PSU Magazine Winter 2004

Co NT ENT s FEATURES Paying for Prisons 6 PSU experts look at the high cost of housing criminals. Aquatic Invaders 9 Mussels, snail, crabs, and other transoceanic hitchhikers cause billions of dollars in damage. Living Large in Smallville 12 The fantastic and the supernatural are Holly– wood writer Mark Verheiden's specialties. Sailing for Home 14 New coach and hearty sailors bring recog– nition to Sailing Club. Is It Live, or is It? ... 16 Record and music-making in the digital age. DEPARTMENTS Around the Park Blocks 2 page 16 Ca ll for Blach Studies Major Answered, Tuition Formula Changed, Teaching and Leaming in Guatemala, Campus Growing wilh New Acquisitions, SLudents Create High Asia Calendar; New Money for Engineering Building Letters 4 Loss of a Great Friend, Michael Moore, An Appalling Choice, Helping Somalia Bantu not PSU's Charge Sports 29 Off the Shelf 5 The Exploding Wha le, Three SLar Fix, Luba, The New Account Man– ager, Sticking Lo the Union Alumni Association News 18 DaughLer of Alumna Receives Scholarship, Epler Family Gathers al Building Dedicalion, Nominate an Outstanding Alum or Faculty Member, Distinguished Engineering Alumni, PSU Weeke nd Reunites Ambassador Alums Alum Notes 20 Dick Feeney '62 Proves Lhe Lobbyist Lore Wrong, Dennis Merrill 74 Appointed U.S. Marshal of Oregon, Alums Marry in Parh Blocks Philanthropy in Action 28 Albright Speaks at Dinner Honoring Philanthropists Dick Powers: Photographer of PSU Athletes in Action Cover In tough economic limes, prison costs take on new significance. See story on pages 6-8. © Photo Andrew Lichtenstein/Corbis Sygma !:~llo~g~~2 EDITOR Kathryn Kirkland CONTRIBUTORS Nicole Ramsey, Douglas Swanson, Jean Tuomi, Martha Wagner DESIGN CONSULTANT Terry Daline EDITORIAL OFFICE 325 Cramer Hall P.O. Box 751 Portland, OR 97207-0751 503-725-4451, FAX: 503-725-4465 E-MAIL: ADDRESS CHANGES PSU Foundation Demographics P.O. Box 243 Portland, OR 97207-0243 503-725-4911 E-MAIL: ALUMNI RELATIONS OFFICE Pal Squire MPA '95, Director Simon Benson House P.O. Box 751 Portland, OR 97207-0751 503-725-4948 E-MAIL: ALUMNI BOARD OF DIRECTORS Gerry Craig '66, President Kori Allen '84 Jeff Austin '77 Jacqueline Bell '71 Roger Capps '60 Trish Ciliberti MSW '90, PhD '97 Donna Derington '79 Brian EaglcHeart '99 Craig Gilbert '89, MS '02 Michelle Girts '83 Chris Groener '99 Bob Hormel '62 Komi Kalevor '88 Bill Lemman, Vanport Tamara Lewis '69 Roberta McEniry '76 Terry Pinnell '01 Gary Purpura '71 Don Riggs '83 Rosanna Schewerda '91, MT '93 Gerry Scovil '65, MS '68 Ann Takamura MPA '97 Trish Trout MA '88 Cathy Williams '56 Angela Wykoff '72, MS '75, '80 ALUMNI AMBASSADORS JonJalali '67, MBA '71, Medford Mary Mertens James '78, Salem Jack Ohman '99, Portland Dennis Olson '68, MS '80, Pendleton Cathy Williams '56, Sisters PSU Magazine is published three times a year during fall, winter, and spring terms. ConLents may be reprinted only by permis– sion of the editor. The magazine is printed on recycled paper. Four-color printing is paid for by the PSU Foundation. Portland State University is an affirmative action/ equal opportunity institution. WINTER 2004 PSU MAGAZINE