mr. William day for Fordyce, Arkansas, for a spent a few dav_s in the "Rose Oklahoma, 1 ·s the house guest of nicely and Mr. Smith who stayed Youns of Washington, D. C. ten-day visit with relatives and City" last week visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Alonza Batson of away from work to be present 1 Willie is a pipefitter at the Wit- She was the house guest of Mrs. 4517 North West 44th street. when the blessed event occurred is lamette Shipyard. friends. f Chas. Morgan. Miss Rouce is well known in the back and all full of smiles. This Messrs. Jack Anderson and As- Mrs. Fannie Mae, wife of Mr. social circles of Oklahoma: The is the Smith's first born. tor Woods of Chicago are new- Ben Ware, left last week to visit Mrs. Josephine Brooks of Kan- • • • • • ---------------------------- sas is a new comer to Portland. Mr. Jeff Spencer of Oklahoma is here indefinitely visiting his brother, Mr. Rudolph Spencer who is very popular here and form– erly lived at the Swan Island bar- racks. Mrs. Nell Parker who has been on the sick list is rapidly recuper– ating at her home, 1743 Williams. Mrs. Velma Chambers of Guilds Lake i~ up and back at work after being confined to her hoille for two weeks because of an injured knee. Mrs. Cansor of Sacramento, Calif., is house guest of her broth– er, Mr. Varner of Mason and Commercial streets. Mrs. Georgette Oregon, 1466 Williams Court, was hostess to a surprise birthday party recently at her home when she honored her grandmother, Mrs. George Riley, who lives with her daughter, Mrs. Clara Segur, 1787 Ross avenue. A few intimate friends of the daughter and granddaughter at– tended. Many beautiful and use– ful gifts were received. The guests were entertained with music and engaged in various games. An appetizing turkey dinner was served with all the trimmings, together with all kinds of bever– ages and birthday cake. They all reported an enjoyable evening well Batsons and Miss Rouce were schoolmates through both high school and Langston University. Mr. Batson received an honorable discharge from the Army about four months ago. After his dis– charge "Dan Cupid" unted he and the now Mrs. Batson and after a short wedding trip the couple de– cided to settle down in Oregon in– definitely. Cpl. Ira T. Kennedy is confined to the Barnes General Hospital due to injury received while train– ing. Cpl. Kennedy is the husband of Mrs. Kennedy, the very popular "Operator" of the "Charlene's Beauty Box." ·Mrs. 0. J. Lay entertained with a birthday party honoring her hus– band's birthday last Sunday night in her home at 1732 North Van– couver. Quite a few friends of the couple were invited. I received a letter from overseas last week from Tee. 5th William J. Law. Mr. Law is one of Port– land's own young men who. is do– ing his bit towards maintaining "democracy" for our country. He is also a constant reader of the Observer. We say to you, that your home town is pulling for each and every one of you, so don't give up. MEETING NOTICE spent. All beauticians who are inter- Mrs. Bessie Crawford is visit- ested in the Beauticians' Club will ing relatives and friends in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Miss Dorothy Brown of Great Falls, Montana, is a new comer to Portland. Miss Brown is a sister of Mrs. Jimmie Scroggins please be present at their opening fall meeting held at Charlene's Beauty Box, 1409 N ) Williams, November 6, at 8:00 P. M. Visit– ing operators welcome. Etoile Cox, president, Cleo Cooper, secretary. Mrs. Lula Purifoy, mother of Mrs. Ben Smith, returned to her home in Alabama last week after vsiting a few days with her daugh– ter and family. Mrs. Fred Golden is in the hos- pital. I have not as yet learned the nature of her illness. The first of the week she stuck a nail in her foot. Mr. Jessie Culbertson surprised his lovely wife with a beautiful blue Oldsmobile for their seventh wedding anniversary. • • • • • Mrs. O.yde Fields and small son returned last week after ac– companying Mrs. Margaret Tay– lor, mother of Mrs. Fields home. Mrs. Taylor lives in Muskogee, Oklahoma, and had spent the sum– mer here wit hher sons (L. T. and Travis) and daughters, Mrs. Fields and Misses Mary and Marie. Accompanying Mrs. Fields home was her father, Mr. Sam Taylor, who wil remain in Oregon indefinitely. Attending the Pro Football games in Portland each Sunday are the Messers C. D. Martin, Halison Sawyer, Elmer Gamble, L. T. and Travis Taylor, J. W. Hewitt, Jamison C. E. Corbett, Jack Solomon, Ben Smith, Slyde Fields, Otto Bible and Ulysses Leverette. • • • • • An overflowing crowd turned out Sunday, Oct. 15, to see the one and only, Kenny Washington, All American Half Back, and stel– lar player of the Frisco "Clippers" do his stuff against the Rockets. Recent arrivals at Vanport City are the Misses Minnie and Opal Jackson. Arriving in Vanport last Sunday morning to join her husband and father who has been here since early spring was Mrs. Fred John– son and children from Oklahoma. Mr. Johnson is a pipefitter at Wil– lamette Shipyard. Mr. James Morris, better known to his many friends as "Little Bud," is able to be back on the job after being absent for a couple .of weeks because of injuries received recently. Mr. Clarence "Duke" Scrog– gins, formerly a scaler at Willam– ette Shipyard, is now employed at the Oregon Shipyard. 6th and Alder (Almost) 33rd aad Sandy (Exactly) 33 & West Bamside (Ill the ctrcle) · A t ·· .W E IS FIE L a· I ~. G ·oLD BERG NOW I I I A COMPLETE NEW SELECTION OF EARRINGS FOR PIERCED 'Again • •• WEISFIELD & GOLDBERG FEATURE THE "HARI)– TO-FIND" JEWELRY! Sketched, top to bottom: Genuine blue -white diamonds in 14-karat, gold mount- 55~00 ings. Patr..................... Brilliant-cut stones in choice of birthstone calars. 4 95 Ear loops ..................-...... 1 Solid 10 • karat gold earrings set with choice at tiny 25 00 colored stones ......... ..... • Simulated pearl drops with gold- • finished decorations. 2 95 The pair........................... 1 Up until now its been like searching for a needle in a haystack to find smartly styled earrings with attachments for pierced eors. But tomorrow you'll find an exciting assortment at WEISFIELD & GOLDBERG. Included are beauties set with genuine diamonds, simulated pearls in many shapes ond sizes, genuine cultured pearls, large and small brilliants set singly or in clusters. Come in and try them on to your heart's content! ADD 20% FEDERAL TAX OPEN FRIDAYS UNTIL 9:00 P.M. Phone BRoadway 5395 "Credit to All" Open Fridays until eight p. m. ARBITMAN'S NEW YORK OUTFI'ITING 00. Full Line of Ladies' and Men's WEARING APPAREL 1007-1011 S. W. Washington Portland, Ore.
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