PSU Magazine Winter 2005

F l TRES Objectors to War 6 ConscienLious obj ectors housed in an Oregon camp during World War 11 tell Lheir sto ri es. Top of Her Class 'J SLUcienLs cast Lheir voles for P Us best Lachers. Women of Honor , A special place on campus Lo pay LribuLe L reve red women. Cold Case: Portland Families of homi cide vicLi ms pin hopes on new Ponland Poli ce un it. DFP RT Ai:; T Around the Park Blocks Ma king Accounting Accountable, Lookingfor Racial Diffe rences in Our Genes, Training Truckers for Homeland ecu rity, TopJapanese Prize Won, In vaders of Our Beaches and Our Waters Off the Shelf The Far Out Sto ,y of Vortex I Alumni Association News page 10 Engineering Alumni Honored, Enjoying Travel to Italy and Croatia, PSU Weekend a Success, Whats Important to You? Sports Winning Women Alum Notes Joy Hirsch MS '71 Studying Bra in Fu nction at Columbia Unive rsity, Ali M. Al Ali '83 Delivering Ma il at a Profit in Qatar Building Our Future Honoring a Gentle Wa nior Some men spent time studying the arts at the Waldport camp for conscientious objectors. See sto,y on pages 6-9. ([op photo from Special Collections and Univer– sity Archi ves, Uni versity of Oregon Libraries; bottom photo from Myron Miller) EDITOR Kathryn Kirkland CONTRIBUTORS icole Ramsey, Douglas Swanson, Jean Tuomi, Martha Wagner DESIG CON LTANT Terry Daline ED ITORIAL OFFICE 325 Cramer Hall P.O. Box 751 Portland, OR 97207-0751 503-725-·H5 1, FAX: 503-725-4465 E-MAIL: ps umag@pd .cd u ADDRESS CHA GES P Foundation Demographics P.O. Box 243 Portland, OR 97207-0243 503-725-49 11 E-MAIL: ALUM I RELATION OFFICE Pal Squire MPA '95, Director imon Benson llou c P.O. Box 75 1 Portland, OR 97207-0751 503-725-49-¼8 E-MAIL: p ualum@pd.x .edu L M I BOARD OF DIRECTORS fri h Trout I\IA '88, Pre idenL Kori Allen '8-f Jeff Austin '77 Jacqueline Bell '71 Roger Capps '60 Trish ilibeni MSW '90, PhD '97 Gerry Craig '66 Donna Derington '79 Brian Eaglelleart '99 Michelle Gins '83 Chris Groener '99 Komi Kalevor '88 Bill Lemman, Vanport famara Lewis '69 Roberta McEniry '76 Terry Pinnell '01 Gary Purpura '71 Ros,mna Schewerda '9 1, MT '93 Gerry covil '65, M '68 Ann Takamura MPA '97 Cathy Williams '56 Angela Wykoff '72, MS '75, '80 ALUM I AMBASSADORS JonJalaH '67, MBA '71, Medford Jack Ohman '99, Portland Denni 01 on '68, IS '80, Pendleton Cathy Williams '56, Sisler P U Maga;:inc is published three Lime a year during fall , winter, and spring terms. Contents may be reprinted only by permis ion of the editor. The magazine is primed on recycled paper. Portland State niver ily is an affirmative action/ equal opportunity insLiLulion. WI N rER 2005 PSU MAGAZINE