PSU Magazine Winter 2004
PH I L A N T H R O P Y I N ACTION Albright speaks at dinner honoring philanthropists Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright spoke at Portland State's annual Simon Benson Awards dinner October 7, and helped honor Oregon philanthropists Elizabeth "Becky" K. Johnson and James F Miller. In its fifth year, the Simon Benson Awards dinner celebrates Oregon resi– dents who are advocates for philan– thropy. Named after one of Oregon's first philanthropists, the awards recog– nizes individuals in the community who are visionaries and have gener– ously given time and/or money to sup– port the lives of generations of Oregonians. Honoree Becky Johnson is a strong advocate for education, having served 13 years on the Oregon State Board of Higher Education. Nationally she has Madeleine Albright (right photo, far right) poses with President Dan Bernstine, Sen. Mark Hatfield, and Antoinette Hatfield, after signing her new book for the senator. Sinton Benson awards for philanthropy were presented to Becky Johnson (below) andjames Miller (bottom right photo, center), who attended the gala dinner with Chuck Putney (left) and Bill Blount. 28 PSU MAGAZI E WINTER 200-+ served on the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and on the Fund for the Improvement of Post-Sec– ondary Education. She is current presi– dent of the Samuel S. Johnson Foundation, which makes contribu– tions to organizations in the fields of education, health care, arts and cul– ture, and social services. Miller, a private investor, philan– thropist and former president of Blyth & Co., has been a generous donor to Lewis & Clark College, Catlin Gabel School, the Multnomah County Library, Oregon Historical Society, Lin– field College, and Portland State. Albright shared highlights of her career as the highest-ranking woman in the history of U.S. government. During her four years as secretary of state in the Clinton administration, she reinforced the country's alliances, advocated democracy and human rights, and promoted American trade and business, labor, and environmental standards abroad. D © PHOTO BY LEEANN GAUTHlrn
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