PSU Magazine Winter 2003

Compiled by Myma Du ray Lawrence Anthony is a retired hospital administrator living in Zillah, Washington. Robert "Bob"Jones is chief financial officer al Gray Purcell , lnc., a commercial general con– tractor. Jones has over 30 years of management accounting, contract administration, and systems experience. He and his wife, Pam, have two children and six grandchildren and reside in Portland. Dennis Crow MST writes, "I retired as superintendent of the Sandy Union High School Dis– trict in 1995. I currently research radio history and contribute to the Old Time Radio Digest, a daily N O T E S Internet newsleuer. I also provide educational support for Elder– hostels held at the Collins Retreat Center in Eagle Creek. My focus is episodic radio of the thirties and forties. " Michael "Mike" Fahey is presi– dent of Columbia Helicopters, Inc. , a heavy-lift helicopter operation in Oregon which specializes in selective logging. Fahey lives in Lake Oswego. Robert "Bob" Ficken MA '70 is a historian, author, and researcher. Ficken's fifth book, Washington Territo1y, was pub– lished by Washington State Uni– versity Press in 2002. He lives in Issaquah, Washington. Dan Manassau is a CPA who works as a senior financial ana– lyst for Lockheed Martin Corp. in Sunnyvale, California. Manas- ABC ALUMNI B ENEFIT CARD Your Passport to PSU • A lumni 1D card • D;scounted rales on PSU Theater Arls procluclions • Reduced rates on outdoor equipment • Low-cosl use of the Vikin~ Bowl and Bill;ards • Pay-as-you-go access to the Stott Cenler Recreation Pacilities (day-use fees apply) • Customize your ABC Card lo meel your needs by adding on annual mem.herships to the Slotl Cenler, Library, and tl1e Microcomputer Labs (additional fees apply) Call (503) 725--1,948 for details or check oul our Web page al A SERVICE OF YOUR PSU ALPMNI ASSOCIATION 22 PSU MAGAZl E WI TER 2003 sau also serves as chairman of the supervisory commiuee (audit commiuee) of Star One Credit Union. He plans to retire in the Las Vegas area in the next few years. Scott Parker's research paper on TS. Eliot, "Tradition and the Individual Talent," was recently transferred to the collection of The lnstitute for Creation Research in Santee, California. "This paper illustrates God's response to the cenified faith in Christ, according to I Cor. 15:1- 4," says Parker. The essay was pan of the collection of the former TS. Eliot Society in St. Louis. Robert Haworth is quality research assurance engineering manager at Diodes, Inc., a semi– conductor manufacturer in Westlake Village, California. Judy Vogland MFA '80 has been an artist for the past 35 years in a variety of media. After completing her master's degree, she taught an in high schools and colleges, and workshops at PSU's summer Haystack pro– gram and for the Oregon Museum of Science and Indus– try. ln October, the Astoria Visual Arts Gallery exhibited her mixed media assemblage, which explored the past and present through old photographs, his– toric documents, and other found material. Her work is rep– resemed in numerous private and corporate collections. She lives in Portland. Bradley Andrews is senior con– struction consultant at Madsen, Kneppers & Associates in Wal– nut Creek, California. Andrews was ordained as a Permanent Deacon in the Roman Catholic Church, Diocese of Santa Rosa, in October 2000. Denis O'Mahoney is a self– employed lawyer practicing in Costa Mesa, California. Susan Hayden MAT '74 writes, "Since 1982, I've been an adjunct professor teaching beginning and advanced foreign language meth– ods, while teaching French full time at Aloha High School in Beaverton." In 1996, Hayden earned a Ph.D. from Pennsylva– nia State University. Earl Shumaker is an associate professor, head of the govern– ment publications departmem, and coordinator of the branch libraries at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois. Richard Rolland is director of the Northwest and Alaska Tribal Technical Assistance Programs (TTAP). The agency provides transportation-related training and services to 277 Tribal gov– ernmems in Alaska, Idaho, western Montana, Oregon, and Washington through Federal Highway Administration con– tracts with Eastern Washington University. Rolland lives in Cheney, Washington. Dave Shields retired after serv– ing 31 years as an instructor at Mt. Hood Community College. Shields has taught education, sociology and automotive machining courses, and also worked as director of career planning and placement and cooperative education. Hedrick Hueneke MBA '85 is manager of the developer manu– facturing department at OHKA America, Inc., in Hillsboro. David Brinker is chief executive officer at Webridge , Inc., a firm providing extranet software for businesses. He and his wife, Jeannette Brinker '79, and fam– ily live in Portland.