PSU Magazine Winter 2003

24 PSU MAGAZINE WINTER 2003 Michael "Mike" Salsgiver is government affairs manager wiLh Lhe Ponland Business Alliance. Salsgiver formerly was public affairs manager al Imel Corp. He lives in Ponland. Cath erine "Catie" Thurber– Brown is a Spanish Leacher al Tigard High School. In OcLObcr 2002, she was awarded the Ore– gon Foreign Language Teacher of Lhe Year award from Lhe Con– federaLion in Oregon for Language Teaching. Erin Hubert is executive vice president for the Portland Trail Blazers/Oregon Arena Corpora– Lion in Portland. Marilyn Happold-Latham MBA is an adminisLraLOr wiLh Colum– bia Cardiology in Ponland. M.J . Longley PhD '98 was one of 10 recipi– ents of Lhe 2002 Lewis Hine Award for service to children and youth, pre– sented by the National Child Labor Commit– Lee. Longley received the award for her work with Cook lnleL Tribal Council's Youth Opportu– niLy Program. The program serves more Lhan 2,500 youth in 40 villages across Alaska. Long– ley Lraveled LO New York City LO receive the award in a naLional media-covered ceremony on November 18. An lnupiat from ome, she is the first Native American to receive the award. Mary Roberts is chief execuLive officer al Rejuvenation, Inc., a manufacLUrer and retailer of auLhentic period lighLing, house parts and furnishings. Robens lives in Portland. Michael Knapp is a sole practi– tioner auorney specializing in consLruction law, crediLOrs' rights, and represenLation of small businesses. Knapp lives in Salem. Cindy McPike is vice president and chief finan ial officer of SLanCorp Financial Group, Inc. , the parent company of Standard Insurance Company. McPike is responsible for accounting, Lrea– sury, tax internal audit, investor relaLions, and corporaLe actuar– ial funcLions. She resides in Tigard. Lesley Carrell is vice presidenL of markeLing at Safeway North– west Credit Union. Carrell pre– viously was employed al Lhe ElecLra Credit Union in Port– land. She also serves on Lhe boards of Lhe Credit Union Women's Associati on (Westside and ML. Hood chapters) and Lhe CUNA Marketing Council. Chris Fritsch MS is principal at Mark Morris High School in Longview, WashingLOn. Fritsch formerly was assisLant principal at Monticello Middle School and athletic director at R.A. Long High School. Brad Hall is principal al Meridia Consulting, LLC, in Louisville, Colorado. Cheryl Wardell Leaches physi– cal education at Rock Creek Elementary School. In October 2002, Wardell was named the Oregon elementary physical education teacher of the year, an award given by the Oregon Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Eric Slater is the Midwest bureau chief for the Los Angeles Times and is based in Chicago. Simer worked in Afghanistan for three months as the lead corre– spondent for the Times. He has been with the Times eight years, and previously was a reporter for the Grants Pass Courier. Eve Slinker MFA is an artist and co-owner of Skylight Gallery in Enterprise. Slinker has taught waLercolor at Blue Mountain Community College, drawing and basic design at Eastern Oregon University, watercolor and basic design at PSU, and oil painting,