PSU Magazine Winter 2006
page 23 ONTENTS FEATURES A New Way Home 6 Residents of old and New Columbia may change our thinking about public housing. First Class Memories 10 PSUs first graduates experienced Elvis, Eisenhower, and the three-cent stamp. A Painful Interlude 14 Lisa Marsh shows musicians how to stay healthy for a lifetime of performance. Rising Temperatures, Shrinking Glaciers 16 Geologists look at the cold facts behind global warming. From Descartes to Diapers 20 Today's thriving PSU Bookstore was started in a student's closet. DEPARTMENTS Around the Park Blocks 2 What if everybody read the same book? Middle East Studies Center founder dies, Acknowledging Portland's Urban Pionee rs, Investing in investors, Google funds open source, Students produce Nepal calenda,; Hospitality training at University Place Letters 4 I was there, Keep telling th e story of Cyprus Off the Shelf 5 page 20 Dreaming A Life, Maiden Pain: The Pliesl, The Elephant Walk, Lizard Music and Other Arias, Iron Maidens, Tales of a Tea Leaf, The Survival League Alum Notes 28 Sports 23 Mozzochi sets volleyball up to win Building Our Future 24 Challenge gift doubles other donations Alumni Association News 26 Alumni travelers visit the Mayan Peninsu la; Gel together in Bangkok, Seoul, Tohyo, or Kuwait; Portland Stale celebrates 60 years, Board explores membership program Julie Beals '96, MS '99 heeps the coffee and lea world abuzz, Paresh Patel '96 gets an ea rly start as a successful entrepreneur Cover Many residents plan lo return to the renovated Columbia Villa-now New Columbia. See sto,y on Page 6. Ph otos by Hare in the Gate Productions. Cover design by Cate Whitcomb. EDITOR Kat.hryn Ki rkland CONTRIBUTORS Douglas Swanson, Jean Tuomi , Mart.ha Wagner DESIGN CO SULTA T Terry Daline EDITORIAL OFFICE 325 Cramer Hall PO. Box 751 , OR 97207-075 1 503-725-4451, FAX: 503-725-4465 E-MA IL: ADDRESS CHANGES PSU Foundation Demographics P.O. Box 243 Portland, OR 97207-0243 503-725-4911 E-MAIL: ALUM I RELATIONS OFFICE Pal Squire MPA '95, As ist.anl Vice President. Simon Benson House P.O. Box 75 1 Portland , OR 97207-0751 503-725-4948 E-MA IL: ps ALUM I BOARD OF DIRECTORS Roberta McEni ry '76, President Kori Allen '84 J eff Au Lin '77 J acqueline Bell '71 Roger Capps '60 Trish Cilibeni MSW '90, PhD '97 Donna Derington '79 Robert Edmis ton '84 Dave Friesen '03 Linda Hamillon '90 Behzad Hosseini '96, MBA '97 Marshal Jevning '96 Komi Kalevor '88 Bill Lemman, Vanport., '04 Terry Pinnell '01 Gary Purpura '7 1 Gerry Scovi l '65, MS '68 Ann Ta kamura MPA '97 Charisse Tooze '94 Tris h Trout MA '88 Cathy Williams '56 Angela Wykoff '72, MS '75, '80 ALUMNI AMBASSADORS J onJ alali '67, MBA '71 , Med ford De1rnis Olson '68, MS '80 Pendleton Cat.hy William '56, Si Le rs PSU Magazine is published three li mes a year during fall, winter, and spring terms. Coments may be reprinted only by permission oft.he editor. The magazine is printed on recycled paper. Portland St.ale niversit.y is an affirmative act.ion / equal opportunity inst.iLUtion. WINTER 2006 PSU MAGAZINE 1
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