
August 31, 1944 THE PEOPLE'S OBSERVER Page 5 WOMEN'§ PAGE - SOCIAL NEW§ SOCIAL NOTES By MARJORIE LEVERETTE 1st Lt. Robert Diez, lately re- joying card ·games and dancing and turned from the Italian front where champagne cocktail~. At midnight, he pa-rticipated in the battles of the large cake was cut to 'the ac– Sicily, Anzio, and Salerno, per- companiment of a hidden music forming ninety-three missions as a box playing "Happy Birthday to squadron leader of the famous 99th You". Fighter Squadron, United States * * * * * Air Forces, with two plane~ to his Master Gerald H arris, son of credit. He was able to renew old Mr. and Mrs. William Harris, acquaintanceships during his fur- celebrated his fifth birthday with lough here, before he and Mrs. about twenty of •h is little friends Diez departed on a trip to Santa to enjoy cake and ice cream at a Monica, California. On 'August party _on Saturday afternoon, Aug- 25, Mrs. Josephine Twitty, herself ust 26, from 3 to 5 p. m. The the wife of a sergeant now station- most wonderful toys were opened ed in India, gave an informal party by Gerald, after the refreshments for the Diezes at the home of her had been served, to the mutual de– parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Dan- light of Gerald himself and his cy, 6133 N. E. 13th Avenue. This excited little guests. retary. She is a graduate of Ben- , net College. While in Pittsburg Miss Shepherd will study towards a Master's degree in social work at the University of Pittsburg. Many social courtesies were given for this charming visitor during her so– journ in Portland. * * * * * COUPLE WED AT PARSONAGE Miss Jeannette Laurence and Roy Baker, United States Marine Corps, were married on Friday, September 1, by Rev. Browning C. Allen at the parsonage of Bethel A. M. E. church, in a quiet cere– mony performed before close friends and relatives. The groom has been stationed at Camp Eu– gene, North Carolina. * * * '"' * TO ALL MUSIC LOVERS was indeed a gala affair, with everyone present congratulating Lt. Diez on his many exploits. ·* * * * * "International Sweethearts of On the following evening, Lt. 'atJci Mrs. Diez were themselves hosts at another informal party, where much reminiscing of pre-war days took place, and episodes dat– ing back to ch ildhood friendships were retold among much laughter and "remember whens". On Monday evening, August 28, the Diezes were at ·a cocktail pa~;ty in the Fraternal Hall lounge, . where Mr. and Mrs. Phil Reyn– olds were hosts to about twenty– four guests. Bridge Parties, Luncheons Entertain Visitors Mrs. Clifford C. Walker was hostess at a bridge party honoring Mrs. Cadence Hines, sister of Mr. Willis Williams, at her home, 4834 N. Borthwick, on the even– ing of August 21. Guests included Miss June Runnells, Mrs. Mary Geneva Savage, ).\llrs. Cadence Hines, Mrs. Theodore Ingersoll, Mrs. William Harris, Mrs. Harry Hardy, Mrs. Willie Taylor, Mrs. William H. McClendon, Mrs. be– Norval Unthank, Mrs. E. Shelton Hill, Mrs. Jamie Brown, and Mrs. Aldrich Allen. Mrs. Hines re– ceived a beautiful gift of Oregon myrtlewood from the hostess. Bridge prizes went to Mrs. Harry Hardy (first) and to Mrs. Mc– Clendon (second). * * * * * Miss Anna Shepherd was m Rhythm," famous all girl arches– Portland recently vtsttlng her tra .of many races which is the mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. next presentation of S. H. Duke, Lee Shepherd. Miss Shepherd has boasts having played to a stand– been serving as director of a nurs-~ still leading t~ale orchestras, white ery school in Cincinnati, Ohio. She and black, and are ready to take on I left Portland August 25 for Pitts-~ comers of all color_?, either sex. 1 burgh, Pennsylvania, where she 1 On one occasion not long ago the will begin work as YWCA sec- girls took on Kay Kyser. While • ..... the bespectacled professor of the "College of Musical Knowledge" didn't yell "Uncle," some of the girls claim he had his tongue out– and anyone ,vho knows Kay will h . ' , vouc tt wasn t at the girls. ' The Erskine Hawkins "Swing Battle," before a crowd of 10,000 at the largest annual Negro Fes– tival in the Unit d States in 1941, another occasion at least proved the "International Sweethearts of Rhythm" can put out music equal to their brother musicians any day of the week, in open competition. ANNOUNCING!! UNIQUE CLEANERS formerly Medley Hotel Cleaners located in Medley Hotel Bldg. now under New Management • Wm. F. Browne and Roy L. Spicer Owners --------------------- Attraction announced can– celled, booked as scheduled TINY BRADSHAW I and his "Jersey Bounce" Orchestra ' who follow Sweethearts to McElroy's · Ballroom, Monday, September 18th, a presentation of S. Duke. 6th and Alder (Almost) 33rd and Sandy (Exactly) 23 & West Burnside (In the Circle) Miss Geneva Turner entertain– ed with a bridge luncheon at her home in Grant Court on August 19, honoring Mrs. Eleanor Bos– well of Los Angeles, and Mrs. Thelma Treherne, formerly of Portland, now making her home in Nashville, Tennessee. Bridge was again-the main diversion. * * * * * It's ZELL BROS~ August Birthdays Cause Parties Mrs. Kitty Blackwell and Mrs. Cleo Cooper jointly celebrated their birthdays with a semi-formal party at the home of Mrs. Black– well, 1712 N. Victoria Avenue, on the evening of August 24. 'Dhe two hostesses received many lovely gifts and best wishes from the guests who spent the evening en- for the finest jewelry ZELL BROS. . .. Corner Broadway and Morrison