~P~a~g~e~6!_ ____________ T~H:...:E~=-P-:;E::O=P=L=E==' =S=O=B=S=-E_R_V_E_R _________A u gust 3 1 , 1 9 4 4 ~ Liesure H.our Club Well Represented In Golf Tourney Harold Gaskin, member of the Leisure Hour Golf Club, has reached the semi-finals in the golf tournament now in progress at the Eastmoreland links. On the open– ing day, Gaskin won the . first round on the 4th flight, one up on the 19th hole, making him eligible for the semi-finals on Sunday, Au– gust 20. Vernon Gaskin, president of the Leisure Hour club, won on open– ing day, August 13, by default. Andy Kirk Waxes (" • Hit Recordings Bea Booze Scores On Decca Discs, Too (By Staff Correspondent) A basket of hit tunes have come forward in the last few months and the source is Andy Kirk, who with Andy Kirk his sensational or· chestra has been scoring success· fully in theatres. With Bea Booze aqd Ben Jenkins aS' featured vocal· ists. the Kirk band has evoked much praise from critics. Decca Rec· o~:ds reveal that discs by the Kirk Orchestra and by I the charming chanteuse Bea Booze has reached a new high in the sales tabulations for 1944. On August 20, Vernon Gaskin lost, <me down on the 19th hole, second round on the 4th flight. Listed as favorite ·hits with the juke box and frenzied theatre fans Stephen Wright lost, one down on who rank Kirk and His Clouds of Joy "tops" are, namely: "Boogie the 18th hole, second round of the Woogie Cocktail," 5th flight. Harold Gaskin and · "The Count:·• . "Hip, Hip Hoo· \Valter R1cks won by default, 2nd ray," "I'm Misun· round 4th fight and the 3rd flight derstood," "Take ' It and Git." and respectively. the popular "Hey Lawdy Mama." \Vhy haven't you registered to vote? There's no poll-tax here! Satchmo Plays Regal The great Louis Armstrong, wol'ld's ~~·eatest trumpet player, currently being co-starred in Repub· lie Pictu1·es' "Atlantic City," has been booked by Joe Glaser for an appearance at the Regal Theatre in Chicago, for one week commencing Sept. 1st. Arm· strong, who played to "standing room only" recently at the GoldP.n Gate Theatre in San Fi·a ncisco, has been co · staiTed with his great band 111 three films in the last four months. A great record. unequalled by any other Colored musical aggregation. Bea Booze- scores with "See Se~ Ride1· Blues:·• "Catch in' As Catch Can," If I Didn't Love You," "vVa1· Rationin' Papa" and a swingy– Bea Booze thingy "I Love To Georgia Brown So Slow." Jenkins is a favorite with theatre· goers and has been acclaimed the Number One Male Vocalist "chin· Ben Jenkins godb news. up" favorite with many of the boys and girls in the armed forces. An appealing manly voice has Ben. Kirk's Orchestra has been an out– standing enter· taiument attrac· tlon fo1· a great many moons and to hear tell that his Decca record· ings are much in demand Is indeed +·---------------------------------- I OREGON FRATERNAL ASSOCIA'IliON 1412 N. Williams Avenue l +------ FREE EYE EXAMINATION Just come to our big m·ain floor optical center at Mor– rison & Third. Look for Dr. Corbin's big friendly sign. Glassses Make you LOOK better SEE better Your Patronage . Is Welcomed No appointment is neces– sar y at Portland's big Friendly optical center. Where the special require– ments of every patient are given personal attention. * It~s time to play Santa Clatts fo1.• you'll be proud to send to YOUR SERVICE MAN * OVERSEAS CHRISTMAS GIFTS SHOULD BE MAILED BETWEEN SEPT. 15 .\ND OCT. 15. WAT RPROOF WATCH No matter whether he is ON the water, OVER the water or UNDER the water, here is a watch, made ·by WYLER, that can "take it." 17 jewels. Sweep-second hand, $55 00 radium dial, anti-magnetic, shockproof; steel- · • back case . .. . ....................... . ... . Including 10% Tax MAN'S WEDDING RING A revivol of an old custom, men overseas are osking for them. A complete selection of designs, 14k $16·50 $]0·00 sol_id gold . . . . • • • • . • . . . . . . . . . • . . to Postal Alliance Formed (Continued from Page 1) secretary. Meetings are planned for the third Sunday of each month at 1 ;30 P. M. at St. Philip's Episco– pal ohurch. Temporary and per– manent postal employees are In– vited to attend. CHARLENE'S BEAUTY BOX WISHES TO ANNOUNCE THAT Mrs. Trudie Kennedy, beautic– ian, formerly of Los Angeles, where she practiced more than six years, has joined it's staff of operators. Mrs. Kennedy special– izes in hair styling as well as possessing unusual skill in other phases of the work. --AND- Mrs. Mal Buckner, beautician, formerly of Chicago, who is also ·an excellent operator. Mrs. Buck– ner specializes in hair tinting and facials. She is a graduate of Mme C. J. Walker's Beauty Col– lege. She plans to introduce a new cold curl-a curl given with– out the application of heat. Soon Charlene's Beauty Box will have six operators working two shifts. Three operators will be on duty during the day from 10 a. m. until 7:00 p. m. and three more on night duty from 7:30 p.m. until12:00 midnight. MRS. ETOILE COX, Owner. Including 20% Tax IDENTIFICATION BRACELETS Sterling silver, in light, medium ond heavy weights, the most extensive selec– tion in Portland, all ore Americon made. MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED . +·-··~··-··-··-··-·---·-··-··-·--·-··-··-··-··-··-·--·-··-··-··-··-·--+ I , i i BEAUTY OPERATORS WANTED i t • f j Out of State Licenses Acceptable j i i j Call Mrs. Vivianne Barnett j ! ! 1 LA VIVIANNE BEAUTY SHOPPE 1 f 524 N. Broadway Portland, Ore. MU 9912 f +-111-ri-II- II-II- III-II-II-11-11-III-II-II-II-II- RI-In-11-ll-1 -ll-11-al-1+ +·--··-··-··----··-··-·-··-··-·-··-·-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-'!' . I ! Telephone ATwater 0729 j f i i NEWBERG MEAT MARKET . I Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fresh and Cured MEATS 229 S. W. Yamhill Street Portland, Oregon +--•-••-••--•-•~-••-••-•--•-••-••-••-••-••-tt•-••-••-•1-n-••-••-••-••-•+ Phone BRoadway 5395 "Credit to All" Open F1·ida:,•s until eight p. m. ARBITMAN'S NEW YORK OUTFITTING CO. Full Line of Ladies' and Men's WEARING APPAREL 1007-1011 S. W. Washington Portland, Ore. ;
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