PSU Magazine Winter 2003

ALUM NOTES Evan Arntzen MS is a science and engineering associate with a Battelle research facility. He lives in Richland, Washington. Patryk Babiracki was awarded a $5,000 scholarship from the Kosciuszko Foundation. He is in his first year of graduate studies in history at John Hopkins Uni– versity in Baltimore. Julia Bahati is an engineer in training with KPFF Consulting Engineers in Portland. Jamie Barber works in the pur– chasing department at CPI International, a manufacturer of plastic tubing. Barber lives in Carlton. Melissa Barker is a piano instructor al Barker Piano Studio in Portland. Barry Bax ter is a test engineer with Microsystems Engineering, Inc., a biomedical electronics, development, Lest, and produc– tion firm in Lake Oswego. Rocky Bixby is a public safety officer al Portland Stale. Christa Bosserman is the accountant and office manager al Nor0ow, Inc., a pool, spa, and pump supply and service firm in Clackamas. Kristine Boyer is owner of International Martial Arts Cen– ter, a martial arts school in Lake Oswego. Douglas Burk is a dairy assis– tant al Burk Dairy in Redmond. Jaime (Golden) Cale MSW is a social worker at Luke-Dorf, a community mental health agency in Tigard. Cale married PSU student Andrew Cale in August. Sally Carlson is a secretary at Holy Cross School in Portland. Elizabeth Dhillon is a training and employment specialist with McMinnville Job and Career Center al Chemeketa Commu– nity College in McMinnville. Tell us all about yourself Please let us know about you or your PSU friends for Alum Notes. Tell us about honors, promotions, appointments, and other important events in your life. Send your news by e-mail to or use the form below. D Check here if this is a new address. Name ________________ SSN# ___________ Name while attending PSU _______________________ Street ___________ City _______ State __ Zip Code ___ Occupation ______________________________ Employer _____________________________ Home/Business Telephone ________________________ Home/Business E-mail __________________________ Send to: Myrna Duray, Alumm Relations, Ponland State University, PO Box 752, Portland OR 97207-0751, 503-725-4948. 28 PSU MAGAZINE WINTER 2003 Heather Dominique MSW is a research analyst for the Oregon Department of Human Services in Salem. Diane Drebin MS is registrar at Clackamas Community College in Oregon City. Jonathan Edens is an engineer in training at Structural Systems Consulting Engineers in Port– land. Sandra Gardner is a social ser– vice specialist with the Oregon Department of Human Services in Burns. Meredith Goin is a custom framer and design specialist at Vi llage Frame and Gallery in Portland. Caleb Gostnell is a hydrogra– pher with the National Ocean Service in Sil ver Spring, Maryland. Jennifer Helms is office man– ager al Helms Family Dental Practice in Missoula, Montana. Tiffany Jordan is a posl– baccalaureaLe student in admin– istration of justice at PSU and serves as a student mentor in the Universi ty Studies program. She also works al Vocational Vil– lage, a Portland Public Schools high school for at-risk students. Jordan expects to enter the PSU sociology graduate program in fall 2003. Jason Kennedy MBA is a mar– keting manager at Intel Corp. He lives in Portland. Christopher Kiser works at Novellus, a manufacturer of semiconductor equipment. Kiser lives in Portland. Cristine\ Lungu MS is an industrial engineer at KASO Plastics, Inc., a plastic molding manufacturer in Vancouver, Washington. Sharon Mabin MAT is an Eng– lish teacher with Portland Public Schools and an English instruc– tor with Portland Community College. Mabin lives in Portland. Jennifer Marquis is operations manager for Citizen Action Fuel Group/Citizen Action of New York, a nonprofit agency in Albany, New York.