PSU Magazine Winter 2003

Au MN I ASSOCIATION N E W S Scholarship available for a child of a PSU graduate The PSU Alumni Association is seeking applications for the Jane Wiener Memorial Alumni Scholarship for fall 2003. Recognizing that many of our alumni struggled financially to obtain an undergraduate education , the asso– ciation awards this scholarship to help provide an undergraduate education for the next generation, particularly those who lack the financial resources to attend Portland State. maximum of 15 quarters (186 credit hours) or until the completion of an undergraduate degree , whichever occurs first. For more information or to receive an application, call 503-725- 4949 or visit the Web site www.alumni.! programs. Applications are due in the Alumni Office by May 8. young people LO fulfill their dream of graduating from college and finding a satisfying career. Sarah Whitney '03 , our fourth scholar, is in her third and final year on the scholarship. She is the daughter of Douglas Whitney '80. Sarah has had a stellar career at PSU , maintaining a better than 3.5 GPA and performing community service work with youth and the homeless. Of the previous recipients, one recently completed medical school at Oregon Health & Science University, one is a doctoral student in physics at University of Cal– ifornia-Davis, and one is a special edu– cation teacher in Eugene. To be eligible, applicants must be the child or stepchild of a PSU gradu– ate, be enrolled at PSU as a resident undergraduate, have a 2.5 cumulative GPA, qualify on the basis of need as determined by the Office of Financial Aid upon receipt of application for aid, and demonstrate community service involvement. The scholarship is named after the late Jane Wiener, who graduated from PSU in 1969 and Northwestern School of Law in 1973. She was a Multnomah County deputy district attorney for 21 years and served on the PSU Alumni Board from 1991 until her death in 1994. Support the program For more information or to make a donation, contact Mary Coniglio, PSU Alumni Relations, at 503-725-5073 or visit the Web site at www.alumni . pdx. edu . The scholarship provides full resi– dent tuition and required fees for a Donations to the Jane Wiener Memor– ial Alumni Scholarship are tax deductible, and make it possible for We need your help in advocating for PSU Here at the PSU Alumni Association, we have two major goals: promoting and supporting Portland Stale and keeping alumni connected to the University through services, programs, and activities. Usually these two goals result in the same thing-benefits for alumni that also benefit the University. Right now we have a critical need for your assistance. ln this time of increased demand for higher education, Portland Stale needs your voice. PSU Advocates, the public information arm of the Alumni Association, is looking for people willing Lo share Portland State's achievements and goals with colleagues, business and community leaders, elected officials, neighbors, and friends. As we enter another legislative session in Oregon, your voice can be critical in advancing PSU's and higher education's cause. PSU Advocates sponsors training and information ses– sions, newsletters, coffees, legislative visits, and even social gatherings, such as our Salem reception in the spring. All activities are paid for with private funds. What's in it for you7 Knowing that you are helping make a difference for Portland State students and faculty by telling 20 PSU MAGAZINE WINTER 2003 the PSU story; keeping connected with the University through periodical email and other updates; and staying connected to administrators and other alumni This is an easy way to give back to higher education and keep informed about the University. To join, log on to the Web site and click programs, then advocates. Read the information and sign up to be an advocate. Then participate as you choose. If you have questions, contact Advocates Chair Roger Capps '60 at . We have many other volunteer opportunities that will benefit you as well, including selecting our outstanding alumni recipients, volunteering al the Simon Benson House Visitors Center, serving on an alumni committee, or hosting a PSU Weekend speaker. Everything you do helps Portland State and you, our alumni. Best wishes for the New Year and please join us in advancing our alma mater. Tamara Dann Lewis '69 President, PSU Alumni Association Board of Directors